Ossetians about business in Belarus

Family Zurab Kochieva moved to Minsk in the early 2000s. Arriving one day to visit relatives, the head of the family did not even doubt that the cost to settle in Belarus. So in 2003, the whole family from Moscow came to "clean Minsk". And, despite the fact that today all their relatives are in South Ossetia, they live happily here and now are trying to show Minsk dwellers as their traditional dish - Ossetian pie - can be tasty, healthy, wholesome and what is important is to compete with all of us familiar pizza.
- When I got off the train and ended up at the station, I was struck by smiling people and cleanliness in the city. No one shouted, no car horns, barking dogs do not need no ... Well, as there was no stay? - Says Zurab. - I had a public catering indirect relationship. The idea to open his own bakery I matured five years while I do other things: vegetable imports and supply of US pet food. And now, apparently, I matured my inner need, the external situation well, and we decided to start producing concrete Ossetian pies. And as the experience of doing business in Belarus, I already had to open their mini-bakery was easy. I note that the ten years of work in Belarus, I never did not let anyone trick.

Prepare Ossetian pies only women, so the whole mini-business is in the caring hands of Tiffany Zurab Nadezhda Ivanovna, which are not a baker by profession, and an accountant and economist. And since it is an Ossetian, he knows all the subtleties and secrets of cooking national dish. Children also participate in the work: the youngest daughter, Elizabeth puts the box, the eldest, Anna is responsible for the site and the processing of orders, sometimes engaged in the delivery. The wife Fatima is not actively involved in the family business, as it works as a doctor in one of the city clinics. Zurab himself is responsible for the delivery of the finished product and the availability of products for baking cakes.

- I basically nobody is taking on the position of the courier. I think that the consumer will have more confidence in the product, if I do bring order. By signing the box with pies by hand, I show that I am responsible for the quality of its products. Moreover, we are the first to prepare Ossetian pies takeaway in Belarus, and I understand that the product is not yet familiar to the mass consumer and that it is necessary to win the trust of the highest quality. In Russia, particularly in Moscow for ten years pies are very popular. They have even come up with a joke: "I'm tired of Ossetian pies - order a pizza," - says Zurab.

- Belarusians have a lot of travel around the world and know what a delicious and high quality food. While we have you go back to the dining room and think, go out to work tomorrow or not, - says Zurab. - Belarus has until now remained a Soviet catering, and it is not survivals, as many believe, it is a direct continuation. And there is nothing good. But here's the paradox: the Belarusians themselves make fun of their caterers, while poor quality continue to order a pizza and go to the "McDonald's».
- We focus on organic foods and cook for themselves - says the daughter, Anna.
- And the first thing asked, trying our cakes where we take the dough. And we are ready. Mother-in-law when knead every morning, even talking to him - smiling Zurab. - Cost of labor intensity and large, therefore unwise to set a low price, we can not at the expense of the family budget. Excluding shipping cake is from 95 th. To 145 thousand. And the difference between cake with cheese and stuffed with meat is not as cheese, we also make ourselves. We buy milk from farmers in the area Pukhovichi. And Ossetian cheese cooks, again, Nadezhda.

- Traditionally, for all holidays and celebrations in South Ossetia bake three pies, which symbolize the sky, the sun and the earth - from cooking, says Nadezhda. - The ratio of dough and filling - 50 to 50. After preparing our cake weighs 900 grams, depending on the filling: with chopped chicken, spinach, mushrooms, cheese, beef, cabbage, potatoes. But the most delicious and juicy Ossetian pie - filled with young beet tops. I can not even put into words how people admire his taste. But we have to prepare them will be in season - in mid-June.
- Neither the dough or stuffing we do not add enhancers, fillers, "enhancers." Only natural high-quality products, greens, vegetables - says Zurab.

Ossetian pies - this special way of cooking, which largely depends on the experience and skills of the hostess

15 minutes - and cheese pie ready

The final touch - to grease the cake with butter. From this dough becomes even softer

Pie with meat filling (in this case - with boiled chopped chicken) is prepared for about 30 minutes

The slots on top are made specifically to the cake could "breathe»
And that was more juicy chicken, add chicken broth hostess

Zurab says their pies - piece goods, ready to start only after receipt of order. They have no fridges, where stacks were pies to warm quickly and take them to the customer.
- Once we got a call and asked if today to come and pick up the cake - Anna picks up the conversation. - And I was very surprised that the finished pies we do not exist. Stuffing we refueled upon receipt of orders.

Source: people.onliner.by
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