In Chita, during a downpour drowned bus
Russia has two problems, and they just faced the inhabitants of the glorious city of Chita. At the time, fools paved storm sewers aggravate the problem with the roads.
June 11 at 18-30, when all normal people are just in a hurry to go home, began a heavy downpour. At the entrance to one of the neighborhoods where traffic is always dense, under the bridge of a traffic jam. For a couple of minutes a minibus full of people was flooded with water. People got out of the cabin through the hatch and waited for 40 minutes until they were rescued. It is worth noting that turned out to be the saviors of the driver and the driver himself KAMAZ taxi. Spec. Service on the call did not come.
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June 11 at 18-30, when all normal people are just in a hurry to go home, began a heavy downpour. At the entrance to one of the neighborhoods where traffic is always dense, under the bridge of a traffic jam. For a couple of minutes a minibus full of people was flooded with water. People got out of the cabin through the hatch and waited for 40 minutes until they were rescued. It is worth noting that turned out to be the saviors of the driver and the driver himself KAMAZ taxi. Spec. Service on the call did not come.
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