10 TED lectures, which will help to understand the life

Conference TED - a great opportunity to hear all kinds of people. To share experience on the scene astronauts, writers, scientists, artists and representatives of other professions. Each of them has a story that deserves to be heard.
< Website has collected 10 lectures that will help you understand the issues and inspire for new achievements.
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top 5 mistakes мечтателейhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/bel_pesce_5_ways_to_kill_your_dreams.html
The girl who has achieved all she talks about how it is not necessary to dream. Belle Pesch first left his native Brazil to make a career in Silicon Valley, and then returned home, became a successful businessman and began to inspire others. She advises celebrate every win and enjoy life.
Why not consider myself ugly https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/meaghan_ramsey_why_thinking_you_re_ugly_is_bad_for_you.html
Lawyer and Director of Global Project Dove Self-Esteem Project Megan Ramsay raises the issue of self-doubt. It features a variety of videos, where teenage girls ask the web questions about their appearance. Negative comments can ruin their lives.
How to find a job that you полюбитеhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/scott_dinsmore_how_to_find_work_you_love.html
Traveler and writer Scott Dinsmore founded the organization «Live Your Legend», which helps people find their calling. He threw a hateful job to live the dream. Scott Lecture may inspire you to completely change their lives.
What makes people счастливымиhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/robert_waldinger_what_makes_a_good_life_lessons_from_the_longest_study_on_happiness.html
Psychiatrist Robert Uoldinger shared the results of a large study in history, which lasted 75 years. It was to answer the question of what happiness is. It turns out that we do not need the money, recognition and fame, most importantly - a strong relationship with your family, friends, loved ones and associates
How to live with passion in any. возрастеhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/isabelle_allende_how_to_live_passionately_no_matter_your_age.html
Life does not end after 50 years. You can always fill your every day adventures and bright moments. In the example that proves the 71-year-old writer Isabel Allende.
As nothing боятьсяhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/chris_hadfield_what_i_learned_from_going_blind_in_space.html
Famous astronaut Chris Hadfield helps in another way to look at the fear. Describing how blind in space, he asked whether such terrible now appear in the audience of their phobia.
Why each book is secret дверьюhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/mac_barnett_why_a_good_book_is_a_secret_door.html
Children's writer Mac Barnett admires her little readers who believe in fairy tales. He quotes a letter the boy to this whale, and recalls Shop for pirates. Mak sure that we can and must believe in miracles.
Strength интровертовhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts.html
You do not have to be an extrovert to conquer the world. We must be able to realize the potential and still is. Lawyer Susan Kane, who calls herself a "quiet revolutionary," says about how talented and deep are introverts.
What begins happiness https://embed-ssl.ted.com /talks/lang/ru/david_steindl_rast_want_to_be_happy_be_grateful.html
Some people believe that gratitude - the result of luck. The monk and writer David Steindl-Rast sure that the opposite is true. Only those people who are grateful for each passing moment, can feel the joy.
That will teach not give https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/diana_nyad_never_ever_give_up.html
In '64 a journalist Diana Nayad realized her dream. She swam more than 160 kilometers from Cuba to Florida. Brave woman tells why it is always necessary to move forward.
15 inspiring lectures. You will be something to think about
10 inspiring TED lectures with a Russian voice acting
via www.ted.com/
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