People seem to think that we simply do not ...
A week ago, ended the Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi, where Belarusian athletes won three medals. Discuss the results of the competition decided to double Paralympic champion Ludmila Volchok previous years, which showed us his Volkswagen Passat c manual control system and the shared problems of the disabled - drivers and athletes.
10 photos, and text.
"Installing a manual car cost me free, although it is worth about $ 300»
Choosing a car in 2010, Ludmila not focused on a specific brand and model, and value for money. Unable great professional in this business, she turned for help to a friend, who lives in Vilnius.
- And he told me that it found a Passat 2007 with the two-liter diesel engine and automatic transmission. The machine was operated before a master in Germany and was in very good condition, so long with the choice I have not pulled out and bought it for 10 thousand. Euro.
A prerequisite for the purchase of cars was a station wagon, with no problems to shipping in the trunk and carriage, and sports equipment
Imported car from Lithuania Lyudmila, of course, could not on their own, as for Volkswagen was not the manual control system. With the delivery of cars to help her brother, but with the installation of the necessary systems - Paralympic Dmitry Loban.
- Do Dimka a golden arm, he made me three days, refusing money. One arm is responsible for the gas pedal, and the other - the brake. I get used to it it was not necessary, since the rights I studied in a car with manual control by a special program, which is paid by the state in 2007. Since that time, I still have and Citroen Xantia, I decided not to sell.
The business of installing such systems involved many manual wheelchair users and take over the job of about $ 300
"Drivers must think that we do not go driving, so constantly occupied parking spaces for persons with disabilities»
Citroen 1999 issue of our heroine is mainly used for chores at the country house, and Passat - comfortable for everyday driving. Although, speaking of comfort, Lyudmila said that Volkswagen had stiffer suspension and a lower ride height, that, in its observations, is not very convenient parking. And although the presence of PDC "a neighbor in a traffic jam," assesses positively, but it does not solve the problems that disabled drivers usually face on parking.
Besides PDC, of the options our heroine also notes multisteering that allows you not to take the hand of the "pedal" while driving
- Near the house to arrange a parking space for me, and what you think - it is almost always occupied! I live near the "Minsk-Arena", and often in my place you can find a car of any fan. Neighbors do not put on the contrary, if they see someone else's car in my place, then clearly explain to its owner, so that can not be done.
If the neighbors at such a moment was not there, then Lyudmila usual props cars parked in violation and causes the traffic police. It is easy to understand, because even to see whether there is a phone number under glass offender, you transfer to the wheelchair up a curb and go round the circle of cars. Causing traffic police, according to the interlocutor, she tries to somehow wean other drivers from this attitude to people with disabilities. But if all ended with parking at the house ...
- Absolutely normal phenomenon when the parking places for disabled people in the city of parked cars ordinary drivers. People just think that disabled people do not have and can therefore take up these sites. And I know a lot of drivers with disabilities, who are faced every day with the inability to park your car so that you can open the door all the way and easily get out of the car.
Parking spaces for disabled people made so wide that it was possible to open the door all the way and do not damage the car standing nearby
In such cases, according to Lyudmila, have to either look for other suitable parking space, or to call the drivers violating or again apply to the traffic police. The only place where the issues with parking for persons with disabilities does not occur in its observations, is a shopping center "The Castle". It solved the problem of administrative and security guards passed through a gate in a certain zone of the machine only with a "disabled person behind the wheel».
- But in Europe nobody Walls barriers, but there is room for the disabled are always free. And I'm not even about Germany or Belgium, and about our neighbors - Poland and Lithuania. Perhaps, or they are more sympathetic to the drivers with disabilities, or know of a violation would have to pay a heavy fine.
"How to pay avtoposhlinu disabled drivers, who lives only a pension?»
In Belarus, a separate fine for parking on site for people with disabilities to the middle of last year and was not at all. Drivers in these cases, just fined one basic amount for the first part of Article 18.22. The Administrative Code: "Stopping or parking of a vehicle in violation of the rules of the road." Fortunately legislator singled out "improper parking of vehicles on the spot designated for parking of vehicles of persons with disabilities" as a separate offense and the amount of the fine imposed in the whole two basic. By the way, in Lithuania, the penalty for such a violation - about 80 euros.
Lyudmila said that one problem of parking fines on the ground for people with disabilities will not solve - you need to change the mentality of people.
- The fact that we have a little bit tougher penalties - is good, but does not solve the overall problem of persons with disabilities - in the sense that they were just noticing. After all, in Belarus that people with disabilities are visible, they should be very active in overcoming various obstacles. Of course, in Minsk in recent years it has done a lot for our convenience, but it happens sometimes that built on a steep ramp in the transition and a healthy person in a wheelchair does not go down.
But transitions ramps even have, which is not the houses. For example, Lyudmila, settled in a new apartment, another 4 months "at war" with government officials for the installation of ramps and lifts in his own entrance.
- And the most interesting thing is that they did not want to put a ramp due to the fact that he "spoils the aesthetic appearance of the house!" And instead of the lift inside the entrance ramp offers to deliver, despite the enormous angle of ascent. Since they are so called for the beauty, I offered to put at the entrance to the nice man who every time I would be raised and lowered. But still the issue resolved, and now I am very grateful to still young moms with strollers.
It is the ramp "very spoils the aesthetic appearance of the" most ordinary flats in Minsk?
Ludmila does not hold is not only vital, but also the driver's activity: it is driving a Passat went not only in Estonia, but also without any problems overcome two thousand. Kilometers to the Czech Republic. To test our heroine Volkswagen and speed, acceleration to 160 km / h on the road to Moscow. Belarusian track it assesses positively, which can not be said about a new source for their modernization in the form avtoposhliny.
- I, like most people, take this raise is negative, but at least I can pay him. But how to be a driver with a disability who lives on a pension if avtoposhliny to pay for it does not provide any benefits?
"In Sochi, Putin personally congratulated us all on March 8 and kissed»
Past Paralympic Games were not the most successful in the history of Belarusian sports, our heroine is also, unfortunately, did not win prizes in ski racing.
- I can only say that our expectations were not realized. So, if at the Paralympic Games in Turin, we have won six of nine medals, but this time fourteen athletes brought to the treasury of only three awards.
But as you know, the future results depend not only on the athletes, but also by their competent preparation and luck. No luck with the weather: it deprived the team the opportunity to ski training in the snow, which in Belarus over the last month was not. But flaws in the complex preparation slipped earlier.
- Our training should be an alternation of mountains and plains slopes. Usually after fees in the mountains of the athletes are physically more prepared to compete. But we have in the past year, for some reason, a training plan was designed so that the championship we went home after the plains, where the full potential vykatali earned on the slopes. Accordingly, the result was worse.
And the rest, according to Lyudmila, a state seriously and thoroughly supported Paralympians. But, despite this, over the past few years, five Belarusian athletes have left to play for Russia and Azerbaijan. Note that in these countries invasportsmenam cash rewards for medals Awarding winners are ordinary Olympics, and in Belarus - make up only a third. If in our country for the Paralympic gold winner receives 50 thousand. Dollars, in Azerbaijan - one million.
- But in Russia it pays for the prizes not only the federal budget, but also their region. The motivation for the athletes there are more, but not all twisted on the money. See, for example, a fellow Putin: In addition to the presence of the competition, he even came on March 8 in the Paralympic village, to each of us to congratulate. And when the game was over, he came back and gave all Russian athletes on the machine.
"The most inappropriate situation was last year when I was not allowed into the club" Titan "due to the fact that I can create an emergency»
Looking at such an attitude, Lyudmila sympathetic to the Belarusian Paralympians who have decided to play for the country with more favorable conditions. "Fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the people - where better" - said athlete. However, according to the interlocutor, she herself for reflagging never conceived as simply loves his country. She also notes that in any way is not deprived of any salary nor attention. However, attention to disabled people in Belarus is high is not always in a positive way.
- A year ago, I generally faced perhaps with the inadequate situation where I was not allowed in the club "Titan" in a wheelchair due to the fact that I can create an emergency situation. And it's a given that I was in a large group and we had booked a table! It came a very unpleasant story.
However, when the incident received media attention, Lyudmila of persona non grata become a welcome guest of the club "Titan". She recalls that the very next day after the publication it sent an official apology, gold card and an invitation to the visitor a free dinner at the restaurant. But our heroine did not consider it necessary to take advantage of the bonuses.
- Of course, when this happens, then go to this place already unpleasant under any circumstances. But it was still only a glaring case in my life, although I go to clubs quite rare.
It is not often necessary to Lyudmila happen at events of this kind, not only because of the daily training, but also for the reason that it is already two years as a happy young mother. Have time to combine a career and raise a daughter helping plan every day - and not only.
- We have issued maternity leave for my mom, plus sometimes for Nastenka looked after by friends. Girl I grow very sociable and relaxed at the same time. In general, it is a dream come true, and with me often on training rides - and Luda proudly shows us "risunochek 'daughter, who carries in the cabin.
10 photos, and text.

"Installing a manual car cost me free, although it is worth about $ 300»
Choosing a car in 2010, Ludmila not focused on a specific brand and model, and value for money. Unable great professional in this business, she turned for help to a friend, who lives in Vilnius.
- And he told me that it found a Passat 2007 with the two-liter diesel engine and automatic transmission. The machine was operated before a master in Germany and was in very good condition, so long with the choice I have not pulled out and bought it for 10 thousand. Euro.
A prerequisite for the purchase of cars was a station wagon, with no problems to shipping in the trunk and carriage, and sports equipment

Imported car from Lithuania Lyudmila, of course, could not on their own, as for Volkswagen was not the manual control system. With the delivery of cars to help her brother, but with the installation of the necessary systems - Paralympic Dmitry Loban.
- Do Dimka a golden arm, he made me three days, refusing money. One arm is responsible for the gas pedal, and the other - the brake. I get used to it it was not necessary, since the rights I studied in a car with manual control by a special program, which is paid by the state in 2007. Since that time, I still have and Citroen Xantia, I decided not to sell.
The business of installing such systems involved many manual wheelchair users and take over the job of about $ 300

"Drivers must think that we do not go driving, so constantly occupied parking spaces for persons with disabilities»
Citroen 1999 issue of our heroine is mainly used for chores at the country house, and Passat - comfortable for everyday driving. Although, speaking of comfort, Lyudmila said that Volkswagen had stiffer suspension and a lower ride height, that, in its observations, is not very convenient parking. And although the presence of PDC "a neighbor in a traffic jam," assesses positively, but it does not solve the problems that disabled drivers usually face on parking.
Besides PDC, of the options our heroine also notes multisteering that allows you not to take the hand of the "pedal" while driving

- Near the house to arrange a parking space for me, and what you think - it is almost always occupied! I live near the "Minsk-Arena", and often in my place you can find a car of any fan. Neighbors do not put on the contrary, if they see someone else's car in my place, then clearly explain to its owner, so that can not be done.
If the neighbors at such a moment was not there, then Lyudmila usual props cars parked in violation and causes the traffic police. It is easy to understand, because even to see whether there is a phone number under glass offender, you transfer to the wheelchair up a curb and go round the circle of cars. Causing traffic police, according to the interlocutor, she tries to somehow wean other drivers from this attitude to people with disabilities. But if all ended with parking at the house ...
- Absolutely normal phenomenon when the parking places for disabled people in the city of parked cars ordinary drivers. People just think that disabled people do not have and can therefore take up these sites. And I know a lot of drivers with disabilities, who are faced every day with the inability to park your car so that you can open the door all the way and easily get out of the car.
Parking spaces for disabled people made so wide that it was possible to open the door all the way and do not damage the car standing nearby

In such cases, according to Lyudmila, have to either look for other suitable parking space, or to call the drivers violating or again apply to the traffic police. The only place where the issues with parking for persons with disabilities does not occur in its observations, is a shopping center "The Castle". It solved the problem of administrative and security guards passed through a gate in a certain zone of the machine only with a "disabled person behind the wheel».
- But in Europe nobody Walls barriers, but there is room for the disabled are always free. And I'm not even about Germany or Belgium, and about our neighbors - Poland and Lithuania. Perhaps, or they are more sympathetic to the drivers with disabilities, or know of a violation would have to pay a heavy fine.
"How to pay avtoposhlinu disabled drivers, who lives only a pension?»
In Belarus, a separate fine for parking on site for people with disabilities to the middle of last year and was not at all. Drivers in these cases, just fined one basic amount for the first part of Article 18.22. The Administrative Code: "Stopping or parking of a vehicle in violation of the rules of the road." Fortunately legislator singled out "improper parking of vehicles on the spot designated for parking of vehicles of persons with disabilities" as a separate offense and the amount of the fine imposed in the whole two basic. By the way, in Lithuania, the penalty for such a violation - about 80 euros.
Lyudmila said that one problem of parking fines on the ground for people with disabilities will not solve - you need to change the mentality of people.

- The fact that we have a little bit tougher penalties - is good, but does not solve the overall problem of persons with disabilities - in the sense that they were just noticing. After all, in Belarus that people with disabilities are visible, they should be very active in overcoming various obstacles. Of course, in Minsk in recent years it has done a lot for our convenience, but it happens sometimes that built on a steep ramp in the transition and a healthy person in a wheelchair does not go down.
But transitions ramps even have, which is not the houses. For example, Lyudmila, settled in a new apartment, another 4 months "at war" with government officials for the installation of ramps and lifts in his own entrance.
- And the most interesting thing is that they did not want to put a ramp due to the fact that he "spoils the aesthetic appearance of the house!" And instead of the lift inside the entrance ramp offers to deliver, despite the enormous angle of ascent. Since they are so called for the beauty, I offered to put at the entrance to the nice man who every time I would be raised and lowered. But still the issue resolved, and now I am very grateful to still young moms with strollers.
It is the ramp "very spoils the aesthetic appearance of the" most ordinary flats in Minsk?

Ludmila does not hold is not only vital, but also the driver's activity: it is driving a Passat went not only in Estonia, but also without any problems overcome two thousand. Kilometers to the Czech Republic. To test our heroine Volkswagen and speed, acceleration to 160 km / h on the road to Moscow. Belarusian track it assesses positively, which can not be said about a new source for their modernization in the form avtoposhliny.
- I, like most people, take this raise is negative, but at least I can pay him. But how to be a driver with a disability who lives on a pension if avtoposhliny to pay for it does not provide any benefits?

"In Sochi, Putin personally congratulated us all on March 8 and kissed»
Past Paralympic Games were not the most successful in the history of Belarusian sports, our heroine is also, unfortunately, did not win prizes in ski racing.
- I can only say that our expectations were not realized. So, if at the Paralympic Games in Turin, we have won six of nine medals, but this time fourteen athletes brought to the treasury of only three awards.
But as you know, the future results depend not only on the athletes, but also by their competent preparation and luck. No luck with the weather: it deprived the team the opportunity to ski training in the snow, which in Belarus over the last month was not. But flaws in the complex preparation slipped earlier.
- Our training should be an alternation of mountains and plains slopes. Usually after fees in the mountains of the athletes are physically more prepared to compete. But we have in the past year, for some reason, a training plan was designed so that the championship we went home after the plains, where the full potential vykatali earned on the slopes. Accordingly, the result was worse.
And the rest, according to Lyudmila, a state seriously and thoroughly supported Paralympians. But, despite this, over the past few years, five Belarusian athletes have left to play for Russia and Azerbaijan. Note that in these countries invasportsmenam cash rewards for medals Awarding winners are ordinary Olympics, and in Belarus - make up only a third. If in our country for the Paralympic gold winner receives 50 thousand. Dollars, in Azerbaijan - one million.
- But in Russia it pays for the prizes not only the federal budget, but also their region. The motivation for the athletes there are more, but not all twisted on the money. See, for example, a fellow Putin: In addition to the presence of the competition, he even came on March 8 in the Paralympic village, to each of us to congratulate. And when the game was over, he came back and gave all Russian athletes on the machine.

"The most inappropriate situation was last year when I was not allowed into the club" Titan "due to the fact that I can create an emergency»
Looking at such an attitude, Lyudmila sympathetic to the Belarusian Paralympians who have decided to play for the country with more favorable conditions. "Fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the people - where better" - said athlete. However, according to the interlocutor, she herself for reflagging never conceived as simply loves his country. She also notes that in any way is not deprived of any salary nor attention. However, attention to disabled people in Belarus is high is not always in a positive way.
- A year ago, I generally faced perhaps with the inadequate situation where I was not allowed in the club "Titan" in a wheelchair due to the fact that I can create an emergency situation. And it's a given that I was in a large group and we had booked a table! It came a very unpleasant story.
However, when the incident received media attention, Lyudmila of persona non grata become a welcome guest of the club "Titan". She recalls that the very next day after the publication it sent an official apology, gold card and an invitation to the visitor a free dinner at the restaurant. But our heroine did not consider it necessary to take advantage of the bonuses.
- Of course, when this happens, then go to this place already unpleasant under any circumstances. But it was still only a glaring case in my life, although I go to clubs quite rare.
It is not often necessary to Lyudmila happen at events of this kind, not only because of the daily training, but also for the reason that it is already two years as a happy young mother. Have time to combine a career and raise a daughter helping plan every day - and not only.
- We have issued maternity leave for my mom, plus sometimes for Nastenka looked after by friends. Girl I grow very sociable and relaxed at the same time. In general, it is a dream come true, and with me often on training rides - and Luda proudly shows us "risunochek 'daughter, who carries in the cabin.
