From Belarus to Moscow - Car
As the car market is changing rapidly! If earlier Belarusians went for used cars in Germany, it is now for the new - in Russia. Moreover, contrary to predictions, not for the Lada, and for passenger cars average price category. Nuances in this case there is a lot. Technical - how to get a car that is in the running? Legal - what to do, for example, with the payment of travel on the M1? Security issues - generally a separate conversation. Together with Artem went from Minsk to Moscow for the new sedan.
What difficulties faced, read under the cut.
47 photos, and text.
Before the trip Artem explains why decided to go for a car to Moscow, "Long chose the car, traveled all the showrooms in Minsk. But somehow at once chose the Mazda3 sedan, third generation (engine - 1, 6-liter, manual transmission, a standard set of options). The car is fully arranged and technical characteristics and appearance. Not satisfied with one thing - the price. For the complete set of Base Minsk dealer asks $ 24,500 at the exchange rate of the National Bank. It is also necessary to add $ 450 for the color of Soul Red. I was ready to buy a car, but decided to see what is offered in Russia. It turned out a complete set of similar (in Russia it is called Active), only, for example, without heated seats, Moscow dealers are asked by 708,750 Russian rubles (about $ 19,400 at the time). Played into the hands of fluctuations in the foreign exchange market.
Of course, none of the dealers for such a sum does not sell (I found this out when contacted with managers auto), and throws a minimum of 10 000 rubles. But I managed to knock out discount! One dealer offered $ 250 cheaper, and the other - all for $ 900. That is, the total cost of my car in the color of Soul Red was $ 19 100. So, about $ 5,000 less than in Minsk ».
We emphasize that this situation is not only Mazda, but also other brands. Dealers in Belarus link to VAT, recently introduced recycling and many other factors. But the buyer is important for the final cost, and for the significant difference it is ready to do a long way.
17:00 (hereinafter referred to Minsk time). Final preparations for a long journey. Diesel workaholic Volkswagen Passat (who traditionally helps the Belarusians as he is not?) In order and ready to move another vehicle. Move the purchase on a gun carriage, it was decided for several reasons: firstly, remained unclear situation with the payment of travel on the M1, and second, a new car is easier run-aside, and in the third, he will be transported by car tselee.
However, finding the gun carriage in good condition and no "ears" to make it easier to maneuver, it was not easy. Our driver Vladimir looked through all the options in Minsk and suburb. He threw only one trailer 2013 release (rental cost $ 30 per night), but with broken size. We had to pick up a screwdriver and about an hour to deal with wiring. Now, in order of size, we can go!
17:35. Refuel with diesel fuel. We still remember the good word of our quality of diesel fuel, but a little later. In any case, check the tire pressure. By the way, driving all the way to Vladimir, a professional driver who has driven in the same way more than a dozen vehicles from Germany. Note: because the weight of the trailer over 750 kg, it will require not only the E driver, but also the skill of maneuvering in tight spaces. Looking ahead, we say that we drove 1500 km without incident, but the next day, when the car was delivered, and the trailer has just returned to the owner, on the Minsk ring road Volkswagen driver was hurt Chrysler.
18:00. We go on the road M2. Starts paid section of the road. However, our Volkswagen, even with the trailer falls into the category of, exemption from levying this charge. We recall the exact wording: "vehicles registered in the Customs Union (Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan), with a total weight of no more than 3, 5 tons of trailers and towed."
Before the trip we were trying to figure out: how to be Belarusians, who bought the car in the cabin, but has not been able for obvious reasons to put it on record? The press service of BelToll responded that formally have to pay for travel, as the car is not registered in the Customs Union. But at the same on-board device can not give, because there is no reference to the number (the system is focused on them). "Moving without registration plates is considered a violation of traffic rules, and questions arise from the traffic police", - stressed in the press-service.
In turn, noted that the traffic police fines only for late registration. The owner of the purchased vehicle is given ten days for registration. In short, machines are no rooms in any legislative vacuum. This is an obvious gap. We have a forum motorists say that traveled at their own risk and problems with transport inspectorate had not. However, some people have decided to use an alternative, rural routes on not the best roads: Someone broke the wheel, someone damaged the sump. A detour to the capital by road Vitebsk - Minsk will cost about 180 km.
18:30. We are already on the M1. On the way there are several car carriers moving toward the border with Russia. Ironically, the Mazda3, for which we are going, it seems, also transit through Belarus. She was taken from Japan to Belgium, and from there - in Moscow.
Even in Minsk for the car was introduced prepayment (about 15 thousand. Russian rubles), management sent a contract signed and sealed. By the way, for the translation into one of the banks ask for a commission 0, 3%, the amount obtained small, but given a period of five business days. Artem advises: "Be sure to specify the final amount and arrange a package of documents before the trip, to avoid surprises».
19:00. On the border of Minsk and Vitebsk regions note that the cost of the track is 7, 1 liter per hundred. I wonder what it will be when the gun carriage immerse car weighing 1745 kg? A little background information: on public roads with a trailer can go 70 km / h on motorways - 90 km / h. On the M1, our driver is guided by the signs for the trucks. Moving to the maximum speed, the trailer is not loose, not wagging. As if it does not exist at all.
19:20. 550 km of tracks. We stop snack in the cafe of the same name. Roadside service - a separate conversation. But this place is inexpensive and is open around the clock. So we recommend.
20:20. Crossing the border with Russia. No passport control. A common customs space allows you to seamlessly move the new car without registration, we are going to use. But there are fears that the car will attract the attention of criminal orientation. How it will look.
21:00. We drive to Smolensk. It should be noted that the Russian section of the M1 almost all good. Bumps, pits and potholes are found only in the Moscow region. The road generally very quiet, few cars late at night, but the radar - a lot.
23:30. We refuel at gas stations a world-known network. Brand loud, so without fear pour 30 liters. But after a few kilometers of the car at a set rate starts to twitch. With some difficulty climbing up the hill, which many in the Smolensk region. When we later, in Moscow, we stopped at a traffic light, the engine zachihal with difficulty pulled the car. "Hmm, that-oh-oplivo" - Vladimir hands in frustration.
2:30. The remaining part of the route passed quietly. However, the cold, the temperature difference between Minsk and Moscow palpable. In Russia, still covered with snow. We call in the parking lot of the hotel, located at the Kiev highway a few kilometers from Moscow. The rooms have been booked in advance, we were waiting for. However, to orient in a huge array of identical buildings office type was not easy.
Another half hour spent on it, to arrange parking. We can not understand whether and how much to pay extra. Russian guards with their manner to all, without exception, to address "you" offer to park the car directly in the parking lot. "And if the carriage stolen or remove numbers? How many of these cases, with the Belarusians were "- ask. Finally at the reception kindly agreed to open the gate, allowing to put the car directly under the camera.
10:00. The next morning we leave in the auto center, it is located nearby. Very handy skill Vladimir: the whole parking was causing the car to office workers, had to maneuver in a few inches from the car. A little knock in traffic jams, we call in the auto center. Washed and polished Mazda is waiting for a buyer.
10:30. Manager with undisguised pleasure shows the vehicle, the driver kit (first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, warning triangle), mats. The package of documents has been prepared. It seems that everything fits. But meticulous Vladimir, who many times transporting passenger cars from Germany, draws attention: the glass and seat belts contains the number "3", therefore they made in 2013. Of course, the machine could be collected later on, but so often the case, that our customs officers have appealed it to an earlier date.
The question is not whether to take the car or not. The difference in price compared with the exact same machine, but in 2013 the release of 40-45 thousand. Russian rubles. Either reduce the price or proving it! But the manager insisted on his and even called a specific date: Car made January 21, 2014.
11:00. Associated with the Minsk traffic police, which will register the car. They advise: take the dealer's certificate, which will indicate the date. At the same time we are trying to "break» VIN-code, but to no avail (the Internet does not know such a car). Managers dealership say they never issued such certificates.
12.00. An hour later a hitch dealership employees going forward. Dictating their text consisting of just one sentence. The signature, seal, you're done! In parallel, the information comes from Minsk dealer who confirmed: on the VIN-code car in 2014. Now, surely all is quiet. Note the discreet staff autofocus during a long pause.
12:30. The manager shows once again reminds about the car break-in mode (movement at a speed of 120 km / h, within 3, 5-4 thousand. RPM). The final settlement. Instead, give the package of documents, which will write more. Firstly, the buyer gets a vehicle passport. Before the trip, please specify its presence in the auto center. Sometimes, the document is in the bank, which acts as lender to dealer delivery vehicle. Secondly, in the package are a sales contract and a copy of the power of attorney issued by the manager (he signed the contract). Third, a copy of the customs declaration, which shows the country where the car is imported (Belgium), VIN-code and other important information. Fourth, the act of reception and transmission, as well as documents for the Belarusian dealer.
12:50. While the car is charged with five liters of fuel (it is included in the price), I ask the staff car center, how often do come Belarusians? Answer: Yes, recently asked a few people, all refer to the tangible difference in price. What caused it? Managers say evasively: only in Moscow 11-13 Dealers Mazda, and in Minsk - one. They say, feel the difference. Finally promise to consider our expertise in the design of reference. Later, in Belarus, this document is very useful. When you pay the recycling fee (it amounted to about 600 thousand. With paperwork) was a mistake, and the customs officers asked to produce a certificate.
13:00. Despite the menacing look, Technical Officer, mangled car exudes a positive, hands over the keys and having fun posing. A solemn moment. Let's go!
However, it is not necessary to go far - just 30 meters from the mast. If the car had to be taken on their own, then it would be necessary to draw Russia's insurance, then on the border with Belarus - our. But we do not have to waste time. While the Mazda3 - load. Hoisting the purchase of the trailer wheels are fastened with straps. Hard to believe that it is reliable, but believe me - the whole trip the machine is not budge one centimeter.
13:10. We leave the parking lot autofocus. It's snowing on the street slush. Wishing he had not bought the film. The interior, unfortunately, the factory has already been removed, and we still have 700 km leg it. Shining car sorry to export in the March weather, but what you can do.
13:30. A few turns, and we leave on the Moscow ring road. On the Mozhaisk road building a new interchange and getting stuck in traffic is inevitable. Turning around, even frightening at first, what kind of car hanging over the rear window? Bah! So there is the heroine of reportage, blesses us in the same second.
The hardest part - to maneuver in heavy traffic with such a burden on his back. But if accurate, it will succeed. Engine Passat, if necessary, ready to accelerate. Meanwhile, consumption reaches 13, 1 liter per hundred.
14:10. And we are already on the M1. It's snowing, roadway, as well as Mazda, zaporoshena. While in Minsk at the time was zero temperature and the rain came. Our fears that will attract too much attention, in vain. It looks like it's a usual thing, no one even looks. Towards us move more cargo a Mercedes with Kazakh numbers. "If you open the door of the van, and there probably will be a small car lying on its side - on tires, - says Vladimir. - Earlier in Germany and drove it. German television even made the first reports about such miracles. "
16:20. We are going quite slowly, taking into account weather conditions and the valuable cargo on a gun carriage. By Road consumption leveled and up to 8, 2 liters per 100 km. On the border of the Moscow and Smolensk regions we stop DPS officer. What does? Please carefully check the documents for Volkswagen, then the trailer. Then asked to present a paper on the Mazda3, long verifies VIN-code. And then suddenly he confessed: "I have a brother exactly the same in Grodno drove yesterday."
17:15. The weather is getting better. Until now refuel at one of the petrol stations network of the Russian Artem sad look on your car, covered with a layer of dirt: no matter how scratched. For the rest, no worries: the road is excellent, no one interferes, the suspicious car around there.
20:40. We drive in Belarus. Our diesel Passat appreciated and goes quite briskly. Although the path of the Russian part of the M1 was calm sigh of relief. Almost home!
22:30. Near the former paragraph fare transport inspection officers on duty. We stop and ask: shtrafuete cars without license plates? Crumple. They say the system does not recognize BelToll cars without license plates and, therefore, does not fix the violation. Stop the right, but such cases will not remember - usually driven carriages.
23:50. Minsk! Noting that almost without incident brought the car from another country. Spent about 120 liters of diesel fuel, drove about 1500 km, all took about one and a half days. Another of the cost: the hotel, snacks, rental trailer. Artem also had to pay for recycling (600 thousand. Br), and two days later the traffic police car without any problems put on the account. We sum up: the difference in the cost of $ 5000!
What difficulties faced, read under the cut.
47 photos, and text.

Before the trip Artem explains why decided to go for a car to Moscow, "Long chose the car, traveled all the showrooms in Minsk. But somehow at once chose the Mazda3 sedan, third generation (engine - 1, 6-liter, manual transmission, a standard set of options). The car is fully arranged and technical characteristics and appearance. Not satisfied with one thing - the price. For the complete set of Base Minsk dealer asks $ 24,500 at the exchange rate of the National Bank. It is also necessary to add $ 450 for the color of Soul Red. I was ready to buy a car, but decided to see what is offered in Russia. It turned out a complete set of similar (in Russia it is called Active), only, for example, without heated seats, Moscow dealers are asked by 708,750 Russian rubles (about $ 19,400 at the time). Played into the hands of fluctuations in the foreign exchange market.

Of course, none of the dealers for such a sum does not sell (I found this out when contacted with managers auto), and throws a minimum of 10 000 rubles. But I managed to knock out discount! One dealer offered $ 250 cheaper, and the other - all for $ 900. That is, the total cost of my car in the color of Soul Red was $ 19 100. So, about $ 5,000 less than in Minsk ».
We emphasize that this situation is not only Mazda, but also other brands. Dealers in Belarus link to VAT, recently introduced recycling and many other factors. But the buyer is important for the final cost, and for the significant difference it is ready to do a long way.
17:00 (hereinafter referred to Minsk time). Final preparations for a long journey. Diesel workaholic Volkswagen Passat (who traditionally helps the Belarusians as he is not?) In order and ready to move another vehicle. Move the purchase on a gun carriage, it was decided for several reasons: firstly, remained unclear situation with the payment of travel on the M1, and second, a new car is easier run-aside, and in the third, he will be transported by car tselee.

However, finding the gun carriage in good condition and no "ears" to make it easier to maneuver, it was not easy. Our driver Vladimir looked through all the options in Minsk and suburb. He threw only one trailer 2013 release (rental cost $ 30 per night), but with broken size. We had to pick up a screwdriver and about an hour to deal with wiring. Now, in order of size, we can go!
17:35. Refuel with diesel fuel. We still remember the good word of our quality of diesel fuel, but a little later. In any case, check the tire pressure. By the way, driving all the way to Vladimir, a professional driver who has driven in the same way more than a dozen vehicles from Germany. Note: because the weight of the trailer over 750 kg, it will require not only the E driver, but also the skill of maneuvering in tight spaces. Looking ahead, we say that we drove 1500 km without incident, but the next day, when the car was delivered, and the trailer has just returned to the owner, on the Minsk ring road Volkswagen driver was hurt Chrysler.
18:00. We go on the road M2. Starts paid section of the road. However, our Volkswagen, even with the trailer falls into the category of, exemption from levying this charge. We recall the exact wording: "vehicles registered in the Customs Union (Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan), with a total weight of no more than 3, 5 tons of trailers and towed."

Before the trip we were trying to figure out: how to be Belarusians, who bought the car in the cabin, but has not been able for obvious reasons to put it on record? The press service of BelToll responded that formally have to pay for travel, as the car is not registered in the Customs Union. But at the same on-board device can not give, because there is no reference to the number (the system is focused on them). "Moving without registration plates is considered a violation of traffic rules, and questions arise from the traffic police", - stressed in the press-service.
In turn, noted that the traffic police fines only for late registration. The owner of the purchased vehicle is given ten days for registration. In short, machines are no rooms in any legislative vacuum. This is an obvious gap. We have a forum motorists say that traveled at their own risk and problems with transport inspectorate had not. However, some people have decided to use an alternative, rural routes on not the best roads: Someone broke the wheel, someone damaged the sump. A detour to the capital by road Vitebsk - Minsk will cost about 180 km.
18:30. We are already on the M1. On the way there are several car carriers moving toward the border with Russia. Ironically, the Mazda3, for which we are going, it seems, also transit through Belarus. She was taken from Japan to Belgium, and from there - in Moscow.



Even in Minsk for the car was introduced prepayment (about 15 thousand. Russian rubles), management sent a contract signed and sealed. By the way, for the translation into one of the banks ask for a commission 0, 3%, the amount obtained small, but given a period of five business days. Artem advises: "Be sure to specify the final amount and arrange a package of documents before the trip, to avoid surprises».
19:00. On the border of Minsk and Vitebsk regions note that the cost of the track is 7, 1 liter per hundred. I wonder what it will be when the gun carriage immerse car weighing 1745 kg? A little background information: on public roads with a trailer can go 70 km / h on motorways - 90 km / h. On the M1, our driver is guided by the signs for the trucks. Moving to the maximum speed, the trailer is not loose, not wagging. As if it does not exist at all.
19:20. 550 km of tracks. We stop snack in the cafe of the same name. Roadside service - a separate conversation. But this place is inexpensive and is open around the clock. So we recommend.


20:20. Crossing the border with Russia. No passport control. A common customs space allows you to seamlessly move the new car without registration, we are going to use. But there are fears that the car will attract the attention of criminal orientation. How it will look.

21:00. We drive to Smolensk. It should be noted that the Russian section of the M1 almost all good. Bumps, pits and potholes are found only in the Moscow region. The road generally very quiet, few cars late at night, but the radar - a lot.



23:30. We refuel at gas stations a world-known network. Brand loud, so without fear pour 30 liters. But after a few kilometers of the car at a set rate starts to twitch. With some difficulty climbing up the hill, which many in the Smolensk region. When we later, in Moscow, we stopped at a traffic light, the engine zachihal with difficulty pulled the car. "Hmm, that-oh-oplivo" - Vladimir hands in frustration.
2:30. The remaining part of the route passed quietly. However, the cold, the temperature difference between Minsk and Moscow palpable. In Russia, still covered with snow. We call in the parking lot of the hotel, located at the Kiev highway a few kilometers from Moscow. The rooms have been booked in advance, we were waiting for. However, to orient in a huge array of identical buildings office type was not easy.

Another half hour spent on it, to arrange parking. We can not understand whether and how much to pay extra. Russian guards with their manner to all, without exception, to address "you" offer to park the car directly in the parking lot. "And if the carriage stolen or remove numbers? How many of these cases, with the Belarusians were "- ask. Finally at the reception kindly agreed to open the gate, allowing to put the car directly under the camera.

10:00. The next morning we leave in the auto center, it is located nearby. Very handy skill Vladimir: the whole parking was causing the car to office workers, had to maneuver in a few inches from the car. A little knock in traffic jams, we call in the auto center. Washed and polished Mazda is waiting for a buyer.

10:30. Manager with undisguised pleasure shows the vehicle, the driver kit (first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, warning triangle), mats. The package of documents has been prepared. It seems that everything fits. But meticulous Vladimir, who many times transporting passenger cars from Germany, draws attention: the glass and seat belts contains the number "3", therefore they made in 2013. Of course, the machine could be collected later on, but so often the case, that our customs officers have appealed it to an earlier date.

The question is not whether to take the car or not. The difference in price compared with the exact same machine, but in 2013 the release of 40-45 thousand. Russian rubles. Either reduce the price or proving it! But the manager insisted on his and even called a specific date: Car made January 21, 2014.

11:00. Associated with the Minsk traffic police, which will register the car. They advise: take the dealer's certificate, which will indicate the date. At the same time we are trying to "break» VIN-code, but to no avail (the Internet does not know such a car). Managers dealership say they never issued such certificates.

12.00. An hour later a hitch dealership employees going forward. Dictating their text consisting of just one sentence. The signature, seal, you're done! In parallel, the information comes from Minsk dealer who confirmed: on the VIN-code car in 2014. Now, surely all is quiet. Note the discreet staff autofocus during a long pause.

12:30. The manager shows once again reminds about the car break-in mode (movement at a speed of 120 km / h, within 3, 5-4 thousand. RPM). The final settlement. Instead, give the package of documents, which will write more. Firstly, the buyer gets a vehicle passport. Before the trip, please specify its presence in the auto center. Sometimes, the document is in the bank, which acts as lender to dealer delivery vehicle. Secondly, in the package are a sales contract and a copy of the power of attorney issued by the manager (he signed the contract). Third, a copy of the customs declaration, which shows the country where the car is imported (Belgium), VIN-code and other important information. Fourth, the act of reception and transmission, as well as documents for the Belarusian dealer.

12:50. While the car is charged with five liters of fuel (it is included in the price), I ask the staff car center, how often do come Belarusians? Answer: Yes, recently asked a few people, all refer to the tangible difference in price. What caused it? Managers say evasively: only in Moscow 11-13 Dealers Mazda, and in Minsk - one. They say, feel the difference. Finally promise to consider our expertise in the design of reference. Later, in Belarus, this document is very useful. When you pay the recycling fee (it amounted to about 600 thousand. With paperwork) was a mistake, and the customs officers asked to produce a certificate.

13:00. Despite the menacing look, Technical Officer, mangled car exudes a positive, hands over the keys and having fun posing. A solemn moment. Let's go!

However, it is not necessary to go far - just 30 meters from the mast. If the car had to be taken on their own, then it would be necessary to draw Russia's insurance, then on the border with Belarus - our. But we do not have to waste time. While the Mazda3 - load. Hoisting the purchase of the trailer wheels are fastened with straps. Hard to believe that it is reliable, but believe me - the whole trip the machine is not budge one centimeter.






13:10. We leave the parking lot autofocus. It's snowing on the street slush. Wishing he had not bought the film. The interior, unfortunately, the factory has already been removed, and we still have 700 km leg it. Shining car sorry to export in the March weather, but what you can do.

13:30. A few turns, and we leave on the Moscow ring road. On the Mozhaisk road building a new interchange and getting stuck in traffic is inevitable. Turning around, even frightening at first, what kind of car hanging over the rear window? Bah! So there is the heroine of reportage, blesses us in the same second.

The hardest part - to maneuver in heavy traffic with such a burden on his back. But if accurate, it will succeed. Engine Passat, if necessary, ready to accelerate. Meanwhile, consumption reaches 13, 1 liter per hundred.




14:10. And we are already on the M1. It's snowing, roadway, as well as Mazda, zaporoshena. While in Minsk at the time was zero temperature and the rain came. Our fears that will attract too much attention, in vain. It looks like it's a usual thing, no one even looks. Towards us move more cargo a Mercedes with Kazakh numbers. "If you open the door of the van, and there probably will be a small car lying on its side - on tires, - says Vladimir. - Earlier in Germany and drove it. German television even made the first reports about such miracles. "



16:20. We are going quite slowly, taking into account weather conditions and the valuable cargo on a gun carriage. By Road consumption leveled and up to 8, 2 liters per 100 km. On the border of the Moscow and Smolensk regions we stop DPS officer. What does? Please carefully check the documents for Volkswagen, then the trailer. Then asked to present a paper on the Mazda3, long verifies VIN-code. And then suddenly he confessed: "I have a brother exactly the same in Grodno drove yesterday."

17:15. The weather is getting better. Until now refuel at one of the petrol stations network of the Russian Artem sad look on your car, covered with a layer of dirt: no matter how scratched. For the rest, no worries: the road is excellent, no one interferes, the suspicious car around there.



20:40. We drive in Belarus. Our diesel Passat appreciated and goes quite briskly. Although the path of the Russian part of the M1 was calm sigh of relief. Almost home!

22:30. Near the former paragraph fare transport inspection officers on duty. We stop and ask: shtrafuete cars without license plates? Crumple. They say the system does not recognize BelToll cars without license plates and, therefore, does not fix the violation. Stop the right, but such cases will not remember - usually driven carriages.

23:50. Minsk! Noting that almost without incident brought the car from another country. Spent about 120 liters of diesel fuel, drove about 1500 km, all took about one and a half days. Another of the cost: the hotel, snacks, rental trailer. Artem also had to pay for recycling (600 thousand. Br), and two days later the traffic police car without any problems put on the account. We sum up: the difference in the cost of $ 5000!


