15 inspiring lectures. You will be something to think about

Since 1984, the United States held a conference gathering on one stage scientists, politicians, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, engineers, and many others. It's called TED - Technology, Entertainment, Design, which can be loosely translated into Russian as "Science, Art, Culture».
The slogan of the conference, "Ideas worth spreading", explains its main task - to talk about interesting ideas to the greatest number of people.
< Website I have compiled a list of the best lectures, which are able to inspire, motivate and even uncover the secrets of the great success.
Do not forget to include Russian subtitles!
The secret power улыбкиhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/ron_gutman_the_hidden_power_of_smiling.htmlРон Guttman examines several studies on smile, and share amazing results. Did you know that a smile can predict how long you will live, and that a simple smile has a significant impact on your well-being as a whole? Get ready to relax a few facial muscles while you listen to about this evolutionarily contagious behavior.
10 major technological
Tips for saving time https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/david_pogue_10_top_time_saving_tech_tips.htmlКорреспондент David Pogue shares 10 simple but clever techniques for users of computers, the Internet, smart phones and digital cameras. Of course, some of them you already know, but among them surely have at least one with which you are unfamiliar.
Why are so few among us женщин-руководителейhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/sheryl_sandberg_why_we_have_too_few_women_leaders.htmlРуководитель administrative service companies facebook Sheryl Sandberg reflects on why leadership positions so few women and 3 offers useful advice to women who want to make a career.
Bits without границhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/reggie_watts_disorients_you_in_the_most_entertaining_way.htmlРитмы Reggie Watts challenged banality. Disconnect the sensor logic and see how it creates poetry and crosses the boundaries of musical genres in his speech.
If I have a дочь...https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/sarah_kay_if_i_should_have_a_daughter.html«Если I have a daughter, instead of Mom, she would call me Point B ... "So began by poet Sarah Kay, inspiring viewers to applaud her twice standing. It tells the story of his transformation - from shirokoglazogo teenager absorbent poetry of New York's Bowery Poetry Club, to teacher, revealing the power of self-expression for children in the project VOICE
We carry the revolution обучении!https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_bring_on_the_revolution.htmlЖиво interesting ideas and continuing his legendary performance in 2006, Ken Robinson justifies radical transition from school to the individual standards of education and create conditions for the flourishing of natural talents of the child.
As I held my breath for 17 минутhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/david_blaine_how_i_held_my_breath_for_17_min.htmlВ its exceptional manner magician magician and stuntman David Blaine describes the difficulties in the way to ensure that hold his breath under water for 17 minutes - a world record (only two minutes short of the story!). And he says that means to him his work, defying death. Warning: do not try at home.
As prominent leaders inspire действоватьhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action.htmlУ Simon Seneca has a simple but powerful model of inspirational leadership that begins with the "Golden Ring" and the question "Why?" An example of such leadership is a corporation Apple, Martin Luther King, the Wright brothers - as opposed to less successful company TiVo (at least until recent victory in the lawsuit, triple the price of its shares).
Nature. Beauty. Благодарностьhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/louie_schwartzberg_nature_beauty_gratitude.htmlКрасоту Nature is easy to overlook, but not through the lens of Louis Schwartzberg. His mesmerizing slow shots, accompanied by colorful speech Brother David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk of the Order - meditation on gratitude for every given day.
In the Internet age, dance становится...https://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/the_lxd_in_the_internet_age_dance_evolves.htmlLXD, The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers, shocked the audience TED street dancing - a young, rapidly growing global subculture, the troubled internet.
Unknown Story of David and Голиафаhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/malcolm_gladwell_the_unheard_story_of_david_and_goliath.htmlКлассическая the story of a loser: the young shepherd David, armed with a slingshot only wins mighty warrior Goliath. From the usual biblical tales she turned into the story of the incredible victory. In his speech, Malcolm Gladwell answers the question - what is really the story?
Beauty imaging данныхhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/david_mccandless_the_beauty_of_data_visualization.htmlДэвид McCandless turns complex data sets (global costs of the war, the hum of the media, a status update on Facebook) into beautiful, but simple diagrams. He argues that the information design as a tool to navigate in today's sea of information and search for common patterns and relationships can turn our perception of the world.
Danger молчанияhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/clint_smith_the_danger_of_silence.html«Мы spend so much time listening to what people say they rarely pay attention to what they are silent, "- said slam poet and teacher Clint Smith. Short impressive speech from the heart about how to find the courage to speak against ignorance and injustice.
How do I overcome the fear of сценойhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/joe_kowan_how_i_beat_stage_fright.htmlСтрах concelebrated people good service, helping to avoid the fate of being eaten by stronger animals. All this is fine, if not primitive, penetrating to the bone sense of not allowing to speak to music lovers on the evening of 20 "free microphone" on Tuesday. Palms sweat, his hands shaking, his eyes darkened, and the brain yells: "Run!" That's all - stage fright. In his speech, the charming music of Joe Cowan talks about how he overcame it.
Take another take себяhttps://embed-ssl.ted.com/talks/thandie_newton_embracing_otherness_embracing_myself.htmlАктриса Thandie Newton tells his story about how to be different: first child, living in two cultures, then an actress to embody a variety of roles.
CONTINUED: Another 10 lectures, after watching them you will be something to think about (part 2).
via www.ted.com/