Summer solstice has a very special magic in 2023.
Summer Solstice Day 2023 It's coming. On June 21, we will look at the Sun and catch ourselves thinking that it does not move, frozen at its zenith. This event beacons that the astronomical summer has finally begun. But it is also associated with many folk signs and traditions. How to spend this day to get the sun's favor, we tell later in the article.
The 2023 Summer Solstice does not only occur on our planet. For example, in Uranus, this period lasts about 42 years. And on Mars, the solstice occurs a few days after our Earthly June day. Depending on the year, the event falls on June 20 or 21. It marks the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern.
There is an opinion that people began to celebrate the summer solstice long before our era. The sun has always had a huge impact on human lives. So many peoples of the world revered the sun and associated with it certain rituals and signs. In pagan culture, the Sun was treated with special respect, since people’s lives literally depended on it.
Although the summer solstice as a holiday is an echo of the pagan past, today's Christians still remember it. In Finland, for example, this day is officially recognized as a state holiday. When will you be able to enjoy so many hours of light?
Previously, people paid a lot of attention to the study of the weather. After all, the future harvest and the possibility of existence depended on it. Because of the summer solstice associated with so many folk signs. For example, bad weather and rain indicate that the harvest this year will be trouble, and the summer itself will be cold. The starry sky promised a large number of mushrooms in the autumn months.
If there is a lot of dew on the grass in the morning, the harvest will be generous. Interestingly, in ancient times, this dew was harvested and used as a magical remedy. Women believed that it had rejuvenating properties. Dew can also heal. However, this applies to any water. Therefore, it is so important to wash and cleanse the body of all negative things on June 21.
But before that, we advise you to meet the dawn and make your innermost wishes by looking directly at the Sun at this moment. This is another great sign, thanks to which you can fill your life with light and catch luck by the tail. For the rest of the year, the sun will protect you from all adversity.
Peels folk signs also concerned with love. It was once believed that a girl could get married if she danced all night at 9 bonfires on the summer solstice. And if a guy spills water on some girl, they can make a great married couple. By the way, it was once on this day that Ivan Kupala was celebrated. Then the calendar changed and the date shifted to July 7.
Children born on June 20 and 21 were considered to be kissed by God. This meant that the sun would protect them throughout their lives, and luck would accompany them in all endeavors. These people try to see the good in everything. The sun seems to highlight positive moments even where, it would seem, they can not be.
What can and should be done on June 21, 2023 To get the favor of the Sun, you should dress up in the right colors (orange, gold or yellow) on this day. It is also assumed that on June 21, luck will accompany the fire signs of the zodiac (Lions, Sagittarius, Aries).
It is recommended to collect a bouquet of medicinal herbs on the day of the summer solstice, then hang it in a prominent place in the house. From ancient times it was believed that in this way you can protect your home from diseases. Also, people put nettles at the threshold so that troubles bypassed the house.
We advise you to spend this day as actively as possible. Wake up in the early morning, do exercises, wash with dew, and then start everyday activities. Wonderful if you can get out in nature with close people and relax.
Interestingly, even in ancient times, girls on this day bathed in ponds to attract love and successfully get married. Who knows, maybe these methods still work. Would you?

The 2023 Summer Solstice does not only occur on our planet. For example, in Uranus, this period lasts about 42 years. And on Mars, the solstice occurs a few days after our Earthly June day. Depending on the year, the event falls on June 20 or 21. It marks the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern.
There is an opinion that people began to celebrate the summer solstice long before our era. The sun has always had a huge impact on human lives. So many peoples of the world revered the sun and associated with it certain rituals and signs. In pagan culture, the Sun was treated with special respect, since people’s lives literally depended on it.

Although the summer solstice as a holiday is an echo of the pagan past, today's Christians still remember it. In Finland, for example, this day is officially recognized as a state holiday. When will you be able to enjoy so many hours of light?
Previously, people paid a lot of attention to the study of the weather. After all, the future harvest and the possibility of existence depended on it. Because of the summer solstice associated with so many folk signs. For example, bad weather and rain indicate that the harvest this year will be trouble, and the summer itself will be cold. The starry sky promised a large number of mushrooms in the autumn months.
If there is a lot of dew on the grass in the morning, the harvest will be generous. Interestingly, in ancient times, this dew was harvested and used as a magical remedy. Women believed that it had rejuvenating properties. Dew can also heal. However, this applies to any water. Therefore, it is so important to wash and cleanse the body of all negative things on June 21.
But before that, we advise you to meet the dawn and make your innermost wishes by looking directly at the Sun at this moment. This is another great sign, thanks to which you can fill your life with light and catch luck by the tail. For the rest of the year, the sun will protect you from all adversity.

Peels folk signs also concerned with love. It was once believed that a girl could get married if she danced all night at 9 bonfires on the summer solstice. And if a guy spills water on some girl, they can make a great married couple. By the way, it was once on this day that Ivan Kupala was celebrated. Then the calendar changed and the date shifted to July 7.
Children born on June 20 and 21 were considered to be kissed by God. This meant that the sun would protect them throughout their lives, and luck would accompany them in all endeavors. These people try to see the good in everything. The sun seems to highlight positive moments even where, it would seem, they can not be.
What can and should be done on June 21, 2023 To get the favor of the Sun, you should dress up in the right colors (orange, gold or yellow) on this day. It is also assumed that on June 21, luck will accompany the fire signs of the zodiac (Lions, Sagittarius, Aries).

It is recommended to collect a bouquet of medicinal herbs on the day of the summer solstice, then hang it in a prominent place in the house. From ancient times it was believed that in this way you can protect your home from diseases. Also, people put nettles at the threshold so that troubles bypassed the house.

We advise you to spend this day as actively as possible. Wake up in the early morning, do exercises, wash with dew, and then start everyday activities. Wonderful if you can get out in nature with close people and relax.
Interestingly, even in ancient times, girls on this day bathed in ponds to attract love and successfully get married. Who knows, maybe these methods still work. Would you?
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