We are for the "Quiet Center"
Writes journalist and blogger Ilya Varlamov:
I will say the obvious: the problem of illegal migration in Russia - one of the most acute. And the government no longer cope with her. And as shown by the examples in the past year with the fire fighting if the government loses control over the problem, for it takes society.
Often, however, the society is not always adequately assess their capabilities and skills, if not too far. With guest workers and occurs: it happens that radically-minded youth beat, if not kill came to work Tajiks and Kyrgyz. And his actions justify a simple formula: "They have got, and the police is inactive».
Igor Mangushev, representative of the Orthodox youth movement "Light Russia" and member of the initiative group "Quiet center", which I'll discuss next time more, to lynching skeptical. "This is an extreme measure, to which the people without resorting massively now, be sure to come running. Migration Service closes its eyes to the problem of illegal migration, as people want results, "- says Igor.
23 photos
Together with him we will go to the Tverskoy Boulevard, 17, where the estate of the Princes Volkonsky. Two-storey house of the XIX century built at the end of last year, wanted to demolish and then change your mind: the building helped to save "Arhnadzorovtsy».
In the middle of the house, which had once walked Leo Tolstoy, and where he lived Prince Bolkonsky prototype of "War and Peace" takes a huge crack. The front door - a code lock. Inside, according to Igor, resides about 300 visitors on earnings of foreigners.
"This is not just a hostel, it is also a monument of architecture. Accordingly, the fact that a kilometer from the Kremlin to the monument of migrants live, is, in my opinion, is absurd, "- he would say after our excursions.
Code door Igor knows; He opens the door and lets us inside. Up the small staircase - just see two apartments. Go to the first, there is a small hall: her kitchen, where lunch, two migrant workers. When a camera is one of them hastily gets up and leaves the room.
By the way, while still working on the clock a few minutes before four, and thus, in theory. Children must be at work.
Then we find the apartment bedroom. Here rest women. Perhaps they are waiting for their husbands to work and may themselves have come up with what some night shifts. Despite the fact that the room is clearly accommodates 3-5 people, all looks pretty clean. Is that somewhat stale air.
Go to the next apartment. Here a long time do not open, although Igor quite vigorously knocking on the door and presses the doorbell, which does not seem to work. Finally, we opened a woman, which immediately disappears in a network of corridors.
There is clearly roomier. Corridor little longer than the first, and the living room looks richer. Especially interesting to look carpets on the floor. There is also quite clean: it is clear that the inhabitants of his home thoroughly clean. The window could be seen on a wall shelf and the bottom half of the four-poster hung with bunk beds.
In the kitchen, two men drinking tea. When we appeared they begin to talk, but to go on in a hurry. One asks Igor: "You have already filmed yesterday?". He replied that he was not there yesterday, and he has the right to shoot as many times as it sees fit. Man argues
Exit out of the apartment, where, incidentally, was not so stuffy: aerate often. There is a second floor with two apartments, and in one of them - a passage in the "sensitive" zone, where there are several rooms with access to the basement.
Such ads hanging on the ground floor. And in the span - between the first and second - pasted paper "Do not litter. A fine of 1,000 rubles! ". Announcement half torn off.
By the way, the house is already approaching the police. They called Igor even before we entered the house. Last time the police were here a week ago, then the dress had to wait four o'clock.
And last Friday at a public council of the Federal Migration Service in Moscow, Igor told about all the main police district. He showed pictures of illegal residences, showed "fake" certificate of registration, and the chiefs blushed and turned pale. After such a colorful report, they promised to quickly respond to any referral to the police and the FMS.
At this time of the call to police arrival and the district was no more than 10 minutes. At this point, we climbed to the second floor, and the most observant migrant workers have noticed the arrival of law enforcement officers and began hastily assembled to temporarily leave his home.
On the second floor there are two spacious rooms. On the floor sat the children: Who is playing, someone is watching TV. Towards the rise of women included immediately. They several times in broken Russian asked not to shoot them, and the situation room.
It is very stuffy: the corners of the sleeping side by side some people, more women, the windows are closed, kitchens (there are two here) always something cooked, further warming the already hot summer air. Rooms generally look dirtier than the neighbor from floor below.
The windows of the second floor are located quite close to the ground, so jump out is not working. Especially locals, who obviously do not do it the first time. In order to catch the fugitives, the police are trying to cover all sides of the building, but this does not always help.
Of course, had time to leave the house before the arrival of the dress, go not forever. They disperse for several hours in the district, will sit, for example, on Tverskoy Boulevard, at the same time on the phone to warn their neighbors that they returned home from work later. And then, when the police leave, they come back to the house by a signal from their loved ones, those caught in the form of people.
Police officers walk through the rooms, wake those who are still asleep, require migrant workers to leave the premises, seizing documents for verification.
"Get dressed quickly, the woman, the documents do not forget your passport, registration, work permit. And wake up those sleeping there, or pretend to be asleep. Hurry, please take the time comes, "- commanded by one of the policemen. Igor (right to the last photo, the table) controls the actions of the authorities.
Arrived at the scene district (far left in the picture). He directs the actions of the dress, and writes the data of those who decided to detain and bring to the department for a thorough examination of the documents.
Among them - a woman with three children. One of them in the second picture she is holding in her arms. She found a fake patent for the work, as well as purchased registration. It seems that this is not the first time she comes to a similar offense. Now, apparently, it is waiting for deportation without the right to return to Russia for five years.
One of the two sitting on the fence Kyrgyz also driven to secede. But his friend with documents all in order. In general, half of those who could still catch the house, there is even a Russian passport. And the rest - the normal registration. At least, it looks like normal. Meticulous checking - a matter of FMS. And no police.
Police officers continue to display those who have not yet been met himself. One of the women cover with a lid undercooked dinner, and then turns off the gas. However, all the stove off and restricted.
When migrant workers leave the building, they do not close any windows or doors. It becomes clear that, for half of them, these checks are not uncommon, and if they are not afraid, that means documents like as everything is in order.
Besides, he declared "a senior on the house", which did not immediately realize what had happened, and then taken to talk about that in just a day before our arrival, the staff visited the estate of the FMS, which, however, there were no arrests.
The fact that there were efemesovtsy, district hears for the first time. "You see," - he tells us. "And we do not know about it, and they did not tell us anything. While we must work together like ».
His words were confirmed by Igor. "The police and the FMS have to come together. Because at first there is no specific authority associated with checking accounts and other such documents, and the latter have no right to detain the separation of migrants ", - he explains.
These children are waiting for deportation: they, of course, this is unlikely to understand. Police officers guard the mother and her children, however, they look at the baby with regret. Or with interest when he grows up, and the time of his deportation, of course, have time to come to an end, to change anything in the migration policy of the country, in the legislation? Or is he as well as his parents leave to work illegally and live in a big city from their small country, which desperately needs hands?
Almost all the inhabitants of the house after checking the documents are returned to their homes. Igor says that registration breaks through the CID, and all of them are fake. However, the police throw up their hands: they have no such data, all questions to the Federal Migration Service, and sometimes even to the district council.
Finally, Igor promises to return here almost every day to dress to get out migrants legally. He already has at least one successful example of perseverance and the rule of law: the last week of migrant workers managed to clear the cellars of one of the buildings of the Moscow Conservatory (Building 2, Building 3 in the Small Kislovsky lane). There are forty people detained without registration; back of them so no one has returned. However, it is not clear now where do evicted went to visit the capital.
But there is another problem. Migrants are many people who have all the documents in order. For example, citizens of Kyrgyzstan can safely work in Russia for 3 months. How to tell the people living in inhumane conditions in the house, for a place in the "dormitory" they pay 3,500 rubles a month, no one to Sergei. I'm sure Igor finish off release of the estate, but it will not solve the problem. People will not leave, they have strong ties to Moscow, the work, many have lived here for years. In all this history entirely, in my opinion, Sergei nazasluzhenno forgotten. Who is this venerable gentleman? Why he collects each month lyudie 3,500 rubles? Where to go to 200 000 rubles per month, which collects from Sergei disenfranchised immigrants? As you can see, a lot more questions than answers. I very much hope that the boys of the youth movement "Light Russia" will pay attention not only to workers, but also on the Muscovites, who receive money from them and the roofs of such illegal settlements.
I will say the obvious: the problem of illegal migration in Russia - one of the most acute. And the government no longer cope with her. And as shown by the examples in the past year with the fire fighting if the government loses control over the problem, for it takes society.
Often, however, the society is not always adequately assess their capabilities and skills, if not too far. With guest workers and occurs: it happens that radically-minded youth beat, if not kill came to work Tajiks and Kyrgyz. And his actions justify a simple formula: "They have got, and the police is inactive».
Igor Mangushev, representative of the Orthodox youth movement "Light Russia" and member of the initiative group "Quiet center", which I'll discuss next time more, to lynching skeptical. "This is an extreme measure, to which the people without resorting massively now, be sure to come running. Migration Service closes its eyes to the problem of illegal migration, as people want results, "- says Igor.
23 photos

Together with him we will go to the Tverskoy Boulevard, 17, where the estate of the Princes Volkonsky. Two-storey house of the XIX century built at the end of last year, wanted to demolish and then change your mind: the building helped to save "Arhnadzorovtsy».
In the middle of the house, which had once walked Leo Tolstoy, and where he lived Prince Bolkonsky prototype of "War and Peace" takes a huge crack. The front door - a code lock. Inside, according to Igor, resides about 300 visitors on earnings of foreigners.
"This is not just a hostel, it is also a monument of architecture. Accordingly, the fact that a kilometer from the Kremlin to the monument of migrants live, is, in my opinion, is absurd, "- he would say after our excursions.
Code door Igor knows; He opens the door and lets us inside. Up the small staircase - just see two apartments. Go to the first, there is a small hall: her kitchen, where lunch, two migrant workers. When a camera is one of them hastily gets up and leaves the room.

By the way, while still working on the clock a few minutes before four, and thus, in theory. Children must be at work.

Then we find the apartment bedroom. Here rest women. Perhaps they are waiting for their husbands to work and may themselves have come up with what some night shifts. Despite the fact that the room is clearly accommodates 3-5 people, all looks pretty clean. Is that somewhat stale air.


Go to the next apartment. Here a long time do not open, although Igor quite vigorously knocking on the door and presses the doorbell, which does not seem to work. Finally, we opened a woman, which immediately disappears in a network of corridors.
There is clearly roomier. Corridor little longer than the first, and the living room looks richer. Especially interesting to look carpets on the floor. There is also quite clean: it is clear that the inhabitants of his home thoroughly clean. The window could be seen on a wall shelf and the bottom half of the four-poster hung with bunk beds.
In the kitchen, two men drinking tea. When we appeared they begin to talk, but to go on in a hurry. One asks Igor: "You have already filmed yesterday?". He replied that he was not there yesterday, and he has the right to shoot as many times as it sees fit. Man argues

Exit out of the apartment, where, incidentally, was not so stuffy: aerate often. There is a second floor with two apartments, and in one of them - a passage in the "sensitive" zone, where there are several rooms with access to the basement.
Such ads hanging on the ground floor. And in the span - between the first and second - pasted paper "Do not litter. A fine of 1,000 rubles! ". Announcement half torn off.

By the way, the house is already approaching the police. They called Igor even before we entered the house. Last time the police were here a week ago, then the dress had to wait four o'clock.
And last Friday at a public council of the Federal Migration Service in Moscow, Igor told about all the main police district. He showed pictures of illegal residences, showed "fake" certificate of registration, and the chiefs blushed and turned pale. After such a colorful report, they promised to quickly respond to any referral to the police and the FMS.
At this time of the call to police arrival and the district was no more than 10 minutes. At this point, we climbed to the second floor, and the most observant migrant workers have noticed the arrival of law enforcement officers and began hastily assembled to temporarily leave his home.

On the second floor there are two spacious rooms. On the floor sat the children: Who is playing, someone is watching TV. Towards the rise of women included immediately. They several times in broken Russian asked not to shoot them, and the situation room.

It is very stuffy: the corners of the sleeping side by side some people, more women, the windows are closed, kitchens (there are two here) always something cooked, further warming the already hot summer air. Rooms generally look dirtier than the neighbor from floor below.
The windows of the second floor are located quite close to the ground, so jump out is not working. Especially locals, who obviously do not do it the first time. In order to catch the fugitives, the police are trying to cover all sides of the building, but this does not always help.


Of course, had time to leave the house before the arrival of the dress, go not forever. They disperse for several hours in the district, will sit, for example, on Tverskoy Boulevard, at the same time on the phone to warn their neighbors that they returned home from work later. And then, when the police leave, they come back to the house by a signal from their loved ones, those caught in the form of people.
Police officers walk through the rooms, wake those who are still asleep, require migrant workers to leave the premises, seizing documents for verification.
"Get dressed quickly, the woman, the documents do not forget your passport, registration, work permit. And wake up those sleeping there, or pretend to be asleep. Hurry, please take the time comes, "- commanded by one of the policemen. Igor (right to the last photo, the table) controls the actions of the authorities.


Arrived at the scene district (far left in the picture). He directs the actions of the dress, and writes the data of those who decided to detain and bring to the department for a thorough examination of the documents.
Among them - a woman with three children. One of them in the second picture she is holding in her arms. She found a fake patent for the work, as well as purchased registration. It seems that this is not the first time she comes to a similar offense. Now, apparently, it is waiting for deportation without the right to return to Russia for five years.


One of the two sitting on the fence Kyrgyz also driven to secede. But his friend with documents all in order. In general, half of those who could still catch the house, there is even a Russian passport. And the rest - the normal registration. At least, it looks like normal. Meticulous checking - a matter of FMS. And no police.


Police officers continue to display those who have not yet been met himself. One of the women cover with a lid undercooked dinner, and then turns off the gas. However, all the stove off and restricted.



When migrant workers leave the building, they do not close any windows or doors. It becomes clear that, for half of them, these checks are not uncommon, and if they are not afraid, that means documents like as everything is in order.
Besides, he declared "a senior on the house", which did not immediately realize what had happened, and then taken to talk about that in just a day before our arrival, the staff visited the estate of the FMS, which, however, there were no arrests.
The fact that there were efemesovtsy, district hears for the first time. "You see," - he tells us. "And we do not know about it, and they did not tell us anything. While we must work together like ».
His words were confirmed by Igor. "The police and the FMS have to come together. Because at first there is no specific authority associated with checking accounts and other such documents, and the latter have no right to detain the separation of migrants ", - he explains.
These children are waiting for deportation: they, of course, this is unlikely to understand. Police officers guard the mother and her children, however, they look at the baby with regret. Or with interest when he grows up, and the time of his deportation, of course, have time to come to an end, to change anything in the migration policy of the country, in the legislation? Or is he as well as his parents leave to work illegally and live in a big city from their small country, which desperately needs hands?


Almost all the inhabitants of the house after checking the documents are returned to their homes. Igor says that registration breaks through the CID, and all of them are fake. However, the police throw up their hands: they have no such data, all questions to the Federal Migration Service, and sometimes even to the district council.
Finally, Igor promises to return here almost every day to dress to get out migrants legally. He already has at least one successful example of perseverance and the rule of law: the last week of migrant workers managed to clear the cellars of one of the buildings of the Moscow Conservatory (Building 2, Building 3 in the Small Kislovsky lane). There are forty people detained without registration; back of them so no one has returned. However, it is not clear now where do evicted went to visit the capital.
But there is another problem. Migrants are many people who have all the documents in order. For example, citizens of Kyrgyzstan can safely work in Russia for 3 months. How to tell the people living in inhumane conditions in the house, for a place in the "dormitory" they pay 3,500 rubles a month, no one to Sergei. I'm sure Igor finish off release of the estate, but it will not solve the problem. People will not leave, they have strong ties to Moscow, the work, many have lived here for years. In all this history entirely, in my opinion, Sergei nazasluzhenno forgotten. Who is this venerable gentleman? Why he collects each month lyudie 3,500 rubles? Where to go to 200 000 rubles per month, which collects from Sergei disenfranchised immigrants? As you can see, a lot more questions than answers. I very much hope that the boys of the youth movement "Light Russia" will pay attention not only to workers, but also on the Muscovites, who receive money from them and the roofs of such illegal settlements.
