Wang, Syria, the third world war, Russia.
Information about critical thinking!
The official release of NTV, talking about Wang, said that blind old woman who had seen better sighted predictions made throughout his long life. Some came true at once, but many messages and remain encrypted. People were able to understand the meaning of some words of the famous seer only after a terrible tragedy had already occurred. For example, the loss of the submarine "Kursk" ("Kursk will go under the water and it will mourn for the whole world!"), September 11 ("Brothers American will fall, pecked by birds iron"), the recent catastrophe in Japan ("From the radioactive rain in the northern hemisphere will not remain any animals or people "), the armed conflicts in the East (in Libya), which" will be the beginning of the end of the earth civilization "and more.
But the more interesting in light of recent news appears the prophecy has the timing to the Middle East, namely Syria, where today the revolutionary events unfold. Looking ahead to say that the words of the Bulgarian clairvoyant all of this is directly related to Russia. Wang has repeatedly talked about the impending arrival of the new doctrine in the world, although the teaching of this ancient prophetess called: "Soon the world will come to the ancient teachings. People ask me: "Soon there will come the time?" No, not soon. Yet Syria has not fallen! ».
Thus, the fall of the regime in Syria should be a harbinger of some epochal events, one of which must be, probably, the arrival of a new, or rather just forgotten ancient teaching. Most importantly, it should come from Russia. Vanga talked about this many times: "There is an ancient Indian (Aryan) doctrine - the doctrine of the White Brotherhood. It spread throughout the world. On it will print new books, and they will be read all over the world. It will be a fiery Bible. The day will come, and all religions will disappear! Will only the doctrine of the White Brotherhood. Similarly, white it will protect the land, and because of it people would be saved. The new doctrine will come from Russia. She is the first cleared. White Brotherhood spread throughout Russia, and will begin its march around the world. "
After the fall of Syria, according to Vanga, change and renewal for the whole world will come from Russia, which in general is very much in common with the prophecies of Orthodox saints. "There will be something that no one expects. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy in it (Russia) to revive and triumph. But that orthodoxy that was before, will not be. God Himself will be put on the throne, the King "(of the prophecies of St. Theophan of Poltava).
In the beginning, we mentioned that the modern church (of which St. Seraphim of Sarov said, "the bishops of the Church of God and other spiritual entity shall depart from the purity of Orthodoxy, and it was the Lord heavily punish them"), to put it mildly, is wary of the prophecies of the Bulgarian clairvoyant . Nevertheless, in our opinion, there is no contradiction between the above words of Orthodox saints and the words of Vanga about a "new doctrine" ("the doctrine of the White Brotherhood," "Fire the Bible," "to Orthodoxy, which before was no longer will be"). In addition, explain why. Everyone knows that there are only four canonical Gospels, combined with other books in the New Testament, which is not even being an expert, you can find a lot of contradictory and deliberately distorted. For example, in Romans Paul the Apostle (chapter 13, verse 1) states: "There is no end bo power but of God", which translated from the Church Slavonic means "Do not have the power, if not from God." In the modern (Synodal) distorted translation it was translated as "There is no authority except from God." And this is not the earliest, and not only falsification.
On distortion of Scripture, in particular, said one of the most revered Russian Orthodox saints - St. Seraphim of Sarov and All Russia miracle worker. He said that the true gospel will be proclaimed, and the current distortions man. "The great old man told me that after his resurrection, he will go to Sarov and there Diveev open preaching of universal repentance. In the sermon, but even more as a miracle of the resurrection, will gather a great number of people from all corners of the earth. Diveev will Lavra, Vertyanovo - city, and Arzamas - province. And preaching repentance in Diveevo, Father Seraphim will uncover four relics in it, and to open them, he will fall in between. And then soon will come the end of everything "(the extracted text Nilus of securities remaining after the death of Motovilova published writer in the book" On the bank of the river of God "and called it a" great mystery Diveevsk »).
"I rise before the last end and vozlyagu in Diveevo. Diveevo will not be called the village Diveevo and UT Diva (...) Then Diveev will marvel worldwide because of it izvedet Lord God the light of salvation, not only for Russia but for the whole world in the time of Antichrist "- prophesied Seraphim of Sarov. Is this not "the light of salvation," said the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, calling it "the doctrine of the White Brotherhood" - "Fire the Bible?" The answer to this question can be found in the Gospel of Matthew: "Even now the ax at the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. I baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, I am not worthy to carry his shoes; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire; His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire "(from Matthew, chapter 3, verses 10-12).
In conclusion we note that every Orthodox Christian Revelation of St. John the Divine knows that the most recent, and, according to the true Gospel will be read at the time, which the enemies of the Lord can not even think calmly, without tsepeneya while on sticky horror. "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people; Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him, for the hour of his judgment, and worship him that made heaven and earth "(Revelation, chapter 14, verses 6-7).
Taken from here prosto-mariya27.livejournal.com/626219.html
The official release of NTV, talking about Wang, said that blind old woman who had seen better sighted predictions made throughout his long life. Some came true at once, but many messages and remain encrypted. People were able to understand the meaning of some words of the famous seer only after a terrible tragedy had already occurred. For example, the loss of the submarine "Kursk" ("Kursk will go under the water and it will mourn for the whole world!"), September 11 ("Brothers American will fall, pecked by birds iron"), the recent catastrophe in Japan ("From the radioactive rain in the northern hemisphere will not remain any animals or people "), the armed conflicts in the East (in Libya), which" will be the beginning of the end of the earth civilization "and more.
But the more interesting in light of recent news appears the prophecy has the timing to the Middle East, namely Syria, where today the revolutionary events unfold. Looking ahead to say that the words of the Bulgarian clairvoyant all of this is directly related to Russia. Wang has repeatedly talked about the impending arrival of the new doctrine in the world, although the teaching of this ancient prophetess called: "Soon the world will come to the ancient teachings. People ask me: "Soon there will come the time?" No, not soon. Yet Syria has not fallen! ».
Thus, the fall of the regime in Syria should be a harbinger of some epochal events, one of which must be, probably, the arrival of a new, or rather just forgotten ancient teaching. Most importantly, it should come from Russia. Vanga talked about this many times: "There is an ancient Indian (Aryan) doctrine - the doctrine of the White Brotherhood. It spread throughout the world. On it will print new books, and they will be read all over the world. It will be a fiery Bible. The day will come, and all religions will disappear! Will only the doctrine of the White Brotherhood. Similarly, white it will protect the land, and because of it people would be saved. The new doctrine will come from Russia. She is the first cleared. White Brotherhood spread throughout Russia, and will begin its march around the world. "
After the fall of Syria, according to Vanga, change and renewal for the whole world will come from Russia, which in general is very much in common with the prophecies of Orthodox saints. "There will be something that no one expects. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy in it (Russia) to revive and triumph. But that orthodoxy that was before, will not be. God Himself will be put on the throne, the King "(of the prophecies of St. Theophan of Poltava).
In the beginning, we mentioned that the modern church (of which St. Seraphim of Sarov said, "the bishops of the Church of God and other spiritual entity shall depart from the purity of Orthodoxy, and it was the Lord heavily punish them"), to put it mildly, is wary of the prophecies of the Bulgarian clairvoyant . Nevertheless, in our opinion, there is no contradiction between the above words of Orthodox saints and the words of Vanga about a "new doctrine" ("the doctrine of the White Brotherhood," "Fire the Bible," "to Orthodoxy, which before was no longer will be"). In addition, explain why. Everyone knows that there are only four canonical Gospels, combined with other books in the New Testament, which is not even being an expert, you can find a lot of contradictory and deliberately distorted. For example, in Romans Paul the Apostle (chapter 13, verse 1) states: "There is no end bo power but of God", which translated from the Church Slavonic means "Do not have the power, if not from God." In the modern (Synodal) distorted translation it was translated as "There is no authority except from God." And this is not the earliest, and not only falsification.
On distortion of Scripture, in particular, said one of the most revered Russian Orthodox saints - St. Seraphim of Sarov and All Russia miracle worker. He said that the true gospel will be proclaimed, and the current distortions man. "The great old man told me that after his resurrection, he will go to Sarov and there Diveev open preaching of universal repentance. In the sermon, but even more as a miracle of the resurrection, will gather a great number of people from all corners of the earth. Diveev will Lavra, Vertyanovo - city, and Arzamas - province. And preaching repentance in Diveevo, Father Seraphim will uncover four relics in it, and to open them, he will fall in between. And then soon will come the end of everything "(the extracted text Nilus of securities remaining after the death of Motovilova published writer in the book" On the bank of the river of God "and called it a" great mystery Diveevsk »).
"I rise before the last end and vozlyagu in Diveevo. Diveevo will not be called the village Diveevo and UT Diva (...) Then Diveev will marvel worldwide because of it izvedet Lord God the light of salvation, not only for Russia but for the whole world in the time of Antichrist "- prophesied Seraphim of Sarov. Is this not "the light of salvation," said the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, calling it "the doctrine of the White Brotherhood" - "Fire the Bible?" The answer to this question can be found in the Gospel of Matthew: "Even now the ax at the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. I baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, I am not worthy to carry his shoes; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire; His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire "(from Matthew, chapter 3, verses 10-12).
In conclusion we note that every Orthodox Christian Revelation of St. John the Divine knows that the most recent, and, according to the true Gospel will be read at the time, which the enemies of the Lord can not even think calmly, without tsepeneya while on sticky horror. "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people; Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him, for the hour of his judgment, and worship him that made heaven and earth "(Revelation, chapter 14, verses 6-7).
Taken from here prosto-mariya27.livejournal.com/626219.html

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