Place of collection: how to choose the perfect office for your startup

© György Kőrössy
Tips for those who decided to shoot a full office. How to choose a room and what details it is worth asking the owner? Director of marketing and sales of real estate "МИАН24" Andrey Petukhov told what to look for when choosing the workspace. Prioritize
Depending on the role of space in business can be divided into the so-called front-office and back-office. Free translation into Russian — "selling" and "service" respectively. You are going to serve the customers in the office? What is the flow of customers per day are expected? If customers assume a lot (retail business), it is quite natural that the front office should be placed in the pass-through location next to the subway. If, for example, you organize the design Studio and the main communication with the client is online, then you will fit almost any space. Therefore, it is important to first decide how you will work with customers, and only then to seek the office.
Choose the office for people with a common mistake of business owners is to rent an office near his home or "prestigious location". In this case, there are problems with recruiting and attracting clients. Not everyone is ready to travel to remote industrial area or pay for a business lunch 500 rubles. Think of the simple workers: how they will get there, where to eat, etc. an Important problem is the Parking — once you decide how many Parking spaces are necessary for your employees and customers.
Classes and Offices are divided into different classes — a+, A, A-, b, C and D. the higher the grade, the better the location, the quality of the facilities and infrastructure development. But be careful and choose the amount of characteristics, not just in the classroom. Average rental price is now 22.5 thousand RUB/m2 a year, but the price range starts from 9 thousand RUB./m2 to infinity. Of course, office rent in the business centre — the most convenient option. For example, if necessary, extensions will be possible to move or rent additional space nearby.

© György Kőrössy
Crisis — the most successful period for lease since the summer due to geopolitical factors, the price of rent of office real estate fell by 8-15%. Even many large companies refuse of the area or transferred back offices to cheaper business centers. Therefore, it is now possible to deal with very best offers. Can be easily traded with landlords and asking for concessions.
Mix and match formats But despite the price correction, prices in prestigious business centers remain sky-high. While modern communication technologies allow us to work with the entire world online — take advantage of this opportunity. For example, it is possible to place a small front office in Central Moscow, and service units — in the Moscow suburbs. Part of the staff you can hire to work remotely, with weekly meetings in the office.
Pitfalls do Not hesitate to ask questions to the owner who intend to rent working space. The key question — "legal residence": if you can obtain a legal address and will officially inscribed in the list of tenants. Without this, for example, no serious Bank will not open you the calculation. Immediately discuss all associated costs: who takes care of maintenance of the premises, which Internet provider allowed in the building, etc. If you need a sign and the other outer NAV — discuss "on the banks": the law without the consent of the owner of any outdoor advertising unacceptable.

© György Kőrössy
Think about the sublease the Sublease is ordinary business practice. If any room is for you too large, the "extra" space to sublease, earning a fixed income every month. Ideally, the sublease may cover most of your costs at the office. Also you can use the sublease when taking office. In this case, be sure to ask the landlord for a written confirmation of the consent of the owner.
To rent or to buy? Clients often ask the question: what is more profitable — rent or buy? Each situation is individual: you need to match the growth in rental rates and rising prices for commercial real estate. The choice of the majority, even major companies — hire. This is not to exclude alternative instruments, such as commercial mortgages and real estate leasing.
As you Can search to look for the office on their own or entrust this work to a realtor. But even if you contact a realtor, spend the first preparatory work for yourself — look for deals online, and chat with the owners and their agents. This will allow you to specify your requirements, and also feel more confident when working with a realtor. When selecting a contractor from among the agents pay attention to the personal experience of the realtor and not just on the overall experience of the Agency. And do not hesitate to demand the replacement of a realtor, if his work does not suit you.
Source: theoryandpractice.ru