7 CREATIVE SECRETS Leonardo da Vinci.

After the death of Leonardo da Vinci, the world was never the same. Portrait of "Mona Lisa", the fresco "The Last Supper", drawing "Vitruvian Man" - the first thing that comes to mind at the mention of the name of the great artist. But Leonardo da Vinci was much more than a painter. He - a vivid example of the "universal man", because da Vinci was also an architect, musician, mathematician, inventor, geologist, writer and cartographer. In a word - a genius.
Michael Gelb (Michael Gelb) wrote 13 books devoted to the creative development of the personality. Some of the most famous - "Decoded Da Vinci Code" and "Learn to think and draw like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to genius every day." Both of them have become real bestsellers and published in many languages. Gelb, studying the manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci, has revealed a few secrets of his genius. They can help you become more creative.
Curiosity - a natural human trait. Note that all the children terribly curious. "Why is the sky blue?", "Where does the rainbow? ',' Why does it snow?", "Why do leaves turn yellow?" - A child under the age of 5 years asks a thousand questions. Small 'Who Knows?' Thus learn about the world.
But then, according to Gelb, what happens is that leads to the loss of curiosity - the child goes to school, where they learned that the answers are more important than issues.
Geniuses like Leonardo da Vinci, are a child's curious all his life. Do not stop to ask questions, because the question - is the ignition key in a time machine. The search for answers leads her to move, causing humanity to move forward.
Independent thinking
Pluralism is a must for creativity. Over the years, each person produces so-called an opinion. It would seem, what's wrong? But the problem is that it gradually surrounded himself with only those sources of information (whether book or other people) that do not run counter to his opinion.
Gelb says that creativity is necessary to look for different points of view. It helps to think independently and not trivial.
The severity of sensory
The Italians have an expression «la dolce vita», which means "sweet life". The French have a phrase in everyday life «joie de vivre», ie "joy of life". In America, they say «happy hour» - «happy hour." All of these statements describe the ability to seize the moment and enjoy it.
Attention to detail is important for creativity. Feel the moment to evaluate its transience and beauty - this is what is missing in many of the modern world. Gelb believes that help sharpen the sense of beauty music, art, poetry, and even a good wine or chocolate.
Uncertainty scares. People often give in to something new just because they do not know how to behave in an unusual situation. However, confidence in the face of uncertainty - an important component of creativity.
According to Gelb, the essence of creativity in wonder, to constantly discover new things you did not know before. If every day to do just that as usual, never made a discovery. Feel free to join the path of uncertainty, if you want to be really creative person.
Logic and imagination
It is believed that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, and the left - for the analyst. As a rule, a person is more developed one or the other. But today, to generate new productive ideas, you need to use both the same parts of the brain develop and creative and logical thinking.
How to do it? Gelb offers a draw. Try to draw on a piece of paper their thoughts. What associations does get the picture? What it lacks, or, on the contrary, it is superfluous? How to use it in real life? Invent and analyze their ideas, then your brain will work for 100%.
The balance of body and mind
Not many people know that, among other things, Leonardo da Vinci was a physically fit person. He was considered one of the most powerful people of Florence, he was a skilled swordsman and rider.
Gelb said work kind of exercise, intellectual exercise, requires a huge expenditure of energy. We physically weak man has no power to work. In this regard, sports, keeping yourself in good shape are the basis for creative activity.
Diagram links
According to Gelb chart connections or different thoughts card, that is the general image of systemic thinking with the help of diagrams, it is very important for the generation of new ideas. Because it shows the endless possibilities of the brain.
Chart connections are usually drawn as a tree structure in the center of which the main concept and branches - is caused by their association. This technique is often used to brainstorm a variety of business training or during planning. But the identification of new bonds is also very helpful for creative self.
Many people think that creativity - is a gift that, like Newton's apple falls to the elect, and they invent something extraordinary. It is a myth. Cases of insight, when a man comes up from nothing to something completely new, very rarely, if ever real. Michael Gelb writes: "One of the basic principles of creativity: do not need to reinvent the wheel, just krutanite it. If you can give a new round of development of the idea of someone else, you have already made a creative act. " In addition, many people have come on the tail of his own creativity, believing that the ideas swarming in their heads, not good enough. Leonardo passed for a reason "universal man" - he clung to each idea and developed it.