The vehicle to disperse ...
In the UK, the public was able to see "the car" (the quotation marks are not accidental) called Bloodhound SSC, which developers plan to accelerate to a record speed of 1,000 miles per hour (1,609 kilometers per hour). This will be the excess of the maximum speed record for land vehicles delivered almost 13 years ago! Currently completed work on the aerodynamics of 12 8-meter device, but on the technical work remains to be filled.
2 photos via gadgetpicture
Bloodhound SSC will be equipped with a jet engine Eurofighter-Typhoon and rocket engines with total capacity of 133,000 hp In the first trial, which will be held in two years, will disperse the car to a speed of only 480 km / h. And only then will attempt to disperse the Bloodhound SSC to a symbolic figure speed of 1000 miles per hour. The previous record belongs to the same rider, who will lead and the current car - Air Force pilot Andy Green of the British. In 1997, he disbanded the car Thrust SSC up to speed 1228 km / h for the first time exceeded the speed of sound by vehicle. Since the end of the last century, no new records established.
2 photos via gadgetpicture
Bloodhound SSC will be equipped with a jet engine Eurofighter-Typhoon and rocket engines with total capacity of 133,000 hp In the first trial, which will be held in two years, will disperse the car to a speed of only 480 km / h. And only then will attempt to disperse the Bloodhound SSC to a symbolic figure speed of 1000 miles per hour. The previous record belongs to the same rider, who will lead and the current car - Air Force pilot Andy Green of the British. In 1997, he disbanded the car Thrust SSC up to speed 1228 km / h for the first time exceeded the speed of sound by vehicle. Since the end of the last century, no new records established.