The myth of Mandela.
All the international community is mourning the death of former first black president of South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela. All sing his praises, say beautiful and solemn speeches. Funeral ceremony, which has become one of the largest international events in recent years, was attended by around a hundred current or former heads of state. Among them was US President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Francois Hollande, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the Cuban leader Raul Castro and others. British Queen Elizabeth II called Mandela a symbol of the new South Africa.
Russia was represented by Valentina Matviyenko, Chairman of the Federation Council. At the same time the Russian leader visited the South African Embassy in Moscow. On behalf of the Russian people and on my own behalf, Vladimir Putin signed the book of condolences. "Courageous, wise person, Nelson Mandela has consistently fought for their beliefs, but it remained a great humanist and a peacemaker. This approach is in demand in the world today: the search for compromise - this is the best basis for agreement and cooperation ", - said Russian President. Putin called Mandela the greatest humanist XX-XXI centuries, and its policies - an example for posterity. The South African leader, in his opinion - one of the world's most prominent figures of the last century. Vladimir Putin has put it on a par with Mahatma Gandhi and Alexander Solzhenitsyn
However, a comparison with Mandela Gandhi clearly erroneous. Gandhi was not a destroyer. While the first black president actually destroyed economically successful state. South Africa was once virtually the only successful state on the continent. What is happening in South Africa is now possible to understand even by the fact that the current South African President Jacob Zuma booed directly to a memorial service for Mandela. The discontent caused by the negative state of the economy, high unemployment and social inequality. Moreover, the president turned corrupt, he is accused of embezzling 20 million. Dollars from the state budget to repair their homestead.
At the time, South Africa was the economic powerhouse of Africa, and Johannesburg was called "African New York." The Republic flourished. In South Africa it had its own nuclear and space industries. The state was on the verge of creating its own nuclear weapons. There is even the view that South Africa had a few nuclear weapons, but they were destroyed in the dismantling of apartheid in the early 1990s. South Africa also has the most combat-ready armed forces in the Black continent and a good military-industrial complex. South Africa conducted an independent policy, withdrew from the Commonwealth, led by Britain (this led to the failure of apartheid in South Africa from the United Kingdom and other members of the Commonwealth).
The main problem, because of which weighed on the world community of South Africa was the apartheid regime - separation of white and black populations. The country has been banned intermarriage, blacks have limited freedom of movement. For example, in large cities were allowed to live only the blacks who lived there before World War II, and had a special permit. The rest of the black population lived in their neighborhoods and towns - "Bantustans" or "townships". Education and medicine were separated.
In general, to complain about the fate of the blacks should not have. From an economic point of view, life in the Bantustans were far better than in neighboring African countries. In addition, they enjoyed a certain internal autonomy, retained their beliefs and customs. During the reign of the white, from 1948 to 1994, the average life expectancy has increased from 38 Negro to 64 years (by 2000 had dropped to 43 years, by 2012, it increased to 49). Crime is minimal when compared to other African countries or South Africa today. The number of blacks who have received higher education in those years exceeded the total number of black graduates in the African continent.
However, apartheid and segregation was unacceptable to the international community that this issue was almost one. The UN imposed sanctions against South Africa. The apartheid regime not only embarrassed Israel, which built a similar system, preventing the masses of Arabs and blacks to dissolve the Jews, incidentally destroying the relative cultural and socio-economic well-being of the Jewish state. Western world, including transnational corporations, wishing to gain free access to the wealth of South Africa, supported the struggle of black people for their rights. The symbol of the struggle was the conclusion of a terrorist Nelson Mandela. As a result, the South African government caved in to the international community - first released Mandela, then give power by agreeing to a general election, in which Mandela won. Black accounted for the majority of the population, so of racial solidarity vote for a Negro. I must say that, ever penyaya whites for racism, the international community turned a blind eye to the "black racism».
Technology support for the "struggle for rights", in recent years we have seen in many different countries. The latest example - Ukraine. As a result, when the defeat of "democracy" and "human rights", the population gets the right freely to choose to die, and the specifics of their slavery, and all the real wealth of the country are at the comprador bourgeoisie and the transnational corporations and banks. A similar picture is seen in South Africa. The population received the illusion of freedom and "human rights", and the owners of the Western world by multinationals and TNB got real power over natural resources and financial flows.
The population of the victory of the "universal values" was to live only get worse. White apartheid regime actually changed to black. White was declared source of all the troubles and misfortunes, began an exodus of whites from South Africa. Thousands died. Those who remained, was forced to survive by creating a closed autonomous communities. Large city immediately became areas where criminal revolution triumphed. Within a short period of bantustans in the city of several million people resettled. In view of the extremely low cultural and educational level, social responsibility, the rule of tribal values and low productivity (often even lack any motivation to work), the city suffered greatly. White residents abandoned the company, they belonged to, apartment buildings, office buildings, which were immediately seized and turned into "hives." Negros, due to objective reasons, were unable to meet the standards of advanced industrial society.
In contemporary South Africa is extremely high levels of street crime, including the percentage of serious crimes. Not in vain before the World Championship Cup in South Africa in 2010, tourists are constantly warned of the need for great caution. In the street behind the camera can kill or shoes. Over the past two decades, the population of South Africa almost did not grow because of the high infestation of HIV and white flight (up 9-10% of the population). However, a significant influx of migrants has led to an increase in population. South Africa ranks first in the world for HIV infection (mostly among blacks). According to various estimates, up to 20-30% of infected people. South Africa - the world leader in the number of rapes per capita. Approximately every fourth man was a member of the rape. In particular, there is a belief there is an wild: sex with a virgin cures AIDS. This led to massive rape of children.
Due to the high levels of crime and hatred for white practice separation persisted. Even in Pretoria, capital of the relatively prosperous South Africa, home offices and offices - in "defense", surrounded by high fences and other protective structures. Police in the "black city" neighborhoods where live negros, little vanities. All more or less decent houses look like medieval castles waiting to attack. The last decent white areas in the country and the white villages surrounded by barbed wire and patrolled by armed guards. White got to go and try and win the right to establish their autonomy (public education). And as the reduction of white, then there are qualified personnel, the problems only deepened.
The economy of South Africa has lost its former appeal and the pace of development. Space nuclear program deteriorated. South Africa, from the only successful African project turns into an ordinary African country with its problems. In South Africa, is also very acute problem of illegal migration. During apartheid the white government rigidly controlled the external borders, preventing the inflow of loafers. After the abolition of apartheid control fell sharply in the more prosperous country flooded with immigrants from Zimbabwe, Angola, Mozambique and other African countries. As a result, the number of illegal migrants has grown to 5 million. People (2008). Clashes natives and migrants. In 2008, as the police lost control over the situation, that the army asked for help. The President had to restore order to involve the military.
Thus, the rights and freedom of the black population, which sought to Mandela, did not lead to progress, and degradation of South Africa. State to repeat the experience of other "black" states. Everywhere after the destruction of the colonial regime, the expulsion of white and blacks gaining power regression occurs. Falling levels of economic development, reliance on TNCs and TNB, cultural degradation, instability, turning into civil conflicts and wars, corruption, covering all levels of government from the sentry on the street to presidents and ministers - the results are similar everywhere. African people have proved that they have not yet reached such a level in order to effectively and intelligently manage their territories. Jump from the primitive communal relations in highly developed industrial society did not take place. Following the example of the same Libya, where the population is raised to a new level of civilization dictator Gaddafi, it is clear that Africa needs "overseer." It is advisable to standing on the positions of reason and humanity, but do not forget about the "carrot».
Today, Africa is again subjected to colonization. But on another level. Western multinationals and TNB prefer to be removed from the African territories only useful resources and the profits without doing anything for the cultural and industrial development of the population, which is mired in poverty and carves each other in numerous conflicts over land, water, oil, precious stones, faith, and so on. d. China offers a more humane model, taking a cue from the Soviet Union. Celestial not only gets the resources he needed, but also develops the social and economic infrastructure.
It is obvious that apartheid and segregation - is evil. They only conserve the situation. But the single-step abolition of the regime has become even more evil to South Africa. Needed was a long process that spans many years, perhaps decades, for the gradual development of the black population. South Africa - is a kind of warning today's Russia. Russian took over the mission civilize, allying to itself the Caucasus and Central Asia. The vast expanses of Siberia and the Far East can not take into account, as they have very limited population. The Russian Empire and the Soviet Union successfully civilized these regions, raising their culture and the economy. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union rejected the Caucasus and Central Asia in the past. They have not had time to go to a higher level of civilization and return to the usual, customary norms of life for themselves. This has led to millions of "new barbarians". At the same time, local "independent" authorities have created the image of the enemy - Russian (Soviet) occupation. Russian became the cause of all misfortunes - they "colonialists»!
In addition, the degradation of the Soviet education system in the Russian Federation (and conscious of its destruction) has increased the number of "new barbarians" in the Russian people. Russian not only stopped the expansion of civilization, culture, science and high-technology manufacturing, but they themselves were subjected to moral, cultural and educational degradation. Russian lost the opportunity for cultural assimilation of the surrounding space.
Results deplorable. Major cities and regions suffered the invasion of the "new barbarians" who do not like Russian, but is forced to obey them, because in Russia a large part of the industrial potential of the USSR. Following the example of South Africa, already the first indigenous rebellions against the aliens. However, to cope with them until the police forces. But as the Russian media penetration in the "Islamic project" and strengthen their positions, the extinction of the indigenous population, the increasing number of migrant workers, including those granted Russian citizenship, the situation will deteriorate.
And you can not solve it as offering Russian radical nationalists or Zhirinovsky: separate the North Caucasus, to introduce a visa regime with Central Asian republics, to expel all illegal immigrants, fenced off by a fence, mine fields, to start building a fortified line, to recreate the Cossack troops on the border, and so on. Etc. . The head of the Ministry of Regional Development Minister Igor Slyunyaev agreed to what is necessary to strengthen the Russian border by the resettlement of Russians. According to him, need to "settle compactly" citizens of Russia along the coast of the state borders and to keep a large area small in terms of population.
Dissociate itself from the "barbarism" is not possible. Two scenarios: 1), or to give up, as did the white South Africans, and the version of the "wall", fences, visas and so on. E. - Is also a surrender, but stretched over time. Sooner or later, a wave of archaism from the South somnet all fragments of a higher civilization; 2) To renew the civilizing mission. Russia should return to the Caucasus and central Asia as the "head of the house." At the same time restore the Soviet system of upbringing and education in Russia. But here - a big problem: the modern liberal-democratic capitalist system is not capable of this. It is necessary to "restart" the entire system, to restore the socialist model.
Putin, praising Mandela as before in Russia praised destroyers - Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn - once again took the oath of allegiance to the ruling planet unjust order. This is a very dangerous mistake. It is time to stop the worship of false idols. In the history of Russia and mankind enough personalities command respect. Mandela is clearly not one of them.
Source topwar.ru Author Alexander Samsonov
Russia was represented by Valentina Matviyenko, Chairman of the Federation Council. At the same time the Russian leader visited the South African Embassy in Moscow. On behalf of the Russian people and on my own behalf, Vladimir Putin signed the book of condolences. "Courageous, wise person, Nelson Mandela has consistently fought for their beliefs, but it remained a great humanist and a peacemaker. This approach is in demand in the world today: the search for compromise - this is the best basis for agreement and cooperation ", - said Russian President. Putin called Mandela the greatest humanist XX-XXI centuries, and its policies - an example for posterity. The South African leader, in his opinion - one of the world's most prominent figures of the last century. Vladimir Putin has put it on a par with Mahatma Gandhi and Alexander Solzhenitsyn

However, a comparison with Mandela Gandhi clearly erroneous. Gandhi was not a destroyer. While the first black president actually destroyed economically successful state. South Africa was once virtually the only successful state on the continent. What is happening in South Africa is now possible to understand even by the fact that the current South African President Jacob Zuma booed directly to a memorial service for Mandela. The discontent caused by the negative state of the economy, high unemployment and social inequality. Moreover, the president turned corrupt, he is accused of embezzling 20 million. Dollars from the state budget to repair their homestead.
At the time, South Africa was the economic powerhouse of Africa, and Johannesburg was called "African New York." The Republic flourished. In South Africa it had its own nuclear and space industries. The state was on the verge of creating its own nuclear weapons. There is even the view that South Africa had a few nuclear weapons, but they were destroyed in the dismantling of apartheid in the early 1990s. South Africa also has the most combat-ready armed forces in the Black continent and a good military-industrial complex. South Africa conducted an independent policy, withdrew from the Commonwealth, led by Britain (this led to the failure of apartheid in South Africa from the United Kingdom and other members of the Commonwealth).
The main problem, because of which weighed on the world community of South Africa was the apartheid regime - separation of white and black populations. The country has been banned intermarriage, blacks have limited freedom of movement. For example, in large cities were allowed to live only the blacks who lived there before World War II, and had a special permit. The rest of the black population lived in their neighborhoods and towns - "Bantustans" or "townships". Education and medicine were separated.
In general, to complain about the fate of the blacks should not have. From an economic point of view, life in the Bantustans were far better than in neighboring African countries. In addition, they enjoyed a certain internal autonomy, retained their beliefs and customs. During the reign of the white, from 1948 to 1994, the average life expectancy has increased from 38 Negro to 64 years (by 2000 had dropped to 43 years, by 2012, it increased to 49). Crime is minimal when compared to other African countries or South Africa today. The number of blacks who have received higher education in those years exceeded the total number of black graduates in the African continent.
However, apartheid and segregation was unacceptable to the international community that this issue was almost one. The UN imposed sanctions against South Africa. The apartheid regime not only embarrassed Israel, which built a similar system, preventing the masses of Arabs and blacks to dissolve the Jews, incidentally destroying the relative cultural and socio-economic well-being of the Jewish state. Western world, including transnational corporations, wishing to gain free access to the wealth of South Africa, supported the struggle of black people for their rights. The symbol of the struggle was the conclusion of a terrorist Nelson Mandela. As a result, the South African government caved in to the international community - first released Mandela, then give power by agreeing to a general election, in which Mandela won. Black accounted for the majority of the population, so of racial solidarity vote for a Negro. I must say that, ever penyaya whites for racism, the international community turned a blind eye to the "black racism».
Technology support for the "struggle for rights", in recent years we have seen in many different countries. The latest example - Ukraine. As a result, when the defeat of "democracy" and "human rights", the population gets the right freely to choose to die, and the specifics of their slavery, and all the real wealth of the country are at the comprador bourgeoisie and the transnational corporations and banks. A similar picture is seen in South Africa. The population received the illusion of freedom and "human rights", and the owners of the Western world by multinationals and TNB got real power over natural resources and financial flows.
The population of the victory of the "universal values" was to live only get worse. White apartheid regime actually changed to black. White was declared source of all the troubles and misfortunes, began an exodus of whites from South Africa. Thousands died. Those who remained, was forced to survive by creating a closed autonomous communities. Large city immediately became areas where criminal revolution triumphed. Within a short period of bantustans in the city of several million people resettled. In view of the extremely low cultural and educational level, social responsibility, the rule of tribal values and low productivity (often even lack any motivation to work), the city suffered greatly. White residents abandoned the company, they belonged to, apartment buildings, office buildings, which were immediately seized and turned into "hives." Negros, due to objective reasons, were unable to meet the standards of advanced industrial society.
In contemporary South Africa is extremely high levels of street crime, including the percentage of serious crimes. Not in vain before the World Championship Cup in South Africa in 2010, tourists are constantly warned of the need for great caution. In the street behind the camera can kill or shoes. Over the past two decades, the population of South Africa almost did not grow because of the high infestation of HIV and white flight (up 9-10% of the population). However, a significant influx of migrants has led to an increase in population. South Africa ranks first in the world for HIV infection (mostly among blacks). According to various estimates, up to 20-30% of infected people. South Africa - the world leader in the number of rapes per capita. Approximately every fourth man was a member of the rape. In particular, there is a belief there is an wild: sex with a virgin cures AIDS. This led to massive rape of children.
Due to the high levels of crime and hatred for white practice separation persisted. Even in Pretoria, capital of the relatively prosperous South Africa, home offices and offices - in "defense", surrounded by high fences and other protective structures. Police in the "black city" neighborhoods where live negros, little vanities. All more or less decent houses look like medieval castles waiting to attack. The last decent white areas in the country and the white villages surrounded by barbed wire and patrolled by armed guards. White got to go and try and win the right to establish their autonomy (public education). And as the reduction of white, then there are qualified personnel, the problems only deepened.
The economy of South Africa has lost its former appeal and the pace of development. Space nuclear program deteriorated. South Africa, from the only successful African project turns into an ordinary African country with its problems. In South Africa, is also very acute problem of illegal migration. During apartheid the white government rigidly controlled the external borders, preventing the inflow of loafers. After the abolition of apartheid control fell sharply in the more prosperous country flooded with immigrants from Zimbabwe, Angola, Mozambique and other African countries. As a result, the number of illegal migrants has grown to 5 million. People (2008). Clashes natives and migrants. In 2008, as the police lost control over the situation, that the army asked for help. The President had to restore order to involve the military.
Thus, the rights and freedom of the black population, which sought to Mandela, did not lead to progress, and degradation of South Africa. State to repeat the experience of other "black" states. Everywhere after the destruction of the colonial regime, the expulsion of white and blacks gaining power regression occurs. Falling levels of economic development, reliance on TNCs and TNB, cultural degradation, instability, turning into civil conflicts and wars, corruption, covering all levels of government from the sentry on the street to presidents and ministers - the results are similar everywhere. African people have proved that they have not yet reached such a level in order to effectively and intelligently manage their territories. Jump from the primitive communal relations in highly developed industrial society did not take place. Following the example of the same Libya, where the population is raised to a new level of civilization dictator Gaddafi, it is clear that Africa needs "overseer." It is advisable to standing on the positions of reason and humanity, but do not forget about the "carrot».
Today, Africa is again subjected to colonization. But on another level. Western multinationals and TNB prefer to be removed from the African territories only useful resources and the profits without doing anything for the cultural and industrial development of the population, which is mired in poverty and carves each other in numerous conflicts over land, water, oil, precious stones, faith, and so on. d. China offers a more humane model, taking a cue from the Soviet Union. Celestial not only gets the resources he needed, but also develops the social and economic infrastructure.
It is obvious that apartheid and segregation - is evil. They only conserve the situation. But the single-step abolition of the regime has become even more evil to South Africa. Needed was a long process that spans many years, perhaps decades, for the gradual development of the black population. South Africa - is a kind of warning today's Russia. Russian took over the mission civilize, allying to itself the Caucasus and Central Asia. The vast expanses of Siberia and the Far East can not take into account, as they have very limited population. The Russian Empire and the Soviet Union successfully civilized these regions, raising their culture and the economy. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union rejected the Caucasus and Central Asia in the past. They have not had time to go to a higher level of civilization and return to the usual, customary norms of life for themselves. This has led to millions of "new barbarians". At the same time, local "independent" authorities have created the image of the enemy - Russian (Soviet) occupation. Russian became the cause of all misfortunes - they "colonialists»!
In addition, the degradation of the Soviet education system in the Russian Federation (and conscious of its destruction) has increased the number of "new barbarians" in the Russian people. Russian not only stopped the expansion of civilization, culture, science and high-technology manufacturing, but they themselves were subjected to moral, cultural and educational degradation. Russian lost the opportunity for cultural assimilation of the surrounding space.
Results deplorable. Major cities and regions suffered the invasion of the "new barbarians" who do not like Russian, but is forced to obey them, because in Russia a large part of the industrial potential of the USSR. Following the example of South Africa, already the first indigenous rebellions against the aliens. However, to cope with them until the police forces. But as the Russian media penetration in the "Islamic project" and strengthen their positions, the extinction of the indigenous population, the increasing number of migrant workers, including those granted Russian citizenship, the situation will deteriorate.
And you can not solve it as offering Russian radical nationalists or Zhirinovsky: separate the North Caucasus, to introduce a visa regime with Central Asian republics, to expel all illegal immigrants, fenced off by a fence, mine fields, to start building a fortified line, to recreate the Cossack troops on the border, and so on. Etc. . The head of the Ministry of Regional Development Minister Igor Slyunyaev agreed to what is necessary to strengthen the Russian border by the resettlement of Russians. According to him, need to "settle compactly" citizens of Russia along the coast of the state borders and to keep a large area small in terms of population.
Dissociate itself from the "barbarism" is not possible. Two scenarios: 1), or to give up, as did the white South Africans, and the version of the "wall", fences, visas and so on. E. - Is also a surrender, but stretched over time. Sooner or later, a wave of archaism from the South somnet all fragments of a higher civilization; 2) To renew the civilizing mission. Russia should return to the Caucasus and central Asia as the "head of the house." At the same time restore the Soviet system of upbringing and education in Russia. But here - a big problem: the modern liberal-democratic capitalist system is not capable of this. It is necessary to "restart" the entire system, to restore the socialist model.
Putin, praising Mandela as before in Russia praised destroyers - Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn - once again took the oath of allegiance to the ruling planet unjust order. This is a very dangerous mistake. It is time to stop the worship of false idols. In the history of Russia and mankind enough personalities command respect. Mandela is clearly not one of them.
Source topwar.ru Author Alexander Samsonov