Where to put unnecessary things in Moscow
There are many ways to get rid of the unnecessary clothes from freemarkets and message boards to charities and large stores. We present a selection of some of the places in Moscow where you are happy to accept unwanted items.
Ninety million three hundred seven thousand nine hundred ninety two
Bulletin board The fastest and easiest way is to place ads on the websites of "Gift gift", "Avito", "Give a gift", "hand in hand". Things for children there are dedicated sites: Дети.Mail.ru, Baby.ru, Babyblog.ru and others.
On some boards you can assign a nominal fee for his or her property in the form of chocolate or fruit. Or just switch with someone things.
Fifty four million one hundred sixteen thousand eight hundred forty seven
Premarket For this, the city hosts popular lately premarket.It is self-organized free fairs with no money, where you can freely share things. People laid out their wares on the table-the counter on categories: clothes, shoes, books, toys, household items. Everyone can pick themselves attracted to new things. For information about new premarket can to follow the group "Freemarket of Moscow".
Ninety five million six hundred forty four thousand eight hundred eighty three
Charity shop In thrift stores you can donate unwanted clothes in good condition, the store will sell it at a big discount, and the money will go to charity.
Among the charity shops – "Blogaboutit" . The profit from the sale of the items goes to the treatment wards of the charity Fund "Faith" and "give life". Address: Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya, 1, shopping center RIO pavilion U20а (ground floor). The shop is open daily from 10-00 to 22-00.
In the Charity Shop will accept clothing and accessories in good condition with no stains or scuffs. Then these things are put up for sale. Most of the profit goes to pay for the education programmes of vocational guidance and employment of graduates of children's homes belonging to the Centre for equal opportunities for orphaned children "Up".
Charity Shop workers carry out actions for the collection of clothes in the office, by agreement, establish there own containers for things and also accept clothes from individuals in his shop at the address: Novokuznetskaya str., 1, from 11:00 to 21:00.
Clothes can be brought daily from 11:00 to 22:00 at the thrift store "Shop joys". Address: Malyi sukharevskiy pereulok, 7 (metro station "Tsvetnoy Boulevard"). There you can take any thing for free donations, leaving a small amount: 20-30% of the cost of new things. Received the money for the purchase of clothing for the needy.
"БлагоMarket" (khokhlovskiy pereulok, 7) besides clothes and shoes, takes glasses, handbags, belts, jewelry. Also in the shop you can buy designer items in good condition.
Anticafe "Ziferblat" in Pushkin (street Tver, d. 12, p. 1) the second floor has an unusual second-hand. Here you can exchange your old clothes for any.
Thirty nine million three hundred thirty one thousand one hundred seventy six
H&MIn H&M stores worldwide at ticket offices set boxes for reception of unnecessary things. And two standard package items to the buyer give a 15 percent discount on any purchase. H&M collaborates with the company-sorter I:CO. Of all the stores of H&M items are taken to the German city of Wolfen, where the marshalling yard is located. There they are divided into four categories: things to second-hand stores, unsuitable for washing floors, for recycling and for energy.
As a result of processing of clothes get recycled textile fiber. It is made from non-woven materials (e.g., coating for plants), as well as hardware yarn from which to further re-produce textiles. Also, recycled old clothes used as raw materials for producing technical felt, sound insulation materials, floor coatings and lining materials in the furniture industry.
Thirty one million one hundred ninety thousand four hundred twenty three
Churches and organizations Collection of things is in most of the Metropolitan churches. Clothes and shoes to give to the poor, the sick, the homeless and others in need.
The Moscow city branch of Russian red cross accepts warm clothing and bedding for poor families and single mothers, the homeless. Address: Volokolamskoe shosse, d. 15/22, entrance from the Panfilov, 22.
The international organization "the salvation Army" (Moscow branch) will also take clothes for large families, pensioners and the homeless. Organizations for possible removal. Address: Khlebnikov per., 7, p. 2.
In the NGO "Sail of hope" help people with disabilities. They will take their charges for the clothing, household appliances and utensils. Warehouse space they have, but they recommend a particular person, family or a boarding school which can help, and I will go with you.
Fifty million fifty seven thousand eight hundred thirty eight
Social assistance centers The remaining clothes and shoes on freemarket often goes into social help centers. They can also bring unwanted things. Here are a few addresses:
Center of social aid to family and children "Koptevo": PR-d Cherepanov, D. 44.
A comprehensive social service center "Otradnoe": Rimsky Korsakov str., 6.
Social service centre "Yaroslavl": Palekh str., D. 11, korp. 2.
Social service centre "Donskoy": Sevastopolskiy PR-d., d. 1, korp. 1A. In addition to clothing takes toys and books.
Center of social aid to family and children "well-being": Pyatnitskoe sh., 36. In addition to clothing takes toys and books.
Social service center Yasenevo: St. Golubinskaya, d. 32, korp. 2.
Center of social aid to family and children "sun": g. Zelenograd, korp. 913.
Center of social service "Matveevsky": street Nezhinsky, d. 13, an entrance 21, sq 707, the code is 1234.
Center of social service "obruchevsky": street of Innovators, d. 36, korp. 5.
The social service centre of the district "Arbat": Trubnikovsky per., 21, p. 1.
An emergency social services to Muscovites can bring clothes, dishes and appliances for low-income people. Address: Volkhonka str., 5, p. 7, 1st entrance, 3rd floor, Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 15.00.
Sixty six million six hundred forty six thousand three hundred one
Stock At the Foundation of "Charity" work reception center of things in the exhibition center of St. Basil the Great. To bring things can be on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 to 20:00 at the address: Dmitrovskoe shosse, d. 71.
To help families from regions of Russia is possible in the Fund "Russian birch". They sending things by mail to individual need. Here accept children's and adult clothes and shoes in good condition, washed and ironed. Prerequisite: clothing should be in plastic bags or waterproof bags. Address: Spartakovskaya str., 19, bld. 3, entrance from the yard to the basement (metro station "Baumanskaya"). Hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00.
Baby things take in the charity Fund "Volunteers in aid to children-orphans". Clothes and shoes are taken daily and around the clock in coordination with the coordinator at tel: +7-926-283-72-32. Address: ul. Admirala Lazareva, d. 43, under. 5 (metro station "Buninskaya Alleya").
The Fund Elizabeth Glinka (Dr. Lisa) help homeless and people in difficult situation. Take clothes strictly according to the season (summer dresses, winter coats), as you just have nowhere to store. Address: Pyatnitskaya str., 17/4, p. 1 (metro station "Novokuznetskaya"). Working time: from 10:00 to 20:00 seven days a week.
To help the homeless and people in difficult life situation in the Orthodox organization "Kursk station homeless children". First, there is the men's clothing as well as outerwear and shoes. Women's and children's clothing are mostly sent to the needy in the Tula region. Address: Yakovoapostolskiy lane 6 (the area of the Temple AP. James the son of Zebedee, metro station "Kurskaya"). Hours: Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 17:00. You can bring clothes to another time and leave her to the guards of the temple.
To help internally displaced persons and homeless people may also be at the "Civic assistance Committee" at the address: Olimpiyskiy Prospekt, D. 22, on working days from 10:00 to 20:00.
Things for large and incomplete families, disabled and elderly people accepts charitable organization Center "Perspective". They can bring not only clothes and shoes, but also books, equipment, stationery and other supplies for everyday life. Address: balakirevsky per., d. 23, p. 1, Centre "Perspective" (metro station "Baumanskaya", proc. 22, 25, stop "Balakirev lane"). On reception of the necessary preliminary record by phone: (499) 267 -70-33.
Charitable Foundation "Sozidanie" takes things to the fire victims, the poor and disadvantaged families and people affected by the floods or other emergency situations. Take everything from clothes to kitchen utensils, office supplies and personal hygiene products. Address: ul. Magnitogorskaya, d. 9, korp. 1.
Things for the elderly can take the Fund "Sofia". Clothes accepted on Tuesdays from 15.00 to 20.00 at St. Yartsevskaya, 21, a cinema "Brest", the entrance to the store "Tsentrobuv", metro station "Youth".
To take things to the elderly in the charity Foundation "Starost V radost'". Before the trip you need to agree on a list of things with the coordinator by phone: +7-926-276-69-91. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: recyclemag.ru/article/kuda-sdat-nenuzhnye-veschi-v-moskve
Ninety million three hundred seven thousand nine hundred ninety two
Bulletin board The fastest and easiest way is to place ads on the websites of "Gift gift", "Avito", "Give a gift", "hand in hand". Things for children there are dedicated sites: Дети.Mail.ru, Baby.ru, Babyblog.ru and others.
On some boards you can assign a nominal fee for his or her property in the form of chocolate or fruit. Or just switch with someone things.
Fifty four million one hundred sixteen thousand eight hundred forty seven
Premarket For this, the city hosts popular lately premarket.It is self-organized free fairs with no money, where you can freely share things. People laid out their wares on the table-the counter on categories: clothes, shoes, books, toys, household items. Everyone can pick themselves attracted to new things. For information about new premarket can to follow the group "Freemarket of Moscow".
Ninety five million six hundred forty four thousand eight hundred eighty three
Charity shop In thrift stores you can donate unwanted clothes in good condition, the store will sell it at a big discount, and the money will go to charity.
Among the charity shops – "Blogaboutit" . The profit from the sale of the items goes to the treatment wards of the charity Fund "Faith" and "give life". Address: Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya, 1, shopping center RIO pavilion U20а (ground floor). The shop is open daily from 10-00 to 22-00.
In the Charity Shop will accept clothing and accessories in good condition with no stains or scuffs. Then these things are put up for sale. Most of the profit goes to pay for the education programmes of vocational guidance and employment of graduates of children's homes belonging to the Centre for equal opportunities for orphaned children "Up".
Charity Shop workers carry out actions for the collection of clothes in the office, by agreement, establish there own containers for things and also accept clothes from individuals in his shop at the address: Novokuznetskaya str., 1, from 11:00 to 21:00.
Clothes can be brought daily from 11:00 to 22:00 at the thrift store "Shop joys". Address: Malyi sukharevskiy pereulok, 7 (metro station "Tsvetnoy Boulevard"). There you can take any thing for free donations, leaving a small amount: 20-30% of the cost of new things. Received the money for the purchase of clothing for the needy.
"БлагоMarket" (khokhlovskiy pereulok, 7) besides clothes and shoes, takes glasses, handbags, belts, jewelry. Also in the shop you can buy designer items in good condition.
Anticafe "Ziferblat" in Pushkin (street Tver, d. 12, p. 1) the second floor has an unusual second-hand. Here you can exchange your old clothes for any.
Thirty nine million three hundred thirty one thousand one hundred seventy six
H&MIn H&M stores worldwide at ticket offices set boxes for reception of unnecessary things. And two standard package items to the buyer give a 15 percent discount on any purchase. H&M collaborates with the company-sorter I:CO. Of all the stores of H&M items are taken to the German city of Wolfen, where the marshalling yard is located. There they are divided into four categories: things to second-hand stores, unsuitable for washing floors, for recycling and for energy.
As a result of processing of clothes get recycled textile fiber. It is made from non-woven materials (e.g., coating for plants), as well as hardware yarn from which to further re-produce textiles. Also, recycled old clothes used as raw materials for producing technical felt, sound insulation materials, floor coatings and lining materials in the furniture industry.
Thirty one million one hundred ninety thousand four hundred twenty three
Churches and organizations Collection of things is in most of the Metropolitan churches. Clothes and shoes to give to the poor, the sick, the homeless and others in need.
The Moscow city branch of Russian red cross accepts warm clothing and bedding for poor families and single mothers, the homeless. Address: Volokolamskoe shosse, d. 15/22, entrance from the Panfilov, 22.
The international organization "the salvation Army" (Moscow branch) will also take clothes for large families, pensioners and the homeless. Organizations for possible removal. Address: Khlebnikov per., 7, p. 2.
In the NGO "Sail of hope" help people with disabilities. They will take their charges for the clothing, household appliances and utensils. Warehouse space they have, but they recommend a particular person, family or a boarding school which can help, and I will go with you.
Fifty million fifty seven thousand eight hundred thirty eight
Social assistance centers The remaining clothes and shoes on freemarket often goes into social help centers. They can also bring unwanted things. Here are a few addresses:
Center of social aid to family and children "Koptevo": PR-d Cherepanov, D. 44.
A comprehensive social service center "Otradnoe": Rimsky Korsakov str., 6.
Social service centre "Yaroslavl": Palekh str., D. 11, korp. 2.
Social service centre "Donskoy": Sevastopolskiy PR-d., d. 1, korp. 1A. In addition to clothing takes toys and books.
Center of social aid to family and children "well-being": Pyatnitskoe sh., 36. In addition to clothing takes toys and books.
Social service center Yasenevo: St. Golubinskaya, d. 32, korp. 2.
Center of social aid to family and children "sun": g. Zelenograd, korp. 913.
Center of social service "Matveevsky": street Nezhinsky, d. 13, an entrance 21, sq 707, the code is 1234.
Center of social service "obruchevsky": street of Innovators, d. 36, korp. 5.
The social service centre of the district "Arbat": Trubnikovsky per., 21, p. 1.
An emergency social services to Muscovites can bring clothes, dishes and appliances for low-income people. Address: Volkhonka str., 5, p. 7, 1st entrance, 3rd floor, Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 15.00.
Sixty six million six hundred forty six thousand three hundred one
Stock At the Foundation of "Charity" work reception center of things in the exhibition center of St. Basil the Great. To bring things can be on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 to 20:00 at the address: Dmitrovskoe shosse, d. 71.
To help families from regions of Russia is possible in the Fund "Russian birch". They sending things by mail to individual need. Here accept children's and adult clothes and shoes in good condition, washed and ironed. Prerequisite: clothing should be in plastic bags or waterproof bags. Address: Spartakovskaya str., 19, bld. 3, entrance from the yard to the basement (metro station "Baumanskaya"). Hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00.
Baby things take in the charity Fund "Volunteers in aid to children-orphans". Clothes and shoes are taken daily and around the clock in coordination with the coordinator at tel: +7-926-283-72-32. Address: ul. Admirala Lazareva, d. 43, under. 5 (metro station "Buninskaya Alleya").
The Fund Elizabeth Glinka (Dr. Lisa) help homeless and people in difficult situation. Take clothes strictly according to the season (summer dresses, winter coats), as you just have nowhere to store. Address: Pyatnitskaya str., 17/4, p. 1 (metro station "Novokuznetskaya"). Working time: from 10:00 to 20:00 seven days a week.
To help the homeless and people in difficult life situation in the Orthodox organization "Kursk station homeless children". First, there is the men's clothing as well as outerwear and shoes. Women's and children's clothing are mostly sent to the needy in the Tula region. Address: Yakovoapostolskiy lane 6 (the area of the Temple AP. James the son of Zebedee, metro station "Kurskaya"). Hours: Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 17:00. You can bring clothes to another time and leave her to the guards of the temple.
To help internally displaced persons and homeless people may also be at the "Civic assistance Committee" at the address: Olimpiyskiy Prospekt, D. 22, on working days from 10:00 to 20:00.
Things for large and incomplete families, disabled and elderly people accepts charitable organization Center "Perspective". They can bring not only clothes and shoes, but also books, equipment, stationery and other supplies for everyday life. Address: balakirevsky per., d. 23, p. 1, Centre "Perspective" (metro station "Baumanskaya", proc. 22, 25, stop "Balakirev lane"). On reception of the necessary preliminary record by phone: (499) 267 -70-33.
Charitable Foundation "Sozidanie" takes things to the fire victims, the poor and disadvantaged families and people affected by the floods or other emergency situations. Take everything from clothes to kitchen utensils, office supplies and personal hygiene products. Address: ul. Magnitogorskaya, d. 9, korp. 1.
Things for the elderly can take the Fund "Sofia". Clothes accepted on Tuesdays from 15.00 to 20.00 at St. Yartsevskaya, 21, a cinema "Brest", the entrance to the store "Tsentrobuv", metro station "Youth".
To take things to the elderly in the charity Foundation "Starost V radost'". Before the trip you need to agree on a list of things with the coordinator by phone: +7-926-276-69-91. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: recyclemag.ru/article/kuda-sdat-nenuzhnye-veschi-v-moskve