The summer solstice has a very special magic in 2024.
The day of the summer solstice - 2024 is already on the nose! On June 21, the sun will freeze for a long time at its zenith, and we will welcome the beginning of astronomical summer. Our ancestors knew that if you meet the day of the light, luck will be on your side all year long. Let’s talk about how to receive generous solar gifts.
2024 The ancient man began to celebrate the summer solstice at the dawn of its history. From a strict but generous luminary then depended on his life. Many peoples tried to appease the sun god with the help of special rituals and observed signs. He's still honored today. So, on June 21, the Finns officially do not work, and Estonians light large bonfires and arrange folk festivals.
Before the baptism of Russia on this day, the Slavs celebrated Ivan Kupala. Some beautiful ceremonies of those times, in addition to dancing and jumping over the fire, we recommend to hold today. Why? Because they are filled with goodness and light, and also strengthen a special sacred connection with our family.
He who meets the sun becomes enlightened, say the sages of all faiths. This applies to any day, but to greet the Sun on June 21 is to absorb the maximum of its healing power. Therefore, on this day, be sure to get out into nature to meet the dawn. Smile to the good light, thank for the warmth and make a cherished wish. And it will come true!
Weave a wreath of wild herbs and flowers in the bosom of nature. Think about desire and let only good and bright thoughts into your head. And then they will return to you in the form of love, beauty, youth, luck and health. And to attract your loved one, weave special plants into the wreath: lavender, rosemary, fern, calendula, oak or ash branches.
Put it on your head and wear it a little. At the end of the ritual, light a yellow candle and think again about your desire. That's how you fix your intent with fire.
On the day of the summer solstice in 2024, nature favors young maidens who are looking for a betrothed. If you collect a bouquet of red poppies, tie a thread into a tone, say special words and dry it in a vase, happiness will knock on the door.
Here’s what you need to say when you collect a bouquet: “Red poppy, help me, love and joy attracted.” Take away my sorrows and marry my beloved.”
And if you already have a loved one, you can strengthen your bond. To do this, go together to the bath, take a bath or douse yourself with water. It will wash away all the grievances, all the misunderstandings and misunderstandings.
You can also induce a prophetic dream. On the night of June 21-22, pick a branch of any flowering tree, put it under your pillow and go to bed. Well, remember what you dreamed. The dream will come true in full or in part.
How to celebrate on June 21? In order for the sun to be favorable to you for a whole year, meet it in a bright yellow, orange or gold outfit. Dark unwashed robes are forbidden on this day.
If you collect a bouquet of medicinal plants on June 21 and hang it in a prominent place, illness and misfortune will bypass your home. Put a nettle at the threshold - enemies and troubles will not dare to cross it.
It is best to celebrate the Sun Festival in motion. Get out for a morning run or walk, do a light exercise, wash yourself with dew. Stay on the wave of good bright thoughts all day. The old grievances are gone!
It is very good if you gather with close people and spend time in nature. But remember: today alcoholic beverages are prohibited - they weigh down and destroy the human energy. If the soul asks to swim in a pond, boldly follow its call. On this day, our great-great-grandmothers plunged into rivers and lakes to find their love.
Day of the summer solstice 2024: omens Well, where without grandfathers will take! This morning’s harvest was a bountiful one. Women from ancient times recruited it for medicinal needs and washed directly from the herbs to preserve beauty and youth.
Those born on the 20th and 21st were considered lucky, pampers of the Sun. People believed that swimming children would be lucky in any endeavors. The light will strengthen their good qualities, open their eyes to the good.
If a guy managed to pour water on a girl, it was a good sign that they could have a strong marriage. And to get married, the girls danced at 9 bonfires all night. That's what motivation is called!
What rituals do you perform on the summer solstice? Share it in the comments!

2024 The ancient man began to celebrate the summer solstice at the dawn of its history. From a strict but generous luminary then depended on his life. Many peoples tried to appease the sun god with the help of special rituals and observed signs. He's still honored today. So, on June 21, the Finns officially do not work, and Estonians light large bonfires and arrange folk festivals.
Before the baptism of Russia on this day, the Slavs celebrated Ivan Kupala. Some beautiful ceremonies of those times, in addition to dancing and jumping over the fire, we recommend to hold today. Why? Because they are filled with goodness and light, and also strengthen a special sacred connection with our family.

He who meets the sun becomes enlightened, say the sages of all faiths. This applies to any day, but to greet the Sun on June 21 is to absorb the maximum of its healing power. Therefore, on this day, be sure to get out into nature to meet the dawn. Smile to the good light, thank for the warmth and make a cherished wish. And it will come true!
Weave a wreath of wild herbs and flowers in the bosom of nature. Think about desire and let only good and bright thoughts into your head. And then they will return to you in the form of love, beauty, youth, luck and health. And to attract your loved one, weave special plants into the wreath: lavender, rosemary, fern, calendula, oak or ash branches.

Put it on your head and wear it a little. At the end of the ritual, light a yellow candle and think again about your desire. That's how you fix your intent with fire.
On the day of the summer solstice in 2024, nature favors young maidens who are looking for a betrothed. If you collect a bouquet of red poppies, tie a thread into a tone, say special words and dry it in a vase, happiness will knock on the door.
Here’s what you need to say when you collect a bouquet: “Red poppy, help me, love and joy attracted.” Take away my sorrows and marry my beloved.”

And if you already have a loved one, you can strengthen your bond. To do this, go together to the bath, take a bath or douse yourself with water. It will wash away all the grievances, all the misunderstandings and misunderstandings.
You can also induce a prophetic dream. On the night of June 21-22, pick a branch of any flowering tree, put it under your pillow and go to bed. Well, remember what you dreamed. The dream will come true in full or in part.
How to celebrate on June 21? In order for the sun to be favorable to you for a whole year, meet it in a bright yellow, orange or gold outfit. Dark unwashed robes are forbidden on this day.

If you collect a bouquet of medicinal plants on June 21 and hang it in a prominent place, illness and misfortune will bypass your home. Put a nettle at the threshold - enemies and troubles will not dare to cross it.
It is best to celebrate the Sun Festival in motion. Get out for a morning run or walk, do a light exercise, wash yourself with dew. Stay on the wave of good bright thoughts all day. The old grievances are gone!
It is very good if you gather with close people and spend time in nature. But remember: today alcoholic beverages are prohibited - they weigh down and destroy the human energy. If the soul asks to swim in a pond, boldly follow its call. On this day, our great-great-grandmothers plunged into rivers and lakes to find their love.

Day of the summer solstice 2024: omens Well, where without grandfathers will take! This morning’s harvest was a bountiful one. Women from ancient times recruited it for medicinal needs and washed directly from the herbs to preserve beauty and youth.
Those born on the 20th and 21st were considered lucky, pampers of the Sun. People believed that swimming children would be lucky in any endeavors. The light will strengthen their good qualities, open their eyes to the good.

If a guy managed to pour water on a girl, it was a good sign that they could have a strong marriage. And to get married, the girls danced at 9 bonfires all night. That's what motivation is called!
What rituals do you perform on the summer solstice? Share it in the comments!
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