If you believe in the signs and energy of things, don’t give your clothes away for nothing.
From time to time, I do an audit in the closet to get rid of unnecessary things. I know, where to rent out old clothes In my city, I never put it in the trash. However, recently I came across a funny post on the Internet, which says why you can not give away worn clothes. If you believe in the signs and energy of things, be sure to read today’s article to the end.
It has long been believed that our clothes and shoes belong to the category of the most personal things. They are in close contact with our skin and body. The elements of the wardrobe are able to absorb the energy of a person, whether it is positive or negative. So it turns out that transferring your clothes to other people, you can also transfer a part of yourself.
The main concern is how a stranger will use your energy and where it will be directed. For example, in ancient times, clothing could become one of the elements of conspiracies and love spells. At that time, people believed in magic and otherworldly power.
Of course, not every modern person will believe in ancient signs. However, you do not want to take risks again either. There are many superstitions associated with clothing. For example, they say that giving your things for free, you can make misfortune.
In the same way, you should not wear someone else’s clothes – you can take over all the sorrows of the previous owner. Surprisingly, the clothes of a person who went to heaven can and should be distributed. It is believed that it can bring good luck and happiness to others.
There is a specific list of clothes that should never be given to anyone. This includes underwear, any clothing for sleeping, various accessories for the head, as well as shoes.
Let's go straight. With underwear, everything is obvious: there is close contact with the body. Sleeping clothes are also something hidden. If you give them to someone, you can cause trouble.
Headgear has a strong energy force. They come in contact with the hair from which the famous voodoo dolls were once made. And the feet were associated with a portal through which spiritual and financial well-being goes. Giving someone your shoes is taboo.
The beauty will accept and superstition that you can always protect yourself. Just a couple of simple actions will help you get rid of negative consequences. The easiest thing you can do when you give your stuff to someone is Ask for a small reward.. The payment should be symbolic, it will be enough.
In addition, before you get rid of things, wash them with soap and salt. Soap will clean your clothes of dirt, and salt will clean your energy. Giving things, thoughts are positive and do not regret anything. This way, they will not bring anything bad to the new owner.
One way or another, you need to get rid of unnecessary things. At least once a year, you should go through all the clothes in the closet: something just wore out, something else you do not like or do not fit. Why do you need an extra energy storage device?
Earlier, we shared with you options where you can hand over old junk. Be sure to read this article if you plan to conduct an audit in the whole house soon.
Superstitionists say that old things should be burned. To be honest, I don’t think this is the only correct option and prefer simpler solutions. Moreover, when it comes to clothing, it is best to take it for recycling if possible. We once devoted an entire article to this important topic of ecology. I suggest you check it out.
Tell me in the comments, do you believe in superstitions and signs associated with clothing? What do you do with unnecessary things when it comes time to part with them? Share your tricks in the comments!

It has long been believed that our clothes and shoes belong to the category of the most personal things. They are in close contact with our skin and body. The elements of the wardrobe are able to absorb the energy of a person, whether it is positive or negative. So it turns out that transferring your clothes to other people, you can also transfer a part of yourself.

The main concern is how a stranger will use your energy and where it will be directed. For example, in ancient times, clothing could become one of the elements of conspiracies and love spells. At that time, people believed in magic and otherworldly power.
Of course, not every modern person will believe in ancient signs. However, you do not want to take risks again either. There are many superstitions associated with clothing. For example, they say that giving your things for free, you can make misfortune.

In the same way, you should not wear someone else’s clothes – you can take over all the sorrows of the previous owner. Surprisingly, the clothes of a person who went to heaven can and should be distributed. It is believed that it can bring good luck and happiness to others.
There is a specific list of clothes that should never be given to anyone. This includes underwear, any clothing for sleeping, various accessories for the head, as well as shoes.
Let's go straight. With underwear, everything is obvious: there is close contact with the body. Sleeping clothes are also something hidden. If you give them to someone, you can cause trouble.

Headgear has a strong energy force. They come in contact with the hair from which the famous voodoo dolls were once made. And the feet were associated with a portal through which spiritual and financial well-being goes. Giving someone your shoes is taboo.
The beauty will accept and superstition that you can always protect yourself. Just a couple of simple actions will help you get rid of negative consequences. The easiest thing you can do when you give your stuff to someone is Ask for a small reward.. The payment should be symbolic, it will be enough.

In addition, before you get rid of things, wash them with soap and salt. Soap will clean your clothes of dirt, and salt will clean your energy. Giving things, thoughts are positive and do not regret anything. This way, they will not bring anything bad to the new owner.
One way or another, you need to get rid of unnecessary things. At least once a year, you should go through all the clothes in the closet: something just wore out, something else you do not like or do not fit. Why do you need an extra energy storage device?

Earlier, we shared with you options where you can hand over old junk. Be sure to read this article if you plan to conduct an audit in the whole house soon.
Superstitionists say that old things should be burned. To be honest, I don’t think this is the only correct option and prefer simpler solutions. Moreover, when it comes to clothing, it is best to take it for recycling if possible. We once devoted an entire article to this important topic of ecology. I suggest you check it out.

Tell me in the comments, do you believe in superstitions and signs associated with clothing? What do you do with unnecessary things when it comes time to part with them? Share your tricks in the comments!
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