How to get rid of migrant workers
Recently, on television, and only repeat that our country can not do without migrant workers. Indeed, the use of their work for the entrepreneur is more beneficial than the use of national labor, and few Russian agrees to do hard work and undervalued for so little money.
The need for labor in our country is not there in the past few years - in the late Soviet era labor is also not enough. However, while there to get to work in the construction of the five-year, who do not really wish to. One such method was labor of alcoholics.
Many of you still remember that we had in Soviet times there were treatment-labor dispensaries, calling themselves abbreviated LTP. These treatment-correctional institutions sent many alcoholics and more rare in those days addicts.
First LTP in the Soviet Union was established in 1964 in Kazakhstan. Best Practices quickly noticed, and institutions of this type were opened in the Russian Federation and other republics. In March 1974 he issued a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR "On compulsory treatment and labor re-education of chronic alcoholics." They established that the LTP should be addressed to the person, "deviating from the treatment or continue to drink after treatment in violation of labor discipline and public order or the socialist community».
Evening calibration in one of the Belarusian LTP
By analogy with the "fifth column" contingent LTP became popularly called "the Fifth Brigade." However, in 1994 all the LTP Russia were closed, and now they were only in Transdniestria and Belarus.
Liquor is from the Soviet era have not diminished. Moreover, he joined them, and many millions more addicts. Complete the picture and recently appeared gamers. These people bring misfortune not only themselves but also their families, and often their dependence leads them to commit crimes. Therefore, all would be better if these people are isolated from society and will be engaged in work for the benefit of the country.
In 2012, the number of drug addicts in the country amounted to 8, 5 million individuals. This number covers the entire population of 5, 6 millionth Kyrgyzstan. And add to the number of addicts another five million registered alcoholics, and we get a figure that exceeds the total amount currently available in the Russian labor migrants.
Female LTP in the Tula region, 1992
By creating LTP and teach them a lesson contingent of the work that is now run by migrants, we might abandon the use of guest workers, expelled from the country has arrived and close the borders to new arrivals.
If you can hide in the LTP of all identified drug addicts and alcoholics, repeatedly to reduce the level of household crime and the departure of migrants immediately entail reducing the number of serious crimes.
Gen. inhabitants LTP rich and diverse
Create LTP will also create new jobs for law-abiding citizens, because eltepeshnikov will need someone to feed and protect. It will also require additional staff and medical staff, as occupational therapy should be combined with medication. Medicines should be selected so that they are more aggressive and have limited eltepeshnikov and made them unable to disobey commands guards.
For addicts LTP may be the last chance for correction.
Many may argue that in the place of employment treatment immediately someone will adjust the supply of alcohol or drugs. Well, let him deliver - if someone will drink or prick, his term treatment immediately begin again and so will continue until retirement.
Of course, some immediately yelled that the treatment of labor is a violation of human rights, but it is possible to adopt a law that limits the ability of drug addicts and alcoholics, which excludes them from the number of people until the complete recovery. Then, and human rights will be all right.
While they were thumps, a country filled with migrant workers.
Vitebsk students arrived in LTP on a study tour
That's all. By the way no migrant workers in Belarus.
The need for labor in our country is not there in the past few years - in the late Soviet era labor is also not enough. However, while there to get to work in the construction of the five-year, who do not really wish to. One such method was labor of alcoholics.
Many of you still remember that we had in Soviet times there were treatment-labor dispensaries, calling themselves abbreviated LTP. These treatment-correctional institutions sent many alcoholics and more rare in those days addicts.
First LTP in the Soviet Union was established in 1964 in Kazakhstan. Best Practices quickly noticed, and institutions of this type were opened in the Russian Federation and other republics. In March 1974 he issued a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR "On compulsory treatment and labor re-education of chronic alcoholics." They established that the LTP should be addressed to the person, "deviating from the treatment or continue to drink after treatment in violation of labor discipline and public order or the socialist community».
Evening calibration in one of the Belarusian LTP

By analogy with the "fifth column" contingent LTP became popularly called "the Fifth Brigade." However, in 1994 all the LTP Russia were closed, and now they were only in Transdniestria and Belarus.
Liquor is from the Soviet era have not diminished. Moreover, he joined them, and many millions more addicts. Complete the picture and recently appeared gamers. These people bring misfortune not only themselves but also their families, and often their dependence leads them to commit crimes. Therefore, all would be better if these people are isolated from society and will be engaged in work for the benefit of the country.
In 2012, the number of drug addicts in the country amounted to 8, 5 million individuals. This number covers the entire population of 5, 6 millionth Kyrgyzstan. And add to the number of addicts another five million registered alcoholics, and we get a figure that exceeds the total amount currently available in the Russian labor migrants.
Female LTP in the Tula region, 1992

By creating LTP and teach them a lesson contingent of the work that is now run by migrants, we might abandon the use of guest workers, expelled from the country has arrived and close the borders to new arrivals.
If you can hide in the LTP of all identified drug addicts and alcoholics, repeatedly to reduce the level of household crime and the departure of migrants immediately entail reducing the number of serious crimes.
Gen. inhabitants LTP rich and diverse

Create LTP will also create new jobs for law-abiding citizens, because eltepeshnikov will need someone to feed and protect. It will also require additional staff and medical staff, as occupational therapy should be combined with medication. Medicines should be selected so that they are more aggressive and have limited eltepeshnikov and made them unable to disobey commands guards.
For addicts LTP may be the last chance for correction.

Many may argue that in the place of employment treatment immediately someone will adjust the supply of alcohol or drugs. Well, let him deliver - if someone will drink or prick, his term treatment immediately begin again and so will continue until retirement.
Of course, some immediately yelled that the treatment of labor is a violation of human rights, but it is possible to adopt a law that limits the ability of drug addicts and alcoholics, which excludes them from the number of people until the complete recovery. Then, and human rights will be all right.
While they were thumps, a country filled with migrant workers.

Vitebsk students arrived in LTP on a study tour
That's all. By the way no migrant workers in Belarus.
