Internet could collapse. We need a "Plan B"
Ролик with TED 2013 (over 1 million views)
Danny Hills (Danny Hillis, creator Connection Machine , co-founder of Long Now Foundation ) tries to convey to the minds, ideas worth spreading.
In this video:
- Directory of e-mails in 1982
- Danny checked third in the world domain name (by the way, what were the first two?)
- "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" - communist principles in the service of minutes. US Defense
- Why the Internet is fragile and vulnerable, and that such "negative time»
"Somehow, we are focused on protecting computers on the Internet, rather than on the protection of the Internet itself.
Internet is quite fragile system »
"Now the Internet is not used and not for the purpose for which it was originally conceived»
"The Internet is changing so rapidly that even the experts do not have a complete picture»
"For years, many of my like-minded patiently trying to convey to the minds that we need an independent backup system»
Under the cut trio first commercial domain names and a few speeches Danny Hills
1. symbolics.com
2. bbn.com
3. think.com
Back to the future (of 1994)
Understanding cancer through proteomics (of 2010)
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/220497/
Danny Hills (Danny Hillis, creator Connection Machine , co-founder of Long Now Foundation ) tries to convey to the minds, ideas worth spreading.
In this video:
- Directory of e-mails in 1982
- Danny checked third in the world domain name (by the way, what were the first two?)
- "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" - communist principles in the service of minutes. US Defense
- Why the Internet is fragile and vulnerable, and that such "negative time»
"Somehow, we are focused on protecting computers on the Internet, rather than on the protection of the Internet itself.
Internet is quite fragile system »
"Now the Internet is not used and not for the purpose for which it was originally conceived»
"The Internet is changing so rapidly that even the experts do not have a complete picture»
"For years, many of my like-minded patiently trying to convey to the minds that we need an independent backup system»
Under the cut trio first commercial domain names and a few speeches Danny Hills
1. symbolics.com
2. bbn.com
3. think.com
Back to the future (of 1994)

Understanding cancer through proteomics (of 2010)
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/220497/
The use of micro-robots to perform complex teamwork: a new project with funding DARPA (video)
Impressive optical illusion of