I forbid my husband to spend money on payday, count everything to a penny.

“Money is the best sedative!” I usually say on payday. I plan to buy a loved one in the near future, save 10% for charity and another 10% for the future. I write lists of what to buy from food and in the house, but do not buy on this day. And my husband is forbidden to spend money on the day of his salary. Personally. I'm counting every penny.There's a good reason for that.

Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what you can't do. spend on payday. The energy of wealth should be caught in the house!

I have always valued folk wisdom, for it did not arise from scratch and is based on the experience of millennia and on the immutable laws of energy. There are subtle laws that help raise moneyBut we don't even know about them because we don't see them directly. The energy of money is alive, conscious, and you need to learn how to handle it properly.

There are a lot of people's advice about this. How to raise money. In many countries, people have their own signs. I can tell you from personal experience that it works and helps you get richer.

There are superstitions and proverbs on the subject of money in any country in the world, the British, for example, say: “If you have little money, throw a spider in your wallet, a spider will create a network that will help you get money very quickly.”

They also say that money should lie in your wallet very smoothly, side to side and not be dented. This may sound silly, but who can deny it?

So, there is a folk wisdom, which says: “When you get the money, bring the whole amount home.” Don't waste them on the way!

Money should be spent at home, and then you can spend it. This expression applies not only to wages, but also to any cash receipts: be it bonuses, lottery winnings or the sale of a sweatshirt on Avito.

According to this assumption, money don't spend It is the first day after receiving them, as this money needs to be fixed in your wallet and house.

The rules of money will strengthen the financial flow. It is as if a person becomes a magnet for new money. Otherwise, no matter how much money we receive, it will literally evaporate, and life itself will pass according to the scenario of poverty.

I have long since noticed this pattern. It often happens that with the salary as if there is some kind of euphoria and wants to buy everything that for a long time denied himself. But the euphoria passes, and the things bought on such emotions, then do not please. And the money's gone.

“Well, don’t even buy bread and other products on payday, and if you really need to?” And I'll say, "If you're going to shop, take the money you need from home or use a card." The new money should be spent at home with the rest of your money where you normally keep it.”

Money ritual.
There's still that unspoken. money-rule“Finance loves the bill, especially on payday.” To increase and stabilize the cash flow, you can conduct a special monetary ritual.

You need to take the entire salary and lay it out with a stop (one bill for the second), and then count them in a circle, repeating several times. For example, if you have 10 500 bills, you can count the first as the eleventh after the tenth, and the second as the twelfth.

Esotericists say that this action will help set you on the wave elevation and well-being. And it also helps to withdraw money blocks and make friends with money.

I also suggest you know what to do with the broom, so that there is always money in the house. To check, you must definitely try!

On payday, wait, let the money stay in your house. And then spend it when necessary. Listen to these tips, they really work. Checked out by our ancestors!

Yes, money is energy, which means it should circulate. Don't let it stagnate, don't save large sums of money at home, put them in the bank or put them in business, then they'll do it. pay off and multiply.

Giving, always mentally thank for the benefits received in return, be it food, clothing, utilities or other services. The energy of joy is closely related to money energy. When you receive the money, sincerely rejoice and thank you!


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