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Leonado da Vinci's genius, a superman, a black magician

It has been said a few words about Einstein, then a couple of paragraphs about Leonardo da Vinci.

Mysteries of History

To sharpen his perception of the world, improve memory and develop imagination, Leonardo practiced psycho special exercises, dating back to the esoteric practices of the Pythagoreans and - imagine! - Modern ieyrolingvistike. He seemed to know the evolutionary clues to the mysteries of the human psyche. So, one of the secrets of Leonardo da Vinci is a special formula of sleep, he slept for 15 minutes every 4 hours, thereby reducing their daily sleep from 8 to 1, 5 hours. Thanks to this genius just saved 75 percent of sleep time that actually extend its life time from 70 to 100 years!

Workshop Masters

And after five centuries mysteries Renaissance genius never cease to amaze our contemporaries.

Italian researchers have recently discovered the secret workshop of Leonardo da Vinci. It is housed in the Monastery of St. Annunziata in the heart of Florence. The monks of the Order of the Servants of the Virgin Mary handed over some monastic rooms eminent guests. The existence of the workshop has long been known from various documents, it was also known that Leonardo stayed at the monastery. But cleverly sealed the room was not easy to find. Behind the door was a printed staircase, dating back to 1430 year, the work of the Florentine sculptor and architect Bartolomeo Michelotstso. This staircase led five rooms in which Leonardo lived with his disciples. In the monastery the great scientist had offered excellent conditions, since he was already famous. The largest room with two windows was a bedroom. Except it was still a secret room adjacent to where the Master himself worked. The other rooms were a workshop for Leonardo and his pupils, who were 5-6 people. Some details suggest that among them was the cook.

Location of the workshop was ideal. The monastery library contains a collection of nearly 5,000 manuscripts, was very interested in Da Vinci. Nearby is the Hospital of St. Mary, where he could do dissections of corpses.

The undisputed evidence that Leonardo was engaged in the workshop, steel are therein frescoes. They evoke associations with other works of the master at a glance. Computer studies confirm these associations entirely.

By the way, the family of a wealthy merchant Francesco de Giocondo had Sv.Annutsiaty monastery chapel. It is quite possible that in the monastery of the great painter met his wife merchant Lisa Cherardini. A young woman served as a model for the artist to write the famous Mona Lisa.

He or she?

On solving the mystery of Mona Lisa's smile, researchers struggling for many years. Almost every year there is a scientist, says: The mystery revealed! Some believe that the difference in the perception of facial expressions of the Mona Lisa is dependent on personal psychological qualities of each. To some it seems sad, someone thoughtful, someone crafty, someone even angry. And some believe that the Mona Lisa did not even smile! Other scientists believe that the case in the peculiarities of artistic style of the author. Ostensibly because Leonardo is imposed special paint that face of the Mona Lisa is constantly changing. Many insist that the artist depicted himself on the canvas in a female form, because and turned a strange effect.

There is a version that the artist, who was allegedly bisexual, not painted himself, and his pupil and assistant to Gian Giacomo Kaprotti, who was with him for 26 years. In favor of this version is given by the fact that Leonardo abandoned the painting he inherited when he died in 1519.

Special attention require medical opinion. The dentist and part-time expert on paintings by Joseph Borkowski believes that the Mona Lisa's facial expression is typical of people who lost their front teeth. A Japanese doctor on-kamura found defeat corner of the left eye of the Mona Lisa, and concluded that it is predisposed to heart disease and suffers from asthma. Another version - of facial paralysis - advanced otolaryngologist Azur from Auckland and Danish physician Finn Becker-Christ Ansen, who offered to pay attention to the fact that the right side of the Mona Lisa smiles and grimaces left. In addition, he discovered Mona Lisa even symptoms of idiocy, explaining their disproportionate lack of flexibility of the fingers and hand. But, according to a British doctor Kenneth Keele, the portrait simply transferred peaceful state of a pregnant woman.

They say ...

... That it is a model of the Mona Lisa a great artist owes his death. With many hours of grueling sessions with her plagued the great master, since the model appeared biovampirov. This is indicated today. Once the picture was painted, it did not become a great artist.

We do not know how to read!

Everyone knows that Leonardo was left-handed, he wrote from right to left in mirror image. His early records are not completely readable, but eventually mirror writing of Leonardo acquired a definite shape, characteristic, though hardly seen the handwriting. By setting the mark of individual letters, some researchers have learned how to read it is usually right to left. It would seem - the key is found! But illegible handwriting - it's not so bad. Leonardo still had the habit of writing at the hearing method, the shared syllables of a word, then suddenly stick together a few words into one. Add to that the immensity of knowledge accessible only to specialists of different areas. All this could not fail to introduce researchers in error. That is why almost all the mysteries of genius to mankind remain unsolved.
Riddles without otgadok

Among the prose works of Leonardo has a mysterious "Prophecy" is a kind of game of puzzles and clues. Rather, he was preparing them for the entertainment of the court or a secular society. Leonardo gave a verbal description of the phenomenon, the right individual characteristics, which, if possible, at odds with the essence described. At the same time the most mundane thing turns into its opposite. The student also must have learned a thing and call her name. The problem da Vinci is and was, on the one hand, as much as possible to separate the description of the signs of things with its actual appearance, but on the other - do not break the connection between them.

Here, for example, Leonardo da Vinci encrypted puzzle "About zapelenutyh babies": "On the sea-town! I see you, your people, both women and men, tightly bound with strong ties hands and feet by people who will not understand your speech, and you will be able to alleviate your suffering and loss of liberty only plaintive complaints, sighing and lamenting Intermedia themselves themselves, for those who have contacted you, you do not understand or you do not understand ».

Something like this has been written about them sucking children: "Many Francesco Domenico and Benedetto will have something that does not just eat other in the neighborhood and it will be many months until they are able to speak».

"Oh, how much will those who will not be allowed to be born" - so he wrote about eggs, of which hatch chicks.

Many mysteries has encrypted prophetic. Researchers believe that some of them managed to solve the puzzle. For example:

"There is a sinister air to rush feathered race; they attack people and animals and will eat them with a great shout. They will fill your belly with red blood "- a prediction, say experts, it is very similar to the creation of the Aircraft, aircraft and helicopters.

"People will talk to each other from the most distant countries, and to respond to each other" - that is, not a prediction of how the invention of telephone, telegraph and radio?

"Many people will be rushing to see large animals in a fast run to perdition of his own life and impending death. On earth will be seen animals of different colors, carrying people to the destruction of their lives "- all sorts of cars and armored vehicles.

"There will be many such, who would move one against the other, holding a sharp iron; they will not cause other harm to each other, except for fatigue, because as one would bend forward, so the other will recede. But woe to those who fall in the middle between them, because it will eventually cut into pieces "- two-man saw.

"There will be many such, who would flay her mother, turning her on her skin, using the terrible beast" - agricultural machinery. The same applies to another saying: "we'll see how the land is turned upside down and look at the opposite hemisphere and open holes savage wild beasts».

"Animal skins will lift people out of silence with great shouts and curses" - balls for sports games are made of leather.

But predictions about the possible disasters associated with warming: "The sea water will rise to the highest peaks of the mountains, to the heavens, and again fall on people's homes. We'll see as the biggest forest trees will be carried by the fury of the wind from the east to the west ».

But there is a Leonardo da Vinci and such mysteries before which the researchers are lost. Maybe you will be able to decipher them?

 - Yawn ... go out of beasts of the earth, clothed in darkness, that with amazing swoops will come on to the human species, and it is brutal bites, with bloodshed will devour them.

 - People will go, and will not move; will talk to those who do not, will hear the one who does not speak.

 - There will be ruined countless lives, and in the land will be made by countless holes. Then, most of the people who survived, yonder from their homes priberezhennoe of food production on the free birds and land animals, does not care about it. People will throw away from their homes, those provisions, which were intended for the maintenance of their lives.

 - Will return time of Herod, for the innocent babies are taken from their nurses and die from great wounds on the hands of cruel people.

 - There will be many such people, who are hiding themselves, their children and their supplies in the depths of dark caves, and there, in the darkness, they will feed themselves and their families for many months without any artificial or natural light.

 - It will be visible, both in the air at a great height huge snake fight with the birds.

 - Most of the masculine will not be allowed to reproduce, as they will be taken away from the testicles.

Haste makes waste

Leonardo da Vinci never in a hurry to finish the work. He believed that the unfinished - obligatory quality of life.

Over - means to kill! Slowness of the Creator was amazing, he was writing his paintings over the years. You could make two or three swab and leave for many days in the city, for example, to arrange well the valleys of Lombardy or create a device for walking on water. Almost every one of his major works - "unfinished." Many have been ruined by water, fire, a barbaric appeal, but the artist never repair damage, though entitled to interfere in the life of his work, something to tinker with. Good = Evil

Creating the mural "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci for a long time searching for the perfect model. Jesus must embody good, and Judas decided to betray him at this meal - Evil.

Leonardo many times interrupted the work, going in search of sitters. One day, while listening to church choir, he saw in one of the young singers of the perfect image of Christ and invited him to his studio, he made a few sketches and sketches.

Three years have passed. "Last Supper" was almost complete, but Leonardo did not find a suitable sitter for Judah. The cardinal, who was responsible for the painting of the cathedral, hurried artist, demanding that the mural was finished as soon as possible.

And after a long search, the artist saw wallowing in the gutter man - a young but prematurely decrepit, dirty, drunk and ragged. Time to the sketches was not, and Leonardo ordered his aides to take him straight to the cathedral. With great difficulty, he dragged it back and put his feet. The man did not really understand what was happening and where it's located, and Leonardo is imprinted on the canvas face of a man steeped in sin. When he finished work, poor, who by this time had a little recovered, I went to the web and cried:

 - I've seen that picture before!

 - When? - Leonardo surprised.

 - Three years ago, even before I lost everything. At that time, when I sang in the choir, and my life was full of dreams, some artist painted Christ with me ...

Inventions genius

Leonardo was a great magician (his contemporaries called him a magician). He could be called from the boiling liquid multicolored flames pouring into her wine; easily turns white wine into red; one blow broke the stick, the ends of which are laid on two glasses without breaking any of them; put on the end of the pen a bit of its saliva - and the inscription on the paper turns black. The miracles that showed Leonardo so impressed his contemporaries, that his ministry seriously suspected "black magic." Also near genius were constantly strange, dubious morality of the individual, such as Tomaso Giovanni Masini, known under the pseudonym of Zoroaster de Peretola - a good mechanic, a jeweler and also an adept of secret sciences ...

Leonardo codified much to his ideas revealed gradually as humanity to them "ripen." Scientists later, five centuries after the death of Leonardo da Vinci, were able to understand the project, its self-propelled carts and build it. This invention can be considered a precursor of the modern car.

Made da Vinci inventions and discoveries cover all areas of knowledge (more than 50!), Fully anticipating the direction of development of modern civilization. In 1499, Leonardo for a meeting of the French King Louis XII constructed a wooden mechanical lion, which, after a few steps, flung open his chest and showed the insides, "filled with lilies." The scientist is the inventor of the suit, submarine, ship, flippers. He has a manuscript, which shows the ability to dive to great depths without a spacesuit through the use of a special gas mixture (a secret which he deliberately destroyed). In order to invent, it had a good understanding of the biochemical processes of the human body, which do not have known at the time! It was he who first proposed to be installed on armored vehicles battery of firearms (gave the idea of ​​a battleship!), Invented the helicopter, bicycle, glider, parachute, tank, gun, poison gas, a smoke screen for troops, a magnifying glass (100 years before Galileo!). Da Vinci invented textile machines, weaving machines, machines for the manufacture of needles, powerful cranes, drainage of wetlands through the system of pipes, arched bridges. He created drawings collars, levers and screws designed to raise enormous gravity - a mechanism that has not been in his time. It is amazing that Leonardo describes in detail the machinery, although they could not do at the time, due to the fact that the ball did not know (but Leonardo himself knew it - Save the corresponding figure). Sometimes it seems that the Da Vinci just wanted to know more about the world by collecting information. Why is it he needed in such form and in such numbers? Answer he left.

And finally, the Vitruvian Man. Drawing by Leonardo da Vinci.

Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code.
Vitruvian Man. Drawing by Leonardo da Vinci.

Figure is accompanied by explanatory notes in one of his magazines ... It depicts a nude male figure in two superimposed positions: with the hands divorced in hand, describe a circle and a square.
Drawings and text are sometimes called canonical proportions. In the study of the figure can be seen that the combination of hands and feet is actually four different poses.
Pose with the hands divorced in hand and spread legs, within a square ("Square of the Ancients»).
On the other hand, pose with outstretched hand in the hands and feet, it fits into the circle. And though, when you change positions, it seems that the center of the figure moved, in fact, the navel of the figure, which is the real center of it, remains stationary.
Subsequently, the same procedure Corbusier was a proportioning scale, affect the aesthetics of the XX century architecture.

The accompanying notes Leonardo da Vinci said that the figure was created for the study of the proportions of (male) human body as described in the treatises of the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius (Vitruvius), who wrote the following about the human body:
"Nature has disposed in the structure of the human body following proportions:
Length is the length of the four fingers of his hands,
four palms equal foot,
