"MISTIKA Gioconda"

Perhaps no one in the history of the picture is not so much heated debate as "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci. Scholars, critics and historians struggle with mystery, who is depicted in the painting - a woman or is it a veiled self-portrait of Leonardo? But most of all a matter of her enigmatic smile. The woman seemed to be hiding something from the audience and at the same time makes a mockery of them.
So much so that the picture began to investigate the doctors and verdict: the woman depicted in the painting, sick such and such and such diseases, which cause facial cuts taken for a smile. On the topic of "Mona Lisa" written tons of books, lifted hundreds of documentaries and feature films, published thousands of scientific and research articles.
In order to understand the mystery of the painting, to start talk a little bit about the Leonardo. Geniuses like Leonardo, nature did not know either before or after. Two opposite, mutually exclusive view of the world united in him with some incredible ease. The scientist and painter, scientist and philosopher, engineer and astronomer ... In short, physicists and poets in one bottle.
Riddle "Mona Lisa" was solved only in the twentieth century., And then only partially. Leonardo paintings in writing to apply the technique of sfumato, based on the principle of dispersion, the lack of clear boundaries between objects. This technique somehow possessed by his contemporaries, but he surpassed all. And twinkling smile of the Mona Lisa is the result of this technique. Thanks to the soft palette of tones that flow smoothly from one to another, the viewer, depending on the focus glance, it seems that she is smiling gently, the arrogant grins.

It turns out that the mystery unraveled pictures? Not at all! After all, there is another mysterious moment associated with the "Mona Lisa"; painting lives its own life and incomprehensible way affect the people around them. And this mystical influence was noticed a very long time.
First of all, he suffered a painter. Not on one of his studies, he worked for such a long time! But it was the usual order. Long four years, at a cost, estimated at no less than 10 000 hours, with a magnifying glass in hand, Leonardo created his masterpiece, causing strokes value of 1 / 20-1 / 40 mm. On this it was only capable of Leonardo - it is hard work, work-obsessed. Especially when you consider size: 54h79 cm all!
He worked on the "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo greatly undermined health. With almost unbelievable life force, he almost lost it by the end of the picture. By the way, this is his most perfect and mysterious work remained unfinished. In fact, Da Vinci has always gravitated toward incomplete. He saw in this a manifestation of divine harmony, and perhaps he was absolutely right. After all, history is replete with examples of how desperate desire to finish the job became the cause of the most incredible cases.
However, he carried with him everywhere is this your job, did not leave her for a moment. And she sucked and sucked from it strength ... In the end, for three years after the cessation of work on the painting the artist became decrepit and very quickly died.
Misfortunes and calamities were persecuted and those who one way or another been associated with the picture. According to one version, the painting depicts a real woman and not a figment of the imagination: Lisa Gherardini, wife of Florentine merchant. She posed for the artist for four years, and then quickly died - at the age of twenty-eight years. Her husband after the wedding had a very short time; lover of Giuliano de 'Medici soon died of tuberculosis; his illegitimate son of the "Mona Lisa" has been poisoned.
In this mystical influence of the picture has not stopped: dispassionate historians have concluded more and more facts of her paranormal influence on people. One of the first is the ministers noted the Louvre Museum - which houses a masterpiece. They have long ceased to be surprised frequent fainting, which occur with the visitors around this picture, and note that if the museum is a long break, "La Gioconda" if "dark face", but it is worth the visitors once again fill the halls of the museum and give her a portion of admiring glances as Mona Lisa comes to life, appear rich colors, the background is lightened, smile seen more clearly. Well, how can we not believe in the energy vampirism?
The fact that the painting mysteriously affects those long looks at her, pointed in the XIX century. Stendhal, who himself after a long admiring it collapsed. And just today these documented syncope recorded over a hundred. Just remember Leonardo himself, who spend hours staring at his picture, torn something to finish it, to remake ... Already hand was shaking, and his feet barely worn, and he was sitting near the "Mona Lisa", not noticing how it takes its strength . Fainting about "Mona Lisa" Leonardo, incidentally, it was also.
It is no secret is the fact that the picture is not only admired, but also frightens people - and terrified of not much less than admiration. The most common pattern frankly do not like children. Children - a finely organized beings and feel the world is more on the level of emotion and intuition. They do not zamorocheny general opinion that "Mona Lisa" - a masterpiece, and they decided to admire.
It was they who most frequently asked question: what's to admire? Wicked some aunt ugly besides ... And, perhaps, not without reason, There is a joke that somehow repeated Faina Ranevskaya: "La Gioconda so long living in the world that has itself chooses who to like and who does not." Not about a single picture in the history of mankind, and no one would never even jokingly say that the picture de chooses to whom to make the impression.
Surprisingly, the effect on people even copies or reproductions of Leonardo's masterpiece. The researchers of the paranormal influence of paintings on people long ago pointed out that if the family hung a reproduction of Ilya Repin's "Ivan the Terrible kills his son," a copy of bryullovskoy masterpiece "Pompeii", a number of other reproductions, including "Mona Lisa" in the family much more likely to have an unexplained illness, depression, fatigue. Very often, these families get divorced.
For the case when Georgy Kostomarskomu, known Petersburg psychic and paranormal researcher influence of paintings, a woman came with a desire to somehow save her from the brink of disintegration, family Kostomarsky asked if the house reproduction of "Mona Lisa"? And when he received an affirmative answer, it is strongly recommended to clean reproduction. In it, you can not believe it, but the family was saved: the woman is not simply thrown reproduction - it burned her.
John the Baptist on another Leonardo painting is very feminine, and his features resemble the features of the Mona Lisa
Many researchers could not help but wonder: what is the secret of such a negative influence on the pattern of living people? Versions of many. Almost all researchers agree that the whole "blame" the colossal power of Leonardo. Too much effort and nerves he spent on this picture. Especially if the fate of the latest research on the topic of who still shows.
According to the «Top News», an Italian art historian Silvano Vincheti, one of the most famous explorers "Mona Lisa" has proved that da Vinci was painting a picture with a man. Vincheti claims that in the eyes of the "Mona Lisa", he discovered the letters L and S, which are the first letters of the name "Leonardo" and "Salai". Szalai for twenty years was apprenticed to Leonardo and, according to many historians, his beloved.
Well, that - ask the skeptics? If we have the version that the "Mona Lisa" - a self-portrait da Vinci, why would not it be a portrait of the young man? Why is this mystique? Yes, all in the same frenzied energy of Leonardo! ... It is now due not only disturb the normal public, in the Renaissance was the same way. Leonardo da Vinci was suffering from a lack of understanding of society's "turned" a man into a woman.
No wonder artists are often called "creators", alluding to the Almighty Creator. The Lord God created human beings, the artist is also a kind of works. If it's just an artist - without enormous talent Leonardo, without its energy power, derived simply portraits. If there is a promise of incredible force energy - turn out very mysterious product that could somehow affect their energy at the viewer.
In the case of Salai we have not only the desire to somehow legalize the youth, but also an attempt at all to go against human nature: to turn the boy into a girl. What is not a sex-change operation? It is logical that the act of creation, nasty human and divine nature, have the above consequences.
According to another version, the Da Vinci as a member of the secret esoteric sect, tried to find a balance between the masculine and feminine principles. He believed that the human soul can be considered enlightened only when it happily coexist both beginnings. And he created the "Mona Lisa" - not a man and not a woman. It combines the contradictory properties. But it seems like something is wrong band, and because a negative impact ...
A comparison of the self-portrait of Leonardo and Mona Lisa. Almost one in one.
The third version is that the thing is the person named Artist's Model Pachifiki Brandao, who was an energy vampire. Leakage of vital energy in the initial stage of energy is the victim of aggression apathy, weakened immunity, and then leads to severe health problems.
So that's very similar to what Pachifika is such a person, life energy absorber others. Therefore, by brief contact person with paintings depicting the energy vampires, there may be a manifestation of the syndrome of Stendhal, and prolonged - and more unpleasant consequences.
The "Mona Lisa" is concentrated quintessence of the achievements of the great master in the way we approach the reality. That the results of his anatomical studies that enabled him to depict people and animals in a very natural poses, this famous sfumato it and perfect the use of chiaroscuro, this enigmatic smile, this thorough preparation specifically for each part of the picture ground, this extraordinarily delicate study parts. And the fact that the picture painted on poplar board, and poplar - tree vampire, too, may have played a role.
And finally, most importantly - the faithful transmission of intangible, to be exact - the subtle essence of the object of painting. His extraordinary talent Leonardo created a truly living creature, giving a long, continuing to the present day, life Pachifike with all its characteristic features. And this creation, like Frankenstein's creature, killed and survived its creator.
So if the "Mona Lisa" can bring evil people trying to penetrate its meaning, then maybe you need to destroy all the pictures and the script itself? But it was an act would be a crime against humanity, the more that paintings with a similar impact on many people in the world.
Just need to know about the characteristics of such films (and not only paintings) and take appropriate action, such as to limit their reproduction, in museums such products to warn visitors and be able to provide them with medical care, etc. Well, if you have a reproduction of "Mona Lisa" and you think they are bad for you, remove them away or burn.