10 lectures, after watching them you will be something to think about
Since 1984, the United States held a conference gathering on one stage scientists, politicians, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, engineers, and many others. It's called TED - Technology, Entertainment, Design, which can be loosely translated into Russian as "Science, Art, Culture».
The slogan of the conference, "Ideas worth spreading", explains its main task - to talk about interesting ideas to the greatest number of people.
< Website I have compiled a list of the best lectures, which are able to inspire, motivate and even uncover the secrets of the great success.
Do not forget to include Russian subtitles!
Force интровертовhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts.htmlВ society, where sociability and looseness is valued above all else, to be an introvert - tough and even shameful. However, Susan Kane in his inspiring lecture argues that introverts give the world their amazing talents and abilities, and they need to maintain and cherish.
How to suppress the schools творчествоhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.htmlСэр Ken Robinson proposes to create educational systems, aimed at the development, not the suppression of creativity.
Appearance is not important. Believe me, I модельhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/cameron_russell_looks_aren_t_everything_believe_me_i_m_a_model.htmlКамерон Russell admits that she won the "genetic lottery" being tall, handsome lingerie model. But do not judge its appearance. This fearless speech, she leers on the industry, forcing her to look very tempting at the age of 16.
Depression - our common тайнаhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/andrew_solomon_depression_the_secret_we_share.html«Противоположность depression is not happiness, but a vital energy that left me. " In his speech - the same as convincing in what and wasted - Andrew Solomon leads you to the darkest paths of his mind the time when he was struggling with depression. This fight was the starting point of his world tour, during which he interviewed other people who suffer from depression, and, to his surprise, found that the more open he is, the more people are willing to talk about their experiences.
Language shapes your body личностьhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are.htmlЯзык body affects how other people see us, but it also can change our view of ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how the adoption of the key strengths - such as posture of confidence, even in those situations where we do not feel confident - influences the levels of testosterone and cortisol in the blood and increases our chances of success.
Why us спим?https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/russell_foster_why_do_we_sleep.htmlРассел Foster - circadian neurologist. He is studying sleep cycles in the brain. And he asks: what do we know about sleep? Not much, as it turns out, for the thing that takes up a third of our lives. In his speech, Foster talks about the three popular theories that explain why we sleep, destroying some myths about how much sleep is needed for people of different ages, and helpful hints for new use sleep as a predictor of mental illness.
Underwater чудесаhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/david_gallo_shows_underwater_astonishments.htmlДэвид Gallo shows exclusive footage of sea creatures, from which the jaw-dropping, including cuttlefish change color, perfectly camouflaged octopus and demonstration of neon lights, just like in Times Square, the fish that live in the dark depths of the ocean itself.
Educate every child that a meal https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/jamie_oliver.html video> sharing impressive stories from his anti-obesity program in Huntington, West Virginia, TED Prize winner Jamie Oliver calls for a full-scale assault on our ignorance of food.
Try something new for 30 днейhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/matt_cutts_try_something_new_for_30_days.htmlЕсть Is that something that you're always going to do, wanted to do, but ... just do not do? Matt Cutts suggests: Try to do it in 30 days. This short, cheerful report offers a great way of setting and achieving goals.
I have 99 problems ...
cerebral palsy and only one of them https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/maysoon_zayid_i_got_99_problems_palsy_is_just_one.html«У I have cerebral palsy. I keep shaking, "- says Meysun Zayid at the beginning of this very funny and inspiring speech. (It is really very funny!) "I like a cross between Shakira and Muhammad Ali." American of Arab origin, the actress and stage comedian, philanthropist, and defender of the rights of persons with disabilities, Meysun graceful and witty opens the door for us into the world of adventure.
CONTINUED: Another 15 inspiring lectures, after watching them you will be something to think about.
See also:
10 things you should not tell people depressed
7 tricks to help improve memory
10 things I learned happy relationship
via www.ted.com/
The slogan of the conference, "Ideas worth spreading", explains its main task - to talk about interesting ideas to the greatest number of people.
< Website I have compiled a list of the best lectures, which are able to inspire, motivate and even uncover the secrets of the great success.
Do not forget to include Russian subtitles!
Force интровертовhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts.htmlВ society, where sociability and looseness is valued above all else, to be an introvert - tough and even shameful. However, Susan Kane in his inspiring lecture argues that introverts give the world their amazing talents and abilities, and they need to maintain and cherish.
How to suppress the schools творчествоhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.htmlСэр Ken Robinson proposes to create educational systems, aimed at the development, not the suppression of creativity.
Appearance is not important. Believe me, I модельhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/cameron_russell_looks_aren_t_everything_believe_me_i_m_a_model.htmlКамерон Russell admits that she won the "genetic lottery" being tall, handsome lingerie model. But do not judge its appearance. This fearless speech, she leers on the industry, forcing her to look very tempting at the age of 16.
Depression - our common тайнаhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/andrew_solomon_depression_the_secret_we_share.html«Противоположность depression is not happiness, but a vital energy that left me. " In his speech - the same as convincing in what and wasted - Andrew Solomon leads you to the darkest paths of his mind the time when he was struggling with depression. This fight was the starting point of his world tour, during which he interviewed other people who suffer from depression, and, to his surprise, found that the more open he is, the more people are willing to talk about their experiences.
Language shapes your body личностьhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are.htmlЯзык body affects how other people see us, but it also can change our view of ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how the adoption of the key strengths - such as posture of confidence, even in those situations where we do not feel confident - influences the levels of testosterone and cortisol in the blood and increases our chances of success.
Why us спим?https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/russell_foster_why_do_we_sleep.htmlРассел Foster - circadian neurologist. He is studying sleep cycles in the brain. And he asks: what do we know about sleep? Not much, as it turns out, for the thing that takes up a third of our lives. In his speech, Foster talks about the three popular theories that explain why we sleep, destroying some myths about how much sleep is needed for people of different ages, and helpful hints for new use sleep as a predictor of mental illness.
Underwater чудесаhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/david_gallo_shows_underwater_astonishments.htmlДэвид Gallo shows exclusive footage of sea creatures, from which the jaw-dropping, including cuttlefish change color, perfectly camouflaged octopus and demonstration of neon lights, just like in Times Square, the fish that live in the dark depths of the ocean itself.
Educate every child that a meal https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/jamie_oliver.html video> sharing impressive stories from his anti-obesity program in Huntington, West Virginia, TED Prize winner Jamie Oliver calls for a full-scale assault on our ignorance of food.
Try something new for 30 днейhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/matt_cutts_try_something_new_for_30_days.htmlЕсть Is that something that you're always going to do, wanted to do, but ... just do not do? Matt Cutts suggests: Try to do it in 30 days. This short, cheerful report offers a great way of setting and achieving goals.
I have 99 problems ...
cerebral palsy and only one of them https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/lang/ru/maysoon_zayid_i_got_99_problems_palsy_is_just_one.html«У I have cerebral palsy. I keep shaking, "- says Meysun Zayid at the beginning of this very funny and inspiring speech. (It is really very funny!) "I like a cross between Shakira and Muhammad Ali." American of Arab origin, the actress and stage comedian, philanthropist, and defender of the rights of persons with disabilities, Meysun graceful and witty opens the door for us into the world of adventure.
CONTINUED: Another 15 inspiring lectures, after watching them you will be something to think about.
See also:
10 things you should not tell people depressed
7 tricks to help improve memory
10 things I learned happy relationship
via www.ted.com/
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