How to grow a large onion and keep it until next summer
Everyone knows about the benefits of onions for the human body. A rare culinary recipe does without this juicy and vitamin-rich vegetable. Buying onions in the store or in the market, we try to choose larger heads, but it is not always possible to grow large onions on our site.
I was taught to take care of onions by a neighbor in the country: everyone is jealous of her crops! Here. "Site" He wants to share the secrets of planting, growing and storing onions with readers so they can be with their onions all year round.
Onion cultivation
My neighbor Alla, an agronomist with 20 years of experience, shared a brilliant method of growing onions without land and pot. Not just one, but two at once. Both methods suggest growing green onions in a... plastic bag!
Purple, or red, onions are a favorite product of many housewives. It is this vegetable that can give even an ordinary dish an elegant and refined look. Today, our editorial staff will tell your favorite readers how to use this product in the fight against various diseases.
Allium, or decorative bow, unpretentious in care and practically does not require attention. It grows perfectly in light penumbra, and in a sunny place, and on the most ordinary soils. It looks like an exotic flower!

I was taught to take care of onions by a neighbor in the country: everyone is jealous of her crops! Here. "Site" He wants to share the secrets of planting, growing and storing onions with readers so they can be with their onions all year round.

Onion cultivation
- Onions do not like clay soil, if you have such a site, then you need to pour sand, peat on the bed, mix everything. And you also need weakly alkaline soil, if you have acidic soil, be sure to introduce dolomite flour from autumn (it is late in spring) for acidification.
- Before planting, the curvature should be lowered for 10-20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect the planting material.
- Then you need to trim the tip so that the onion germinates faster.
- In a row a mound of a little ordinary salt. This will help in the fight against the onion fly.
- An excellent prevention against onion fly is also carrots. That is why a bed of carrots next to onion plantings is a prerequisite for a good harvest. We have already written about companion plants. For onions, successful neighbors will be carrots, cabbage, potatoes, strawberries, salad, beets, tomatoes. Bad choice - peas, beans, sage.
- In order to get massive, hard and nutrient-rich onion heads, it must be fed regularly. Feeding also allows you to significantly simplify the care of the plant, reduce soreness, increase yield. First onion feeding It should be done 14 days after planting. It could be bird droppings or dung. Dung should be diluted at the rate of 1 kg per 15 liters of water, and slurry - 1 kg per 10 liters. Such fertilizer is consumed at the rate of 10 liters of solution per 1 square meter of the bed.
Three weeks after the first feeding, you need to make a second feeding. If you prefer mineral fertilizers, then first use nitrogen-containing, which includes ammonium nitrate. Its consumption per 1 square meter is 10-15 grams.
And after three weeks, apply potash fertilizers in the same amount. Of potash fertilizers, potassium sulfuric acid is best suited, since onions are demanding of sulfur. And potassium depends on the safety of the onions. It's still in the ashes. - In any case, do not allow an excess of nitrogen fertilizers, there will be a good feather, and the heads will suffer.
- To keep the onion as long as possible, it must be removed in a timely manner, namely before the first August rains. The best is at the end of July. If you're late, you'll ruin not only your bow, but your reputation as a good gardener. Nothing is going to save the onion for very long.
- Cleaning of onions is desirable to carry out in dry weather as follows: bulbs dig up so as not to injure the donza, and carefully fold. It is not recommended to pull out bulbs, throw them, knock on the ground. This leads to damage and shortened storage time.
- Storage of onions It is much more effective after drying thoroughly. To do this, the bulbs together with the leaves are laid out in a thin layer in the fresh air. You can tie bulbs in small bundles and hang outside under a canopy or in a room on a draft.
After the onion has dried, it must be cut. It is more convenient to use scissors. The dry leaves are trimmed so that the neck is 4-6 cm long and the roots remain, without affecting the onion donus.
Polyethylene bags cannot be used to store onions. This material does not pass moisture and air, so the onions quickly fog and begin to rot. During the entire storage period, it is necessary from time to time to sort through the onions and throw out the spoiled bulbs. This will save the rest of the bow until spring.
My neighbor Alla, an agronomist with 20 years of experience, shared a brilliant method of growing onions without land and pot. Not just one, but two at once. Both methods suggest growing green onions in a... plastic bag!
Purple, or red, onions are a favorite product of many housewives. It is this vegetable that can give even an ordinary dish an elegant and refined look. Today, our editorial staff will tell your favorite readers how to use this product in the fight against various diseases.
Allium, or decorative bow, unpretentious in care and practically does not require attention. It grows perfectly in light penumbra, and in a sunny place, and on the most ordinary soils. It looks like an exotic flower!