Hearing salary, all retired hospital
Later dismissed from the scandal doctors returned, but the head physician was dismissed
In Chita on Tuesday waited for happy ending stories of doctors from the hospital antenatal clinic Chita, has received publicity on the eve of the entire country. Sacked doctors returned, but the head physician was asked to leave his post. Recall the scandal that erupted in Chita recently. Leaders voiced hospital salary employees who allegedly receive prenatal - 36 thousand rubles. However, workers rebelled: the wages of doctors actually makes 14 thousand, and midwives - 8-9 thousand. Paramedics were so shocked by the blatant lies that have decided to resign collectively.
The incident, of course, went to the regional Ministry of Health. February 10 Minister Mikhail Lazutkin met with the staff of the maternity hospital of the city, and said that the dismissal of employees - the result of shortcomings in the management of health facilities.
Outcome of the meeting did not take long: February 11, the minister signed a decree dismissing the head physician George Verigin of paragraph 2 of Article 278. And the resignations in protest of doctors was asked to return. And about. He became head physician of former Head of the women's clinic Elena Vorobets. By the way, it was the first to apply for the dismissal, after which the process has acquired a mass character. According Vorobets proposed post for her very important, even more so at such a difficult time. But she agreed to a post, feeling great support team.
However, it is not clear what will now be the wages for doctors and midwives.
In Chita on Tuesday waited for happy ending stories of doctors from the hospital antenatal clinic Chita, has received publicity on the eve of the entire country. Sacked doctors returned, but the head physician was asked to leave his post. Recall the scandal that erupted in Chita recently. Leaders voiced hospital salary employees who allegedly receive prenatal - 36 thousand rubles. However, workers rebelled: the wages of doctors actually makes 14 thousand, and midwives - 8-9 thousand. Paramedics were so shocked by the blatant lies that have decided to resign collectively.
The incident, of course, went to the regional Ministry of Health. February 10 Minister Mikhail Lazutkin met with the staff of the maternity hospital of the city, and said that the dismissal of employees - the result of shortcomings in the management of health facilities.
Outcome of the meeting did not take long: February 11, the minister signed a decree dismissing the head physician George Verigin of paragraph 2 of Article 278. And the resignations in protest of doctors was asked to return. And about. He became head physician of former Head of the women's clinic Elena Vorobets. By the way, it was the first to apply for the dismissal, after which the process has acquired a mass character. According Vorobets proposed post for her very important, even more so at such a difficult time. But she agreed to a post, feeling great support team.
However, it is not clear what will now be the wages for doctors and midwives.
