One day in LTP
How to return to a sober life of Belarusian alcoholic?
Alcoholism population in which adults and healthy working men just drink too much whole enterprises forced the Belarusian government to sound the alarm and take decisive action. Thus, from 1 January 2013, it was completely stopped the release of ordinary fruit wines, which came to replace the drink better quality (at least, because they characterize manufacturers). However, to limit the sale of alcohol and improve the range of low, you should still treat alcohol-dependent people. How this is done in Belarus?
28 photos
Our country, along with Turkmenistan, has remained one of the last bastions of the former Soviet Union, where there is an institute of medical labor dispensaries. Belarusian authorities in the era of the democratization of the 90 have decided not to act rashly, and maintain the system, which has proved its efficiency, especially since, for example, in the same Germany and some other EU countries for a long time are similar principles seclusion alcoholics followed social rehabilitation. Abandon them "affordable" Europeans are not going to.
Compulsory treatment is no more: all voluntarily
LTP №1 in Svetlogorsk, Gomel region is the oldest in Belarus dispensary working here since the 60s of the last century. During this time, local officials say, a unique experience like chronic alcoholics, and their initiation to work and rehabilitation in the community. Of course, people come here is not voluntary: it is necessary to thoroughly "to get" as close relatives and the police in the community. Only after that (requires at least three cases brought to administrative responsibility "on drunken bench") the court decision a person can be sent to the medical-labor dispensaries. Standard length of stay is - 1 year.
- Compulsory treatment of alcoholism is no longer - just surprised correspondent TUT.BY head of Svetlogorsk LTP №1 Sergey Skiruha. - Therapeutic activities are conducted strictly on a voluntary basis and only with the patient's wish. Such an approach is provided by the Law "On procedure and conditions of citizens in the areas of medical-labor dispensaries conditions and finding in them" on January 4, 2010 № 104-Z, in which we work.
According to Sergei Petrovich, stipulated in the law of approach is absolutely correct: after all, practice is proven that treatment of alcoholism will be unsuccessful if the patient is not conscious desire to get rid of his illness. But if there is a desire - the administration of LTP it only welcomes and provides a full scope of essential health interventions: treatment appropriate drugs to professional psychotherapy.
To get to the LTP can not everyone who suffers from chronic alcoholism, drug addiction or substance abuse (all of the above categories specified by law). There is an approved list of diseases, Ministry of Health, under which a person can not be contained in the medical-labor dispensaries. That is why all the newly received first pass a 14-day quarantine, during which conducted a thorough medical examination. This is partly due to the fact that an essential, if not the most important part of the medical and social rehabilitation here is occupational therapy. Whatever repeated so-called defenders of the alleged "use of slave labor in the LTP," Scientists have long proven that it is productive, the company demanded work best allows you to get rid of pathological addictions, restore the positive qualities of the person. Simply put, it is when one is engaged in work on the idea of the glass is simply not enough time, and creation of productive increases self-esteem and authority among others. In addition, work in LTP is not gratuitous: all citizens are contained accrued salary. On the hand, it certainly is not given - it is everyone has personal accounts. Money they can freely spend on food in the local shop (it works only by bank transfer), and it is possible - and save. On the day of liberation to a person made a full payment, and home to the family he did not go empty-handed.
If a citizen before being sent to therapy centers had any professional qualifications, it will try to make maximum use here. Two product lines: woodworking and metalworking. In particular, Svetlogorsk LTP №1 made cable drums, wooden pallets of various types and perform one-time orders for small architectural forms, arbors and sandbox. Metal represented manufacturing parts for agricultural machinery, for example - combines parts (screws, handrails, podbarabanniki), very popular on the "Gomselmash". Therefore, if the LTP gets qualified carpenter, welder or machine operator of any type for him without problems find work on a specialty.
At the same time the Belarusian LTP, unfortunately, can not be considered self-sustaining enterprises. Finding one person here at the end of January detours, including food and household services, 476,810 rubles a month, and this is without taking into account the necessary medicines, which are assigned to each individual. On the high-paying jobs in the LTP can arrange not all - it depends on the skills and state of health, so without government subsidies such agencies can not do. However, only in Svetlogorsk LTP №1 at the time of preparation of the material contained more than a thousand people, but in the whole country forced isolation in the medical-labor dispensaries, for the latest information, subjected to almost 5 million people - significant cost to the state.
- Most people have kept getting up here drank fruit drinks, - says Sergey Skiruha. - However, these preferences may be noted not all: alcoholism parses ranks and grades. Among our "customers" and met former division commanders and chiefs of staff, and good doctors, engineers and intelligent, and even business executives. Unfortunately, many of us back. It happens that many times. And today an absolute record belongs to the inhabitant of Bobruisk, which was placed in the LTP 16 times. He first got here, barely reaching 18 years. Unfortunately, this man drink and did not stop, resulting in death, and so little before they reach 60 years of age that the law is the age limit to be placed in the LTP.
"Guests" Ter-Petrosyan: "The doors of the administration is always open for us»
Tour of the LTP №1 correspondent for TUT.BY kindly agreed to hold the deputy head of the institution Nikolai Tretyakov. Immediately, we note that taking photos and interviewing people contained here is possible only after obtaining their written approval: this is not some kind of secrecy, and care about their civil rights, because after the liberation they genuinely expect to return to normal life. The officers called his players simply "citizens": after all, the direction in LTP is not a judge, so the word "convicted" are not applicable to them, and the term "patients" also very concerning: the treatment is carried out, as we noted above, purely on a voluntary basis and Only those who expressed such a desire.
The first association that arises from an untrained person in contact with the territory - that is not a medical institution in a pure form and, moreover, not a prison. Orders in LTP resemble a military unit: everywhere cleanliness, people go systems, and live according to a strict schedule. By the way, the same opinion, and the majority of citizens who are here in isolation - all very similar to the army.
Some contained, enjoying the confidence of the administration, may be sent to work outside the institution, as a rule - in agriculture Svetlogorsk district. How kidding themselves "guests" LTP, they often are the only sober people in the surrounding villages, and their work is literally kept some farms. The harsh reality of the Belarusian remote places is that in the fields and on farms often work only women and their husbands at this time lying drunk. Of course, the "free" world is full of temptations, because in it there are shops with alcohol. However, officials said the administration LTP occurrences workers, workers in the area of third-party organizations are exceptional rarity and are treated as an emergency. Of course, once succumbed to the temptation of the wall places prior to the deadline will not be released - this measure works better than any preventive conversations and persuasion. And the territory of the LTP no alcohol, no drugs can not enter under any circumstances - carefully inspect all incoming.
At the same time, compared to the penal colonies, there are a lot of liberties. For example, although all contained in the LTP and citizens are obliged to deposit the administration of their mobile phones, they can completely free to use them - of course, on time and in a dedicated meeting room. A short visits with relatives are held here and do not limit the number, as well as receiving transmissions from the outside (of course, except prohibited items). Those who believe that they have enough food in the dining room can be completely free to buy goods at a local store - there is absolutely everything you need. Of course, except for alcohol.
- Doors administration is always open for us, - says correspondent TUT.BY one of the "customers" LTP №1, introduced himself as Andrei Ivanov. - You can always come up with any problem and you are sure to help, will meet. At any time, you can get access to health care. However, personally I am sick with alcoholism I do not believe, and ruined me - beer. Repeatedly caught drunk his precinct, bullies, and how many are here, after the third administrative report for drunkenness spent 15 days in the DRC in Akrestsin. And then there was the court which has sent me here. But now I do know that after his release will not drink ever.
Andrew turned to our colleague - he had previously worked as a journalist of one of the Belarusian newspapers. He resigned due to problems with vision, and left without work began to drink. Surprisingly, the return to the profession he helped LTP: he was actively involved in the issue of the wall newspaper and works at a local video studio - is here and so. Movies prepare it, for obvious reasons, mainly preventive: the dangers of drinking and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. And watching television in the rooms organize educational work, available to each party. Interestingly, the TV signal feed centrally switched off shortly before lights out - because the local inhabitants before the work is necessary to properly sleep.
About 10% of the local inhabitants in favor of the preservation of Belarus production and sale of cheap fruit wines - others understand the harmfulness of drug use. Even, perhaps, better than anyone else - I tried to imagine the consequences ...
Even the dining room local inhabitants three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, go systems, and powered by a strictly defined schedule. Food, of course, a relatively modest but fairly high-calorie, in any case, the quality no one complains. In addition, many medical indications contained in the LTP citizens appointed by diet food.
Do not forget about the food here and the spiritual - right at the LTP №1 acts Orthodox Church, consecrated in honor of the famous icon "The Inexhaustible Cup", which is considered miraculous in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. Administration LTP once felt that in returning people to normal life all means, including religion. Management has not made a mistake: regular prayer and communion with the priest helped here very much and continue to help today.
Another area of rehabilitation - physical culture and sports. Each of the residential housing for the necessary equipment is available (though nets for tennis tables are issued only after hours - discipline!), And in territory sportgorodok, where anyone can pump up muscles. In winter, it certainly does not work, but in the warm season, as recognized by the inhabitants of LTP, in high demand.
Sportgorodok, like so much else in the LTP, created by the citizens themselves contained herein. Small architectural forms, beautiful carved wooden sculptures, putting in order in the territory - is not only a way to fill the leisure and education. After all, the more beautiful the world - the stronger the desire to live in it, not thinking about leaving from the reality with the help of drugs or alcohol. Interesting that "guests" LTP №1 often take the initiative for landscaping and buildings, and the administration, of course, it only encourages.
In conversations with each other contained in the LTP citizens often reminisce about past life. The topic of conversation becomes anything: past achievements, hobbies, attachment ... not to remember only one thing: the period of active use of alcohol. "Drunken" days, months and years to somehow spontaneously fall out of memory to talk about them, the local inhabitants for some reason can not. Or, perhaps, do not want to?
Occupation - start in life
Svetlogorsk LTP №1 can not only get rid of the addiction, to work for the good of society and his own wallet, but also to acquire a new profession. This, according to the administration of the institution, an essential element of social adaptation: in fact after release into the community must go back not just a healthy person, and a citizen is able to engage in creative work. To this end, right at the LTP runs GPTU №9 Svetlogorsk, which are taught in several trades to choose from.
Anyone could eventually go free in his pocket, evidence of demand in the labor market specialties welders, turners, millers, boiler operator, slinger, grower or machine operator of woodworking machines.
Although the specifics of the institution located in the territory of the regime, work is at a very decent level: there is everything necessary textbooks and teaching aids, equipped with a staff of skilled trainers. Experts, which are obtained from the inhabitants of LTP at the output, as a rule, are in demand even before the release - welders and machinists are working on local production, and, for example, drivers boiler with his hands torn other LTP Belarus.
The only "but" - for many local "residents" the opportunity to learn a loophole not to go to work. The administration is well aware, however, goes to meet: because in the end in any case, the person will become a specialist and work will be quite different for a salary that will affect their standard of living, and hence - will contribute to the deliverance from alcoholism.
Chief Physician: "chronic alcoholics - a walking bunch of diseases!»
Deputy Head of the medical unit and the head physician of №1 LTP Adam Tarasovets - a veteran institution, it works here since 1985 and fondly recalls the days of Gorbachev's "dry law". According to Adam Ilyich, at the time the flow of new "customers" decreased significantly, not to mention the improvement of society and increasing the birth rate. And, of course, experienced doctor with both hands in favor of the prohibition of production and sales in Belarus cheap fruit wines: it is from their use, experts believe, there are very serious consequences for the organism, which he has to watch his own eyes every day.
- What is chronic alcoholic? It is a walking bunch of physical comorbidity! - Says Adam Ilyich. - After alcohol abuse causes chronic pankereatit, gastritis, gastric ulcer, chronic hepatitis, which slowly turns into cirrhosis, polyneuropathy (damage to the nerve fiber loss of coordination), and many other pathologies. I'm not talking about the fact that such a person comes to us malnourished, dirty, with skin diseases ... All that we need to heal.
In this treatment, according to local doctors, it takes much more effort, time and money than therapy, in fact, alcoholism.
Alcoholism population in which adults and healthy working men just drink too much whole enterprises forced the Belarusian government to sound the alarm and take decisive action. Thus, from 1 January 2013, it was completely stopped the release of ordinary fruit wines, which came to replace the drink better quality (at least, because they characterize manufacturers). However, to limit the sale of alcohol and improve the range of low, you should still treat alcohol-dependent people. How this is done in Belarus?
28 photos

Our country, along with Turkmenistan, has remained one of the last bastions of the former Soviet Union, where there is an institute of medical labor dispensaries. Belarusian authorities in the era of the democratization of the 90 have decided not to act rashly, and maintain the system, which has proved its efficiency, especially since, for example, in the same Germany and some other EU countries for a long time are similar principles seclusion alcoholics followed social rehabilitation. Abandon them "affordable" Europeans are not going to.
Compulsory treatment is no more: all voluntarily
LTP №1 in Svetlogorsk, Gomel region is the oldest in Belarus dispensary working here since the 60s of the last century. During this time, local officials say, a unique experience like chronic alcoholics, and their initiation to work and rehabilitation in the community. Of course, people come here is not voluntary: it is necessary to thoroughly "to get" as close relatives and the police in the community. Only after that (requires at least three cases brought to administrative responsibility "on drunken bench") the court decision a person can be sent to the medical-labor dispensaries. Standard length of stay is - 1 year.
- Compulsory treatment of alcoholism is no longer - just surprised correspondent TUT.BY head of Svetlogorsk LTP №1 Sergey Skiruha. - Therapeutic activities are conducted strictly on a voluntary basis and only with the patient's wish. Such an approach is provided by the Law "On procedure and conditions of citizens in the areas of medical-labor dispensaries conditions and finding in them" on January 4, 2010 № 104-Z, in which we work.
According to Sergei Petrovich, stipulated in the law of approach is absolutely correct: after all, practice is proven that treatment of alcoholism will be unsuccessful if the patient is not conscious desire to get rid of his illness. But if there is a desire - the administration of LTP it only welcomes and provides a full scope of essential health interventions: treatment appropriate drugs to professional psychotherapy.
To get to the LTP can not everyone who suffers from chronic alcoholism, drug addiction or substance abuse (all of the above categories specified by law). There is an approved list of diseases, Ministry of Health, under which a person can not be contained in the medical-labor dispensaries. That is why all the newly received first pass a 14-day quarantine, during which conducted a thorough medical examination. This is partly due to the fact that an essential, if not the most important part of the medical and social rehabilitation here is occupational therapy. Whatever repeated so-called defenders of the alleged "use of slave labor in the LTP," Scientists have long proven that it is productive, the company demanded work best allows you to get rid of pathological addictions, restore the positive qualities of the person. Simply put, it is when one is engaged in work on the idea of the glass is simply not enough time, and creation of productive increases self-esteem and authority among others. In addition, work in LTP is not gratuitous: all citizens are contained accrued salary. On the hand, it certainly is not given - it is everyone has personal accounts. Money they can freely spend on food in the local shop (it works only by bank transfer), and it is possible - and save. On the day of liberation to a person made a full payment, and home to the family he did not go empty-handed.

If a citizen before being sent to therapy centers had any professional qualifications, it will try to make maximum use here. Two product lines: woodworking and metalworking. In particular, Svetlogorsk LTP №1 made cable drums, wooden pallets of various types and perform one-time orders for small architectural forms, arbors and sandbox. Metal represented manufacturing parts for agricultural machinery, for example - combines parts (screws, handrails, podbarabanniki), very popular on the "Gomselmash". Therefore, if the LTP gets qualified carpenter, welder or machine operator of any type for him without problems find work on a specialty.
At the same time the Belarusian LTP, unfortunately, can not be considered self-sustaining enterprises. Finding one person here at the end of January detours, including food and household services, 476,810 rubles a month, and this is without taking into account the necessary medicines, which are assigned to each individual. On the high-paying jobs in the LTP can arrange not all - it depends on the skills and state of health, so without government subsidies such agencies can not do. However, only in Svetlogorsk LTP №1 at the time of preparation of the material contained more than a thousand people, but in the whole country forced isolation in the medical-labor dispensaries, for the latest information, subjected to almost 5 million people - significant cost to the state.
- Most people have kept getting up here drank fruit drinks, - says Sergey Skiruha. - However, these preferences may be noted not all: alcoholism parses ranks and grades. Among our "customers" and met former division commanders and chiefs of staff, and good doctors, engineers and intelligent, and even business executives. Unfortunately, many of us back. It happens that many times. And today an absolute record belongs to the inhabitant of Bobruisk, which was placed in the LTP 16 times. He first got here, barely reaching 18 years. Unfortunately, this man drink and did not stop, resulting in death, and so little before they reach 60 years of age that the law is the age limit to be placed in the LTP.
"Guests" Ter-Petrosyan: "The doors of the administration is always open for us»
Tour of the LTP №1 correspondent for TUT.BY kindly agreed to hold the deputy head of the institution Nikolai Tretyakov. Immediately, we note that taking photos and interviewing people contained here is possible only after obtaining their written approval: this is not some kind of secrecy, and care about their civil rights, because after the liberation they genuinely expect to return to normal life. The officers called his players simply "citizens": after all, the direction in LTP is not a judge, so the word "convicted" are not applicable to them, and the term "patients" also very concerning: the treatment is carried out, as we noted above, purely on a voluntary basis and Only those who expressed such a desire.

The first association that arises from an untrained person in contact with the territory - that is not a medical institution in a pure form and, moreover, not a prison. Orders in LTP resemble a military unit: everywhere cleanliness, people go systems, and live according to a strict schedule. By the way, the same opinion, and the majority of citizens who are here in isolation - all very similar to the army.
Some contained, enjoying the confidence of the administration, may be sent to work outside the institution, as a rule - in agriculture Svetlogorsk district. How kidding themselves "guests" LTP, they often are the only sober people in the surrounding villages, and their work is literally kept some farms. The harsh reality of the Belarusian remote places is that in the fields and on farms often work only women and their husbands at this time lying drunk. Of course, the "free" world is full of temptations, because in it there are shops with alcohol. However, officials said the administration LTP occurrences workers, workers in the area of third-party organizations are exceptional rarity and are treated as an emergency. Of course, once succumbed to the temptation of the wall places prior to the deadline will not be released - this measure works better than any preventive conversations and persuasion. And the territory of the LTP no alcohol, no drugs can not enter under any circumstances - carefully inspect all incoming.
At the same time, compared to the penal colonies, there are a lot of liberties. For example, although all contained in the LTP and citizens are obliged to deposit the administration of their mobile phones, they can completely free to use them - of course, on time and in a dedicated meeting room. A short visits with relatives are held here and do not limit the number, as well as receiving transmissions from the outside (of course, except prohibited items). Those who believe that they have enough food in the dining room can be completely free to buy goods at a local store - there is absolutely everything you need. Of course, except for alcohol.


- Doors administration is always open for us, - says correspondent TUT.BY one of the "customers" LTP №1, introduced himself as Andrei Ivanov. - You can always come up with any problem and you are sure to help, will meet. At any time, you can get access to health care. However, personally I am sick with alcoholism I do not believe, and ruined me - beer. Repeatedly caught drunk his precinct, bullies, and how many are here, after the third administrative report for drunkenness spent 15 days in the DRC in Akrestsin. And then there was the court which has sent me here. But now I do know that after his release will not drink ever.
Andrew turned to our colleague - he had previously worked as a journalist of one of the Belarusian newspapers. He resigned due to problems with vision, and left without work began to drink. Surprisingly, the return to the profession he helped LTP: he was actively involved in the issue of the wall newspaper and works at a local video studio - is here and so. Movies prepare it, for obvious reasons, mainly preventive: the dangers of drinking and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. And watching television in the rooms organize educational work, available to each party. Interestingly, the TV signal feed centrally switched off shortly before lights out - because the local inhabitants before the work is necessary to properly sleep.

About 10% of the local inhabitants in favor of the preservation of Belarus production and sale of cheap fruit wines - others understand the harmfulness of drug use. Even, perhaps, better than anyone else - I tried to imagine the consequences ...
Even the dining room local inhabitants three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, go systems, and powered by a strictly defined schedule. Food, of course, a relatively modest but fairly high-calorie, in any case, the quality no one complains. In addition, many medical indications contained in the LTP citizens appointed by diet food.




Do not forget about the food here and the spiritual - right at the LTP №1 acts Orthodox Church, consecrated in honor of the famous icon "The Inexhaustible Cup", which is considered miraculous in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. Administration LTP once felt that in returning people to normal life all means, including religion. Management has not made a mistake: regular prayer and communion with the priest helped here very much and continue to help today.

Another area of rehabilitation - physical culture and sports. Each of the residential housing for the necessary equipment is available (though nets for tennis tables are issued only after hours - discipline!), And in territory sportgorodok, where anyone can pump up muscles. In winter, it certainly does not work, but in the warm season, as recognized by the inhabitants of LTP, in high demand.



Sportgorodok, like so much else in the LTP, created by the citizens themselves contained herein. Small architectural forms, beautiful carved wooden sculptures, putting in order in the territory - is not only a way to fill the leisure and education. After all, the more beautiful the world - the stronger the desire to live in it, not thinking about leaving from the reality with the help of drugs or alcohol. Interesting that "guests" LTP №1 often take the initiative for landscaping and buildings, and the administration, of course, it only encourages.




In conversations with each other contained in the LTP citizens often reminisce about past life. The topic of conversation becomes anything: past achievements, hobbies, attachment ... not to remember only one thing: the period of active use of alcohol. "Drunken" days, months and years to somehow spontaneously fall out of memory to talk about them, the local inhabitants for some reason can not. Or, perhaps, do not want to?
Occupation - start in life
Svetlogorsk LTP №1 can not only get rid of the addiction, to work for the good of society and his own wallet, but also to acquire a new profession. This, according to the administration of the institution, an essential element of social adaptation: in fact after release into the community must go back not just a healthy person, and a citizen is able to engage in creative work. To this end, right at the LTP runs GPTU №9 Svetlogorsk, which are taught in several trades to choose from.

Anyone could eventually go free in his pocket, evidence of demand in the labor market specialties welders, turners, millers, boiler operator, slinger, grower or machine operator of woodworking machines.
Although the specifics of the institution located in the territory of the regime, work is at a very decent level: there is everything necessary textbooks and teaching aids, equipped with a staff of skilled trainers. Experts, which are obtained from the inhabitants of LTP at the output, as a rule, are in demand even before the release - welders and machinists are working on local production, and, for example, drivers boiler with his hands torn other LTP Belarus.



The only "but" - for many local "residents" the opportunity to learn a loophole not to go to work. The administration is well aware, however, goes to meet: because in the end in any case, the person will become a specialist and work will be quite different for a salary that will affect their standard of living, and hence - will contribute to the deliverance from alcoholism.
Chief Physician: "chronic alcoholics - a walking bunch of diseases!»
Deputy Head of the medical unit and the head physician of №1 LTP Adam Tarasovets - a veteran institution, it works here since 1985 and fondly recalls the days of Gorbachev's "dry law". According to Adam Ilyich, at the time the flow of new "customers" decreased significantly, not to mention the improvement of society and increasing the birth rate. And, of course, experienced doctor with both hands in favor of the prohibition of production and sales in Belarus cheap fruit wines: it is from their use, experts believe, there are very serious consequences for the organism, which he has to watch his own eyes every day.

- What is chronic alcoholic? It is a walking bunch of physical comorbidity! - Says Adam Ilyich. - After alcohol abuse causes chronic pankereatit, gastritis, gastric ulcer, chronic hepatitis, which slowly turns into cirrhosis, polyneuropathy (damage to the nerve fiber loss of coordination), and many other pathologies. I'm not talking about the fact that such a person comes to us malnourished, dirty, with skin diseases ... All that we need to heal.
In this treatment, according to local doctors, it takes much more effort, time and money than therapy, in fact, alcoholism.