The use of micro-robots to perform complex teamwork: a new project with funding DARPA (video)

Probably any representative habrasoobschestva at least once paid attention to the coordinated work of social insects, whether ants, bees or wasps. Colonies of social insects can perform highly complex work that has not yet afford device created by man.
But if it were possible to teach robots to work together as the same ants, it would be possible to perform a very delicate and complex work. For example, the assembly of electronic devices, there repair or in inaccessible locations. So far, all of this - the distant future, but experts are already trying to create something similar.
For the smooth operation of miniature robots scientists use magnetic field (Diamagnetic Micro Manipulation, DM3) using printed circuit boards (PCB). Micro-robots are made from inexpensive magnets. All this allows you to cheaply create a large number of such systems. A special program is manipulating the magnetic field, which in turn controls the robots.
system can be configured to work as a 1-2 robots and their groups (in any amount). Despite its small size, the robots move very quickly (meter for a couple of seconds), and do their work accurately.

According to the developers, DM3 can be used to create prototypes of any devices, assembly of electronic circuits, biotechnological work, assembly of mechanical devices. All this can be scaled if necessary, with hundreds of micro-robots. It is clear that the program management is quite complicated, but over time, you can create basic algorithms that will be used to create more complex behaviors of the system.
Funding for this proeokta, by the way, is part of the program DARPA, Open Manufacturing.
Via SRI International
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/220523/