Winter Solstice December 22, 2015.

Time to repay debts and pick up tails, winter bonfire burn the past and no longer need to look like trouble and unhappiness dissolve in smoke. Time to prepare for the transition to a new level, to turn the wheel. December 22 will occur a light holiday of the winter solstice. About him, and we tell in our material.
Winter Solstice - a special time. This day unites and synthesizes and the Roman Saturnalia and the Scandinavian Yule, and the Christian Christmas. The Celts called this day Deuoriuos Riuri - «a great section, the festival frost».
Over the millennia, during which year after year we celebrated the Winter Solstice, the day had grown such layers of meaning, so deeply embedded in human culture, which, whether we like it or not, but in any case we will influence this holiday.
In order to understand what mythological features of this holiday, we take into account two things:
- In many traditions annual metamorphosis of the Sun seen as model of the universe. Wheel of the Year to celebrate the holiday, and the Sun acquires anthropomorphic traits, became an actor in the eyes of the people. We are the same as our gods and our gods - like us.
- Are not always the people were confident that they can survive until spring. Lack of supplies and as a result, hunger, cold and darkness - the winter was the hardest time of year for our ancestors.
And as a result of the long winter and the foreboding darkness of feeling cold and lack of resources, the uncertainty of the future forged the myth of the dying and resurrecting gods. The longest night of the year the sun god descended into the underworld to die there, and then reborn. Winter Solstice Festival - a celebration of death and resurrection.
This is the point of transition from the old to the new life.
This is the boundary between the living and the dead.
It is the joy of life, scorched frosty breath of death.
The most paradoxical moment of the year - the darkness, alienation, cold and evil, on the one hand, and a new conception of "good news", the pledge of the coming of spring - on the other.
In Greek mythology these days Hades, god of the underworld, was allowed to appear on Olympus among the other gods, which means death and privechali revered equally with life.
In many cultures, it is taken at the winter solstice to make sacrifices. To shed blood, to winter, sated, yet subsided. Therefore, we, the modern people need to be ready to sacrifice something: old ideas that are cherished in our hearts, patterns of behavior, to which we are accustomed. Recognize the importance of obsolete, let him go and give way to the new.
In 2015, the astronomical winter solstice occurs on December 22 in 04:48.
How to celebrate
Winter Solstice - holiday scorched breath of ancient traditions. This is the turning point of the year in which you can "tweak" and their fate. The birth of a new space requires purification of the "old coal", which is not lit, and only take up space and stain hearth. In the days before Solstice and after it will be useful to keep the thoughts and feelings in a clean, putting things in order and giving place to the new.
- Repay a debt, remembering even the smallest amount
- To thank those people who has to have the support and the support this year. If gratitude is also crowned with a gift - it will be particularly well.
- Make a general cleaning in the home, in the car, in the places where you spend a lot of time. It is useful to analyze things and to give those who are no longer useful, clear storage and conduct an audit.
- The same is done at the information level - tidied up on your hard drive, audits of social ties
- It is recommended that at least a light post, you should avoid strong drinks, and other mind-altering substances.
- Resentment, anger, uncertainty - is the point of departure energy. By the new year, try to restore balance in its energy accounting.
- You can plan, which would like to achieve in the coming year. In connection with the accented earth elements, it is important that your plans were specific and detailed, included specific steps to achieve the goal, and not only "request Mrzd."