What is landscape design
Fifty five million two hundred fifty five thousand five hundred twenty five
The English word desing (design) means "to design, draw or conceive". The creation of an art project in any area is landscaping. He expressed unusual arrangement of greenery in the territory, presence of water bodies, strangely beautiful sidewalk paths, small architectural compositions. The main objective of the landscape project – the creation of beauty, is able to relax surrounded by a harmonious atmosphere a kind of "Paradise".
How to order landscape design turnkey
Any design work has a common style and many varieties exist. In the past and in the present design of the gardens depended on the climate and terrain. The first garden was an oasis in the arid lands, it is technically refined and engineered. In those days the "Paradise" were planted flowers, palm trees, fragrant herbs, exotic fruit trees. For those who want to enjoy the landscape design turnkey today, enough to turn to experienced professionals, able to translate into reality the boldest solutions.
On the territory of Ancient Egypt were built as functional garden complexes, they were thought out to the smallest detail. Greenery reminded of the alley, greenhouses, gazebos and a variety of flowerbeds. At this time first began to use architectural elements and plaster sculpture. Before planting, was carried out acclimatization. Strict symmetry on the perimeter was the hallmark of the first style, in the center there was always a temple or Palace. This remains true to this day. Book a landscape project on a dedicated website on the Internet.
Modern styles of landscape design
Such a thing as "Park" has come to us from Assyria. A huge area decorated, beautified and landscaped to detail. The famous "hanging gardens" was built by decree of Queen Semiramis in Babylon. Through historical essays and descriptions, building modern green terraces on the roofs of houses. In Rome and Greece were often built terraces, which have learned to plant trees, flowers and greenery, because the mountain terrain is not allowed to create parks and gardens.
In modern times, private property attracted the attention of unusual beauty of the yard. Property owners invited experts to develop and implement individual garden design, to order the design they can even from home.
The English word desing (design) means "to design, draw or conceive". The creation of an art project in any area is landscaping. He expressed unusual arrangement of greenery in the territory, presence of water bodies, strangely beautiful sidewalk paths, small architectural compositions. The main objective of the landscape project – the creation of beauty, is able to relax surrounded by a harmonious atmosphere a kind of "Paradise".
How to order landscape design turnkey
Any design work has a common style and many varieties exist. In the past and in the present design of the gardens depended on the climate and terrain. The first garden was an oasis in the arid lands, it is technically refined and engineered. In those days the "Paradise" were planted flowers, palm trees, fragrant herbs, exotic fruit trees. For those who want to enjoy the landscape design turnkey today, enough to turn to experienced professionals, able to translate into reality the boldest solutions.
On the territory of Ancient Egypt were built as functional garden complexes, they were thought out to the smallest detail. Greenery reminded of the alley, greenhouses, gazebos and a variety of flowerbeds. At this time first began to use architectural elements and plaster sculpture. Before planting, was carried out acclimatization. Strict symmetry on the perimeter was the hallmark of the first style, in the center there was always a temple or Palace. This remains true to this day. Book a landscape project on a dedicated website on the Internet.
Modern styles of landscape design
Such a thing as "Park" has come to us from Assyria. A huge area decorated, beautified and landscaped to detail. The famous "hanging gardens" was built by decree of Queen Semiramis in Babylon. Through historical essays and descriptions, building modern green terraces on the roofs of houses. In Rome and Greece were often built terraces, which have learned to plant trees, flowers and greenery, because the mountain terrain is not allowed to create parks and gardens.
In modern times, private property attracted the attention of unusual beauty of the yard. Property owners invited experts to develop and implement individual garden design, to order the design they can even from home.