On microfabrica will employ tiny robots +video
A team of researchers from SRI International, the company develops miniature biocoenology the factory of the future where tiny robots work on the magnetic control will work on the Assembly of finished products. These little bots will work simultaneously and to collect part of the non-silicon antifoaming electronics and small mechanical systems, as well as to produce production fabric.
Micro-robots can work with glass, metal, wood, liquids, and electronic components.
At the heart of this system is the technology diamagnetic micro-manipulation (Diamagnetic Micro Manipulation, DM3):
robots move very quickly through the metal circuit Board to which integrated control electromagnets.
Using a magnetic field of microrobots can be made to move in any direction, including curved surfaces and vertical walls.
They can carry a variety of materials, parts or components to perform joining. Every tiny bot of sync with the others, so that their movements are accurate to microseconds.
The prototype system currently uses only a small handful of robots.
However, the company's goal is to create a large-scale system, which will work thousands of mechanized robonurse.
The DM3 concept is part of DARPA Open Manufacturing, the main interest of which is to encourage lateral thinking in the manufacturing process.
Source: brainswork.ru