Why Russia ...
... Will not be cutting-edge robotic productions?
As part of the constant flashing of discussions about the "dominance of migrants" people he likes to dream about robots. Particularly in response to the rare sober remarks that, they say, among the indigenous population wishing to go to the "dirty work", such as a porter for the same Biruliovsky ovoschebazah not be so very much - who will work?
Here begins daydream: a not need any laborers, you just have to build ultra-modern robotic production! There, they say, will not have any of thousands of "slaves" -tadzhikov, where all the work is carried out on the good robots automated production lines and production osbluzhivaet is only a couple of dozens of white-paid people, all as one, in white coats! (the word "paid" with our polemicists perceptibly begins to flow and saliva dripping on the keyboard, but this time we are omitted).
And people are not unfounded: widely circulated on the Russian network is, for example, such a reference to "modern fish processing plant in Norway»:
"But the plant, which I happened to get there during my last trip to Norway deserves a separate story. The plant that, without exaggeration, if not the largest in the world, the most expensive and the most modern - just ... "etc.
Here! - Triumphantly tell my friends on FB & Learn, shaking this link. - It may be the same! 20 people - all in white coats! They sit in front of monitors, buttons to push. Circle - sterility! And exactly the same is on the spot Biruliovsky ovoschebazah build. Will we lepota, cleanliness, in short, the 21st century - and no migrants!
Alas, my friends. There will be nothing that - for reasons that migration issues, as well as the presence / absence of visas to Central Asia do not have any relation. And to prove this thesis can be quite simple, without resorting to any particularly tricky economic calculations and figures.
Wonder warehouse and a half billion
Home a problem in the implementation of the achievements of progress among domestic birch and aspen quite directly and innocently mentioned in the first paragraph driven text about Norwegian fish factory. Here, "plant ... the most expensive and the most modern ..." The key word - not what you think. Do not "modern". Keyword - "the road»!
"The Road" - is how much? Well, let's say, 50 million. USD. - Accept this for the price of "a fully automated logistics center" in place lousy prodbazy. Now suppose absolutely impossible - that we have with you, the reader, have the money. Imagine that mice friends, the dog eaten on logistics and trade vegetables at the same time that overwork undermine the very 1, 5 billion. Rub. Question: Do we invest with you loot their own vital in this project?
On the one hand - why not? We have both experience and money. Of course, the need to tinker; We will have to work hard on adapting the project to the Russian reality. Superavtomatizirovanny warehouse - this is not a rustic log cabin, modular assembly there is hardly achievable. But in the end, thoroughly invested not only money, but time and their talents, we get the thing!
And of course, we understand that instantly "recapture" their investments, we can not be: after all, one and a half billion - a substantial sum. We'll have to obviously wait payback 5 years, and then maybe more. In principle, in the West (in the same Norway) are the payback period are not afraid of anybody; important thing is that the point is RIGHT!
And we have? Our trouble is that these five years we have nobody will. You can be sure that if we really put the ultra-modern and profitable "candy factory" - literally immediately "draw" people who want to "squeeze" it yourself. And the more beautiful and more profitable is our project - the more likely the emergence of "wanting to squeeze." If you do "in Norway" - the probability is close to 100%.
And then begins the most unpleasant. Our miracle plant, full of good robots will operate and make a profit; good people will tell us when, who and how will our property to take yourself - in all directions, "he brought" some purchased investigator will conduct "business", a biased in the judge decides not to our advantage. It will be terrible that we can not do anything!
It's the whole enterprise. It can not be put in your pocket and run away with him; it can not be electronically "translate" from his native Biryulyovo somewhere in the Cayman Islands ... This is our stand with you, the reader, the reification of 1, 5 billion. rub. - And we will not be able to sell even as nobody in the real price we will buy it: because all will know that the company has "laid a paw».
We will only watch helplessly as the blood "lemon green", which previously lay quietly on our accounts in the distant banks - now float away from us forever. And most likely, even just "look" will not work - because it would have to run until they put the same raiders, which will select our robotic marvel of engineering.
Is something I exaggerating? Not in the slightest. "Squeeze" the property in our system - it's not just a piece of cake. This, in fact, is the essence of systems. It is a "sharpened". Court as such, no, "law enforcement authorities" work mainly on themselves ... you still want to spend half a billion on our robotosklad vegetables 21st century? I see that anymore. That's right - let lie: more whole will be.
In fact this is the main, the defining feature of our country (and not workers): insecurity and disrespect for property owners.
The degradation is inevitable
And from this fact it derives not only the impossibility of the emergence of new roads in the country (!) Automated production. The second, however, an obvious consequence - the degradation and destruction of existing industries.
To illustrate the thesis use the same technique: imagine that we are with you - the owners of any regular prodbazy. Well, not that, a robotic-date, and easier - as now: dirty, somewhere in the industrial area ... Of course, such a framework and a half billion is not drawn; Well, let us assume that it is only some 100 million "timber».
Although it is our base and cheap, without robots - some income it brings us anyway. And here we have with you the question arises: where to go? In principle, it would be possible to direct the development of our asset - base: something to upgrade it, replace gates, put a new packaging line ... could be and staff do. We could finally select the best and pay them to improve - to bind tighter to our enterprise. Is not that right?
Not this way. It is not greed. We have something with you, the reader, could theoretically as Steve Jobs, leaving his salary rubles a year, and all the money to reinvest back into the database, so it bloomed and smelled ... But again the question: where we are with you to be sure, that the base will remain our ?!
Yes, 100 million. - Not 1, 5 billion., Its "squeeze" - not so tempting. But, on the other hand, 100 million. - Also money, is not it? Comrade General MIA salary is much smaller, and in some Rovshan Ganja or Fedka Bald of "Tambov" wages and do not, as they are known, from the category of "temporarily unemployed". But what if all these wonderful authoritative people "ask"-taki "give" them our base? What we will be able to oppose them? Nothing.
Hence, what conclusion? The conclusion is that the money should be output while you can. New Gate - to hell, study personnel - to hell, higher salaries - peretopchutsya. And generally it is better to base personnel podsokratit, and job hire someone cheaper. Because we do not know: perhaps by the spring base is gone for nothing to Rovshan or Fedka! And what - we will use them to loot the new gates, new loading line, but still bargain-trained and satisfied all specialists ?! And do go to the dry crust ?? But hell! We have them all better now dismiss.
And it's logical behavior of the owner. If the property is not protected by absolute - in this case "as if the owner" feels real master alone "cash flow", which gives not his business. It remains only to all the forces that "cash flow" to intensify, well, the company - it's as God wills ...
Renting bandits
Whatever the analogy hold here to the reader, even had never engaged in business, it would clear the psychology of Russian businessman? And it's easy: imagine an ordinary situation "rental housing Uncle Kolya." You're shooting at the room of a "man on the ad." No lease agreement is not, you will feel yourself completely unprotected. At any time, Uncle Kolya can come and ask you to get out to hell: or tough - that is simply "went out", or gently - "you pay 20 thousand. Per month, and tomorrow will be 40 thousand .; I agree - pay, do not like - get out ».
Question: would the reader, living in a room under such conditions, on its own initiative to repair the room? Whitewash ceilings, new wallpaper glue, paste frames, make a "warm floor" and so on?
I think no. That's the same Russian businessman. The fact that any Russian industrial assets - that is the room: they are Russian "nedorezanny bourgeoisie" they really do not belong. No matter how they are made - in the form of lease for 99 years, or in the form of ownership of the shares, or something else - it's all empty. In reality, the whole property as is given to those suckers rent. Bandits. Bandits are not any concrete, but in a broad sense. And gangsters can be as "black" (ie, natural) and "red" (ie uniform). It does not matter. It is important that enterprises do not belong to the owners.
Hence - the predatory attitude to the property. Let's go back to our base with you. What we have with you the main task? Our task - to squeeze the most of it, until her thugs have not taken. And if we are bandits, and purchased the database described by the bandit - the problem remains the same: we have to squeeze a little more out of it until you come to the other gangsters, stronger. We are, after all, already know how to do it ...
This psychological features of perception is very important to understand. "Cash flow" - our, and the company that produces it - not ours. So think of any Russian businessman. Hence the two basic, the most important sectors of our economy: cashing and withdrawal in the offshore.
At a time when the property is not protected, the entrepreneur receives only possible reasonable way: save the "cache", as it sees that the atmosphere in the country is hostile to business and private property. He does not want to invest in companies that will be taken away from him - because they do not want, in the end, to work "Uncle." Let us remember - in fact, and entrepreneurs are mostly those people who do not like and do not want to work, "Uncle", and want to work for yourself!
But then the sad paradox phenomenon of positive feedback: the more predatory entrepreneur withdrawal from promaktivov, the more the population (which is, of course, sees) is permeated by mistrust and hatred of businessmen as a class, saying that they are the same pests away from them property until finally it not crash! Seeing such sentiments, entrepreneurs more intensively taken to withdraw funds, knowing that "the hour is near».
Paint a picture, of course, sad. It turns out that no one in Russia will organize a modern production out of fear that they will be taken away from him? It is difficult to argue - we all know that this fear is more than justified. Mason and his wise friends
Here, of course, begs the clearest example of a bricklayer. Mason - one of the Titans 90, the man who created in those years with his friends one of the most successful industrial and tourist companies "East Line". "East Line" drove "shuttles" and had from that huge profits.
Then I know the story of "second-hand" - just so happened that I was familiar with the man, member of the "inner circle" Mason. But was this: at the beginning of the "zero" Mason told friends that he was tired to engage in air cargo, it goes out of business and will be engaged in "Domodedovo" airport. Like, I want to become its owner and turned into the most modern airport in Russia.
To say that his friends were shocked - to say nothing. While one cargo flight of IL-86 in China with the "shuttle" brought the company 1 million. Dollars. "Clean." Friends twisted his finger to his temple, and almost in the eye and called Mason freak moron. They especially can be understood by looking at the then Domodedovo - one of the most ugrebischnyh airports in the country. And they are already reasonably he pointed to the viciousness of the idea, saying that the route to "Ilah" give the cache, and the airport will connect Mason hands and feet, he has invested, and its "throw».
But Mason sent all of them. And he began to rebuild Domodedovo. For a while it even seemed that he was right, but my friends are wrong: he did - as of the second half of the "zero" - made from Domodedovo "airport-sweet».
And then it happened, as we have already described the "in theory." With Mason all happened in practice: first, it skillfully poured shit from head to toe, then tortured and checks claims and then almost put - and as a result, the airport is "pressed". As usual, Mason, when the pressure became unbearable, tried to "jump" by selling the airport somewhere to the side - but hell: he has no one bought. And who needs a "singed" asset, which "pushes" gang of raiders led by the president / prime minister Medvedev?
Wise friends were right, and Mason - wrong. Save the State
Somehow I do not want to believe it at all. Maybe look for workarounds?
Workarounds, of course, immediately found. The government! Sobyanin will help us! What do you - tell me - scaring hedgehog fifty million dollars ?! It does the money ?! The ultra-modern plant, we will buy fellow Sobyanin money from the Moscow budget, and that's all! And we will be the 21st century for the state account, and without migrant workers, and without nasty bourgeois entrepreneurs?
But is it? To begin with, the budget if and buy a super-duper-factory warehouse, will buy, of course, not 50, and 150 mln. Dollars. And we do know perfectly well why - at least those who are familiar with the the word "rollback».
But this is only the beginning. Not only that, for securities purchased will cost 150 mln. USD .; in fact, "on the garlic," bought pull a maximum of 30 million. - because goszakupschiki certainly "uzhmut" and utryasut real set of automation to "cheap, but no less effective" analogs which private traders, spending their money would not take, and at gunpoint!
And that's not all. When used superbazu bought you and me, dear reader, on their hard-earned half a billion - we took to the principle of "measure twice, cut once." Why is that? Yes, because we have understood that we make a mistake in something - and our money will fly into the pipe, and nobody will not return back to us!
Another thing - goszakupschik. He spends his originally. So in the "logistics center", made for the state account, will be enough suitable to each other and the best equipment, service them will also be established anyhow, parts stolen even before the start, the remaining fast break, repair, no one will, because just do not know how. Robots will rise, they will carry into the back room, and in their place (some vegetables to make it!) Hire people off the street.
As a result, instead of "logistics center" will have the same base Biruliovsky migrants. Is karma. And from her not to leave. Gosdengi not help for one simple reason - they do not give rise to the owner. No owner - no modernization. Actually, that's a "modernization of import" We have already passed in recent years, the Soviet government. The newspapers were full of indignant articles purchased for the currency (!!) automatic lines, which for years were unpacked in boxes in the yard, and then happily surrendered to scrap.
Nothing will happen as long as there is no respect for the property. Yes, there is no point to go far for examples. Nihilism in society is fantastic! That is - the very base of the Intercession. What we have in fact? Successful company with a turnover of 9 billion. USD. Per year (not every oil company more), with the number of employed several thousand people employed in one of the most peaceful and popular areas of activity (distribution of vegetables!) ... What's wrong with him? It's just destroyed. In an instant!
Just arrived, hung a large padlock. "There is here no longer the enterprise." All. And for what, exactly?
And the most amazing is not even that, but the fact that this is truly egregious example of contempt for the property ... just no one even noticed. That is, neither the scale of activity, nor an obvious social importance and benefits, no really, hehe, legal formalities - nothing is protected and is not able to protect against arbitrariness THOSE WHO WANT overcome. This society is not even that indifference - no, it is rather on the side of "otzhimateley».
As part of the constant flashing of discussions about the "dominance of migrants" people he likes to dream about robots. Particularly in response to the rare sober remarks that, they say, among the indigenous population wishing to go to the "dirty work", such as a porter for the same Biruliovsky ovoschebazah not be so very much - who will work?
Here begins daydream: a not need any laborers, you just have to build ultra-modern robotic production! There, they say, will not have any of thousands of "slaves" -tadzhikov, where all the work is carried out on the good robots automated production lines and production osbluzhivaet is only a couple of dozens of white-paid people, all as one, in white coats! (the word "paid" with our polemicists perceptibly begins to flow and saliva dripping on the keyboard, but this time we are omitted).
And people are not unfounded: widely circulated on the Russian network is, for example, such a reference to "modern fish processing plant in Norway»:
"But the plant, which I happened to get there during my last trip to Norway deserves a separate story. The plant that, without exaggeration, if not the largest in the world, the most expensive and the most modern - just ... "etc.
Here! - Triumphantly tell my friends on FB & Learn, shaking this link. - It may be the same! 20 people - all in white coats! They sit in front of monitors, buttons to push. Circle - sterility! And exactly the same is on the spot Biruliovsky ovoschebazah build. Will we lepota, cleanliness, in short, the 21st century - and no migrants!
Alas, my friends. There will be nothing that - for reasons that migration issues, as well as the presence / absence of visas to Central Asia do not have any relation. And to prove this thesis can be quite simple, without resorting to any particularly tricky economic calculations and figures.

Wonder warehouse and a half billion
Home a problem in the implementation of the achievements of progress among domestic birch and aspen quite directly and innocently mentioned in the first paragraph driven text about Norwegian fish factory. Here, "plant ... the most expensive and the most modern ..." The key word - not what you think. Do not "modern". Keyword - "the road»!
"The Road" - is how much? Well, let's say, 50 million. USD. - Accept this for the price of "a fully automated logistics center" in place lousy prodbazy. Now suppose absolutely impossible - that we have with you, the reader, have the money. Imagine that mice friends, the dog eaten on logistics and trade vegetables at the same time that overwork undermine the very 1, 5 billion. Rub. Question: Do we invest with you loot their own vital in this project?
On the one hand - why not? We have both experience and money. Of course, the need to tinker; We will have to work hard on adapting the project to the Russian reality. Superavtomatizirovanny warehouse - this is not a rustic log cabin, modular assembly there is hardly achievable. But in the end, thoroughly invested not only money, but time and their talents, we get the thing!
And of course, we understand that instantly "recapture" their investments, we can not be: after all, one and a half billion - a substantial sum. We'll have to obviously wait payback 5 years, and then maybe more. In principle, in the West (in the same Norway) are the payback period are not afraid of anybody; important thing is that the point is RIGHT!
And we have? Our trouble is that these five years we have nobody will. You can be sure that if we really put the ultra-modern and profitable "candy factory" - literally immediately "draw" people who want to "squeeze" it yourself. And the more beautiful and more profitable is our project - the more likely the emergence of "wanting to squeeze." If you do "in Norway" - the probability is close to 100%.
And then begins the most unpleasant. Our miracle plant, full of good robots will operate and make a profit; good people will tell us when, who and how will our property to take yourself - in all directions, "he brought" some purchased investigator will conduct "business", a biased in the judge decides not to our advantage. It will be terrible that we can not do anything!
It's the whole enterprise. It can not be put in your pocket and run away with him; it can not be electronically "translate" from his native Biryulyovo somewhere in the Cayman Islands ... This is our stand with you, the reader, the reification of 1, 5 billion. rub. - And we will not be able to sell even as nobody in the real price we will buy it: because all will know that the company has "laid a paw».
We will only watch helplessly as the blood "lemon green", which previously lay quietly on our accounts in the distant banks - now float away from us forever. And most likely, even just "look" will not work - because it would have to run until they put the same raiders, which will select our robotic marvel of engineering.
Is something I exaggerating? Not in the slightest. "Squeeze" the property in our system - it's not just a piece of cake. This, in fact, is the essence of systems. It is a "sharpened". Court as such, no, "law enforcement authorities" work mainly on themselves ... you still want to spend half a billion on our robotosklad vegetables 21st century? I see that anymore. That's right - let lie: more whole will be.
In fact this is the main, the defining feature of our country (and not workers): insecurity and disrespect for property owners.
The degradation is inevitable
And from this fact it derives not only the impossibility of the emergence of new roads in the country (!) Automated production. The second, however, an obvious consequence - the degradation and destruction of existing industries.
To illustrate the thesis use the same technique: imagine that we are with you - the owners of any regular prodbazy. Well, not that, a robotic-date, and easier - as now: dirty, somewhere in the industrial area ... Of course, such a framework and a half billion is not drawn; Well, let us assume that it is only some 100 million "timber».
Although it is our base and cheap, without robots - some income it brings us anyway. And here we have with you the question arises: where to go? In principle, it would be possible to direct the development of our asset - base: something to upgrade it, replace gates, put a new packaging line ... could be and staff do. We could finally select the best and pay them to improve - to bind tighter to our enterprise. Is not that right?
Not this way. It is not greed. We have something with you, the reader, could theoretically as Steve Jobs, leaving his salary rubles a year, and all the money to reinvest back into the database, so it bloomed and smelled ... But again the question: where we are with you to be sure, that the base will remain our ?!
Yes, 100 million. - Not 1, 5 billion., Its "squeeze" - not so tempting. But, on the other hand, 100 million. - Also money, is not it? Comrade General MIA salary is much smaller, and in some Rovshan Ganja or Fedka Bald of "Tambov" wages and do not, as they are known, from the category of "temporarily unemployed". But what if all these wonderful authoritative people "ask"-taki "give" them our base? What we will be able to oppose them? Nothing.
Hence, what conclusion? The conclusion is that the money should be output while you can. New Gate - to hell, study personnel - to hell, higher salaries - peretopchutsya. And generally it is better to base personnel podsokratit, and job hire someone cheaper. Because we do not know: perhaps by the spring base is gone for nothing to Rovshan or Fedka! And what - we will use them to loot the new gates, new loading line, but still bargain-trained and satisfied all specialists ?! And do go to the dry crust ?? But hell! We have them all better now dismiss.
And it's logical behavior of the owner. If the property is not protected by absolute - in this case "as if the owner" feels real master alone "cash flow", which gives not his business. It remains only to all the forces that "cash flow" to intensify, well, the company - it's as God wills ...
Renting bandits
Whatever the analogy hold here to the reader, even had never engaged in business, it would clear the psychology of Russian businessman? And it's easy: imagine an ordinary situation "rental housing Uncle Kolya." You're shooting at the room of a "man on the ad." No lease agreement is not, you will feel yourself completely unprotected. At any time, Uncle Kolya can come and ask you to get out to hell: or tough - that is simply "went out", or gently - "you pay 20 thousand. Per month, and tomorrow will be 40 thousand .; I agree - pay, do not like - get out ».
Question: would the reader, living in a room under such conditions, on its own initiative to repair the room? Whitewash ceilings, new wallpaper glue, paste frames, make a "warm floor" and so on?
I think no. That's the same Russian businessman. The fact that any Russian industrial assets - that is the room: they are Russian "nedorezanny bourgeoisie" they really do not belong. No matter how they are made - in the form of lease for 99 years, or in the form of ownership of the shares, or something else - it's all empty. In reality, the whole property as is given to those suckers rent. Bandits. Bandits are not any concrete, but in a broad sense. And gangsters can be as "black" (ie, natural) and "red" (ie uniform). It does not matter. It is important that enterprises do not belong to the owners.
Hence - the predatory attitude to the property. Let's go back to our base with you. What we have with you the main task? Our task - to squeeze the most of it, until her thugs have not taken. And if we are bandits, and purchased the database described by the bandit - the problem remains the same: we have to squeeze a little more out of it until you come to the other gangsters, stronger. We are, after all, already know how to do it ...
This psychological features of perception is very important to understand. "Cash flow" - our, and the company that produces it - not ours. So think of any Russian businessman. Hence the two basic, the most important sectors of our economy: cashing and withdrawal in the offshore.
At a time when the property is not protected, the entrepreneur receives only possible reasonable way: save the "cache", as it sees that the atmosphere in the country is hostile to business and private property. He does not want to invest in companies that will be taken away from him - because they do not want, in the end, to work "Uncle." Let us remember - in fact, and entrepreneurs are mostly those people who do not like and do not want to work, "Uncle", and want to work for yourself!
But then the sad paradox phenomenon of positive feedback: the more predatory entrepreneur withdrawal from promaktivov, the more the population (which is, of course, sees) is permeated by mistrust and hatred of businessmen as a class, saying that they are the same pests away from them property until finally it not crash! Seeing such sentiments, entrepreneurs more intensively taken to withdraw funds, knowing that "the hour is near».
Paint a picture, of course, sad. It turns out that no one in Russia will organize a modern production out of fear that they will be taken away from him? It is difficult to argue - we all know that this fear is more than justified. Mason and his wise friends
Here, of course, begs the clearest example of a bricklayer. Mason - one of the Titans 90, the man who created in those years with his friends one of the most successful industrial and tourist companies "East Line". "East Line" drove "shuttles" and had from that huge profits.
Then I know the story of "second-hand" - just so happened that I was familiar with the man, member of the "inner circle" Mason. But was this: at the beginning of the "zero" Mason told friends that he was tired to engage in air cargo, it goes out of business and will be engaged in "Domodedovo" airport. Like, I want to become its owner and turned into the most modern airport in Russia.
To say that his friends were shocked - to say nothing. While one cargo flight of IL-86 in China with the "shuttle" brought the company 1 million. Dollars. "Clean." Friends twisted his finger to his temple, and almost in the eye and called Mason freak moron. They especially can be understood by looking at the then Domodedovo - one of the most ugrebischnyh airports in the country. And they are already reasonably he pointed to the viciousness of the idea, saying that the route to "Ilah" give the cache, and the airport will connect Mason hands and feet, he has invested, and its "throw».
But Mason sent all of them. And he began to rebuild Domodedovo. For a while it even seemed that he was right, but my friends are wrong: he did - as of the second half of the "zero" - made from Domodedovo "airport-sweet».
And then it happened, as we have already described the "in theory." With Mason all happened in practice: first, it skillfully poured shit from head to toe, then tortured and checks claims and then almost put - and as a result, the airport is "pressed". As usual, Mason, when the pressure became unbearable, tried to "jump" by selling the airport somewhere to the side - but hell: he has no one bought. And who needs a "singed" asset, which "pushes" gang of raiders led by the president / prime minister Medvedev?
Wise friends were right, and Mason - wrong. Save the State
Somehow I do not want to believe it at all. Maybe look for workarounds?
Workarounds, of course, immediately found. The government! Sobyanin will help us! What do you - tell me - scaring hedgehog fifty million dollars ?! It does the money ?! The ultra-modern plant, we will buy fellow Sobyanin money from the Moscow budget, and that's all! And we will be the 21st century for the state account, and without migrant workers, and without nasty bourgeois entrepreneurs?
But is it? To begin with, the budget if and buy a super-duper-factory warehouse, will buy, of course, not 50, and 150 mln. Dollars. And we do know perfectly well why - at least those who are familiar with the the word "rollback».
But this is only the beginning. Not only that, for securities purchased will cost 150 mln. USD .; in fact, "on the garlic," bought pull a maximum of 30 million. - because goszakupschiki certainly "uzhmut" and utryasut real set of automation to "cheap, but no less effective" analogs which private traders, spending their money would not take, and at gunpoint!
And that's not all. When used superbazu bought you and me, dear reader, on their hard-earned half a billion - we took to the principle of "measure twice, cut once." Why is that? Yes, because we have understood that we make a mistake in something - and our money will fly into the pipe, and nobody will not return back to us!
Another thing - goszakupschik. He spends his originally. So in the "logistics center", made for the state account, will be enough suitable to each other and the best equipment, service them will also be established anyhow, parts stolen even before the start, the remaining fast break, repair, no one will, because just do not know how. Robots will rise, they will carry into the back room, and in their place (some vegetables to make it!) Hire people off the street.
As a result, instead of "logistics center" will have the same base Biruliovsky migrants. Is karma. And from her not to leave. Gosdengi not help for one simple reason - they do not give rise to the owner. No owner - no modernization. Actually, that's a "modernization of import" We have already passed in recent years, the Soviet government. The newspapers were full of indignant articles purchased for the currency (!!) automatic lines, which for years were unpacked in boxes in the yard, and then happily surrendered to scrap.
Nothing will happen as long as there is no respect for the property. Yes, there is no point to go far for examples. Nihilism in society is fantastic! That is - the very base of the Intercession. What we have in fact? Successful company with a turnover of 9 billion. USD. Per year (not every oil company more), with the number of employed several thousand people employed in one of the most peaceful and popular areas of activity (distribution of vegetables!) ... What's wrong with him? It's just destroyed. In an instant!
Just arrived, hung a large padlock. "There is here no longer the enterprise." All. And for what, exactly?
And the most amazing is not even that, but the fact that this is truly egregious example of contempt for the property ... just no one even noticed. That is, neither the scale of activity, nor an obvious social importance and benefits, no really, hehe, legal formalities - nothing is protected and is not able to protect against arbitrariness THOSE WHO WANT overcome. This society is not even that indifference - no, it is rather on the side of "otzhimateley».