The car Bloodhound SSC received a jet engine

The team involved in the creation of a supersonic rocket car Bloodhound SSC, who next year will attempt to overcome a lath of speed to 1000 mph (1600 kph), was one step closer to accomplishing your goal. And these step was the installation on the upper part of the chassis of the car a modern jet engine EJ200, one of the two car engines that will enable it to accelerate to record-breaking speed.

The EJ200 engine is a jet engine from a Eurofighter Typhoon. When the weight of the engine in the region of one ton, it provides about nine tons (90 kN) thrust. Installing the engine took about 8 hours of work five engineers, and the installation procedure was carried out at the technical centre Bloodhound house at avonmouth (Avonmouth) near Bristol, UK.
Below the EJ200 engine, also on a special chassis made of aluminum and steel, will be installed hybrid rocket engine, manufactured by Nammo. A rocket engine will produce about 12.3 tons (123.75 kN) of thrust and the total thrust produced by the engine and Nammo EJ200 will be more than 21 tons. This level of thrust generated corresponds to the total capacity of 135 thousand horsepower, equivalent to 180 power race cars of Formula 1.

The car Bloodhound SSC, which is shaped like a pencil on wheels, will have a length of 13.4 meters, a diameter of 1.83 meters and its weight will be 7.5 tonnes. The car body will be made of light molded titanium sheets, which are attached to the chassis with a special adhesive and 1400 rivets used in the aviation industry.
"The installation of a jet engine is a very important milestone for our project," says mark Chapman (Mark Chapman), the chief engineer of the Bloodhound, — "Now, having installed the engine, we understand that several years of hard work of our team, which includes engineers from the automotive and aerospace areas, were not spent in vain."

Work on the project Bloodhound SSC go strictly as planned, steadily approaching the time when the car will go on its first test race, which will be held at the airport Newquay Aerohub next summer and which car will develop the maximum speed 200 mph (321 km / h).
And if all tests are passed successfully, in the winter between 2015 and 2016, the team will travel to South Africa, where the 12-mile track will attempt to overcome the barrier of the speed of 1000 miles per hour. During the record-in car Bloodhound SSC, driven by 51-year-old British air force pilot Andy green (Andy Green) will cover 12 miles (19 kilometers) of track in just two minutes. During acceleration overload will be 2g, and during braking — 3g.

Note that the current speed record is 763.035 miles per hour (1227.985 kilometers per hour). It was established in 1997 by the Thrust SSC car, which is the predecessor of the Bloodhound SSC car, which at that time ruled unchallenged Andy Greene.
Source: www.dailytechinfo.org
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