The technology of murder of the soul, or as a person to turn into a geek
Reports of the criminal chronicle tells us about another abomination, not typical for a healthy person, become a symbol of our time. Multiple rape of children, brutal murders, psychopaths, broken coils, killing bystanders – all of this is not actually the core, and only the tip of the "iceberg". This is just one of the hideous part of the problem, which is obvious to the majority. This "iceberg" is huge and multifaceted, it is infinite in its manifestations, consisting not of the people, no, not even of animals, this comparison is an insult to the latter. No, this "iceberg" consists of creatures of the third kind, altered, patients who have lost themselves, driven by distorted instincts, chimeric fantasies. These beings have no kind of earthly, and lost touch with the family of heaven are called geeks.
Thirty six million five hundred one thousand four hundred fifty three
In most cases, the geeks are not in the birth, the geeks are in life. Every time we go against our inner voice, step over their dreams and ideals, we step by step turn into freaks. Although, rather to say that we become geeks, we turn into faceless and disgusting biomass, creating added value for the owners of this monster. It is important to realize that we are a victim of some psychological techniques applied in droves. Moreover, it is so obvious that the plot will prove unnecessary. And the motive of the crime is obvious – creating the perfect servant, endowed with physical capabilities of the person, intellectual abilities, but lacking the soul transformed into the perfect tool for augmentation of capital. Create creatures, short-sighted, not able to understand the picture of the world, creatures with a specific system of values created for it, primitive creatures, employee chimeras, creatures with tightly locked the unconscious of a higher order — the perfect slave of all times and peoples, a geek.Geek is very easy to manage because it is predictable and simple, it is easy to manipulate without his knowledge, it is only necessary to properly arrange the set of necessary incentives. But if you expect a geek, so it is safe for those in power. This technology is just another stage in the development of the slave system. In ancient times, slave shackles were made of iron and violence, now a method of manufacturing the shackles have become more complicated, we can say that now the shackles of a slave made by technology "stealth".
Now, about this technology. To describe it in one article is not possible, because it is impossible to describe in a nutshell what was created wickedly brilliant minds for decades, if not centuries. We just try to expose the most obvious points. The main weapon in their Arsenal, a weapon that kills the soul. The essence of this weapon is simple, it is to replace values. Seeing the technology of degeneration, you will be alerted. And as they say, forewarned is forearmed. So, briefly find these pillars of degradation.
1) Parenting is based on the scheme to stimulate the infantile behavior among children, in other words, artificially delayed the process of the onset of social maturity. This is done in order to utilize the energy of young people in the period of its greatest activity (from 15 to 25 years). The fact that in all historical times the bulk of the revolutionaries was precisely this category of the population. The young man is the peak of physical and intellectual activity to 20 years, he is healthy, smart, hot, principled and uncompromising. Dangerous, isn't it? Suffice it to recall that Alexander the great was only 20 years old when he began his "career", Prince Sviatoslav at the time of death was not more than 30 years, Ivan the terrible took Kazan in 22 years. And in our time (especially in Europe) at this age young people are considered "teenagers". Here it is calculated and the education of social infantilism, to turn the Lord of history in a safe and healthy fellow. And let the excess energy will merge somewhere, well, for example, promiscuity, alcohol, drugs or street crime;
2) Educating girls and boys on common standards. This is done not so much to instill in women courage, but in order to take it away men;
3) grafting egocentric view of the world. Egoist is the solo, well, how not to quote Mayakovsky: "...unit – nonsense unit – zero one-even if very important, do not raise simple pyatigorskoe a log, especially a five-story house...". Or "divide and conquer" as the ancient Romans;
4) the formation of the image of "successful" person. On checking, the "successful" people are nothing more than the image of the ideal slave system. Tie, jacket, dizzying career, a great house, expensive cars, holidays abroad and Irish whiskey. Cool, huh? That lucky person, but in fact he is the perfect slave because he is dependent like a drug addict from his things. So he will do everything to preserve the stability of the system, he will endure any humiliation on the way up the career ladder. It will hide all of your childhood dreams so deep inside himself that he forgets himself and turned into a humanoid creature in geek.
This can be attributed to other images of "successful" people. Here and "cool" a hefty guy with a beer in the bar, and the "bitch" that changes men as gloves, and feminized Madam and a gangster. In General, for every taste and color. Choose what you want. Not only is the image of the defender, the way of the warrior, the mother image, the image of the poet, the scientist, etc. Some distorted substitutes for natural human behavior samples;
5) Sex and violence, instead of valor and love. It is no secret that the sexual instincts are among the strongest. Accordingly, using the theme of "sex" in a certain way to influence a person. Moreover, the sexual instinct, like other instincts, be our dark, animal part of the personality, unconscious of a lower order. Through the media, advertising technologies, and the promotion of scientific literature, computer games stimulate these instincts.Friedrich Nietzsche said: "Man is a rope fastened between animal and Overman — a rope over an abyss". So, from a psychological point of view, "Superman" is associated with the highest form of our unconscious, a region functioning as a source of creative, scientific, poetic inspiration, a source of heroic deeds. And the area of the lower unconscious is connected with the beast, instincts, violence and fear. And "Superman" and the beast are integral parts of ourselves, only one "Superman," dominates "the beast", and the other way around. I will tell you a little secret, our hosts are afraid of their slaves from the highest form of the unconscious, because it's part of our personality is divinely deep, uncontrollable and unpredictable. They rightly decided for themselves that the monster animal abuse associated with procreation, sex is far less dangerous to the system than the source of divine inspiration. For this reason, a swindler of psychology Freud began to impose his theory. Freud was not concerned about the science, he was disturbed by the "occult" of the unconscious, he was disturbed by the frantic manifestations of divine power. Rather, it is concerned about its sponsors. For them, too vivid example of how the higher unconscious of the German people for a long time escaped the seemingly forgotten image of the "blond beast" and almost all reshaped the world order. For them safer "sex and violence»;
6) Consumerism in its negative sense is that weapon from their Arsenal, which "kills" several "rabbits". What is potrebitelskoe consumption. The consumption of natural necessity due to the person in possession of one or another object. This is easily seen in the examples. You have torn/worn out jacket, you go out and buy a new one, it consumption, but if you go out and buy a jacket because she was a brand/fashionable colors/textures or just because you want to stand out in front of others is consumerism. In other words, consumerism is excessive, not caused by natural consumption. Why the current system is so important. Well, first, consumerism is the engine of their economic model, as it continuously pushes up demand, which in turn encourages manufacturers to increase, and the electorate encourages the formulation of new loans, without which the existing monetary-financial system will collapse. Secondly, consumerism is a great antidepressant that reduces social intensity in a society, and most importantly, defining the population permitted range goals. Thirdly, it is, like any "antidepressant" sit down, and then it makes people dependent, weak, and easily controlled. Fourth, it again, although to a lesser extent, but blocks higher unconscious.
7) Taboo for the nobility. The nobility is dangerous to them because it forms in people an unpredictable and uncontrollable behavior. They are afraid of uncertain motives, they feel more comfortable when people are driven by greed, lust, addiction, Vice.
8) Destruction of family values. This item is in part echoes the "sex and violence", but has its own characteristics. The destruction of family values, promotes both the destruction of national cultures and the atomization of society, encourage selfishness and bestial behavior.
These methods are by no means a complete list of weapons from their Arsenal, but the goal of all these methods is simple – kill the Soul, Your Soul. And the most interesting thing from this scourge is one universal cure is to remember and listen to themselves eternal. Don't sell your ideals to the green paper, do not ever against your inner voice, even if it seems reasonable. Intelligence is a crucial tool, but a lot can not explain the dry logic. The man is not only intelligence, but also emotions, feelings, intuition. A healthy person should be developed all four aspects. And only your soul is able to combine these contradictory and incompatible parts of your personality. Don't sell it, even under fear of death or poverty, sold his soul to live a very painful and pointless. Because your soul knows your true purpose. Queries can be infinitely different, you can be scientists, artists, musicians, engineers, builders, peasants, soldiers and many others, you can create and destroy, be not afraid. Most importantly, do not turn into geeks, faceless, living dead dochanashvili system, consuming yourself. source:uduba.com
Source: /users/1077
Thirty six million five hundred one thousand four hundred fifty three
In most cases, the geeks are not in the birth, the geeks are in life. Every time we go against our inner voice, step over their dreams and ideals, we step by step turn into freaks. Although, rather to say that we become geeks, we turn into faceless and disgusting biomass, creating added value for the owners of this monster. It is important to realize that we are a victim of some psychological techniques applied in droves. Moreover, it is so obvious that the plot will prove unnecessary. And the motive of the crime is obvious – creating the perfect servant, endowed with physical capabilities of the person, intellectual abilities, but lacking the soul transformed into the perfect tool for augmentation of capital. Create creatures, short-sighted, not able to understand the picture of the world, creatures with a specific system of values created for it, primitive creatures, employee chimeras, creatures with tightly locked the unconscious of a higher order — the perfect slave of all times and peoples, a geek.Geek is very easy to manage because it is predictable and simple, it is easy to manipulate without his knowledge, it is only necessary to properly arrange the set of necessary incentives. But if you expect a geek, so it is safe for those in power. This technology is just another stage in the development of the slave system. In ancient times, slave shackles were made of iron and violence, now a method of manufacturing the shackles have become more complicated, we can say that now the shackles of a slave made by technology "stealth".
Now, about this technology. To describe it in one article is not possible, because it is impossible to describe in a nutshell what was created wickedly brilliant minds for decades, if not centuries. We just try to expose the most obvious points. The main weapon in their Arsenal, a weapon that kills the soul. The essence of this weapon is simple, it is to replace values. Seeing the technology of degeneration, you will be alerted. And as they say, forewarned is forearmed. So, briefly find these pillars of degradation.
1) Parenting is based on the scheme to stimulate the infantile behavior among children, in other words, artificially delayed the process of the onset of social maturity. This is done in order to utilize the energy of young people in the period of its greatest activity (from 15 to 25 years). The fact that in all historical times the bulk of the revolutionaries was precisely this category of the population. The young man is the peak of physical and intellectual activity to 20 years, he is healthy, smart, hot, principled and uncompromising. Dangerous, isn't it? Suffice it to recall that Alexander the great was only 20 years old when he began his "career", Prince Sviatoslav at the time of death was not more than 30 years, Ivan the terrible took Kazan in 22 years. And in our time (especially in Europe) at this age young people are considered "teenagers". Here it is calculated and the education of social infantilism, to turn the Lord of history in a safe and healthy fellow. And let the excess energy will merge somewhere, well, for example, promiscuity, alcohol, drugs or street crime;
2) Educating girls and boys on common standards. This is done not so much to instill in women courage, but in order to take it away men;
3) grafting egocentric view of the world. Egoist is the solo, well, how not to quote Mayakovsky: "...unit – nonsense unit – zero one-even if very important, do not raise simple pyatigorskoe a log, especially a five-story house...". Or "divide and conquer" as the ancient Romans;
4) the formation of the image of "successful" person. On checking, the "successful" people are nothing more than the image of the ideal slave system. Tie, jacket, dizzying career, a great house, expensive cars, holidays abroad and Irish whiskey. Cool, huh? That lucky person, but in fact he is the perfect slave because he is dependent like a drug addict from his things. So he will do everything to preserve the stability of the system, he will endure any humiliation on the way up the career ladder. It will hide all of your childhood dreams so deep inside himself that he forgets himself and turned into a humanoid creature in geek.
This can be attributed to other images of "successful" people. Here and "cool" a hefty guy with a beer in the bar, and the "bitch" that changes men as gloves, and feminized Madam and a gangster. In General, for every taste and color. Choose what you want. Not only is the image of the defender, the way of the warrior, the mother image, the image of the poet, the scientist, etc. Some distorted substitutes for natural human behavior samples;
5) Sex and violence, instead of valor and love. It is no secret that the sexual instincts are among the strongest. Accordingly, using the theme of "sex" in a certain way to influence a person. Moreover, the sexual instinct, like other instincts, be our dark, animal part of the personality, unconscious of a lower order. Through the media, advertising technologies, and the promotion of scientific literature, computer games stimulate these instincts.Friedrich Nietzsche said: "Man is a rope fastened between animal and Overman — a rope over an abyss". So, from a psychological point of view, "Superman" is associated with the highest form of our unconscious, a region functioning as a source of creative, scientific, poetic inspiration, a source of heroic deeds. And the area of the lower unconscious is connected with the beast, instincts, violence and fear. And "Superman" and the beast are integral parts of ourselves, only one "Superman," dominates "the beast", and the other way around. I will tell you a little secret, our hosts are afraid of their slaves from the highest form of the unconscious, because it's part of our personality is divinely deep, uncontrollable and unpredictable. They rightly decided for themselves that the monster animal abuse associated with procreation, sex is far less dangerous to the system than the source of divine inspiration. For this reason, a swindler of psychology Freud began to impose his theory. Freud was not concerned about the science, he was disturbed by the "occult" of the unconscious, he was disturbed by the frantic manifestations of divine power. Rather, it is concerned about its sponsors. For them, too vivid example of how the higher unconscious of the German people for a long time escaped the seemingly forgotten image of the "blond beast" and almost all reshaped the world order. For them safer "sex and violence»;
6) Consumerism in its negative sense is that weapon from their Arsenal, which "kills" several "rabbits". What is potrebitelskoe consumption. The consumption of natural necessity due to the person in possession of one or another object. This is easily seen in the examples. You have torn/worn out jacket, you go out and buy a new one, it consumption, but if you go out and buy a jacket because she was a brand/fashionable colors/textures or just because you want to stand out in front of others is consumerism. In other words, consumerism is excessive, not caused by natural consumption. Why the current system is so important. Well, first, consumerism is the engine of their economic model, as it continuously pushes up demand, which in turn encourages manufacturers to increase, and the electorate encourages the formulation of new loans, without which the existing monetary-financial system will collapse. Secondly, consumerism is a great antidepressant that reduces social intensity in a society, and most importantly, defining the population permitted range goals. Thirdly, it is, like any "antidepressant" sit down, and then it makes people dependent, weak, and easily controlled. Fourth, it again, although to a lesser extent, but blocks higher unconscious.
7) Taboo for the nobility. The nobility is dangerous to them because it forms in people an unpredictable and uncontrollable behavior. They are afraid of uncertain motives, they feel more comfortable when people are driven by greed, lust, addiction, Vice.
8) Destruction of family values. This item is in part echoes the "sex and violence", but has its own characteristics. The destruction of family values, promotes both the destruction of national cultures and the atomization of society, encourage selfishness and bestial behavior.
These methods are by no means a complete list of weapons from their Arsenal, but the goal of all these methods is simple – kill the Soul, Your Soul. And the most interesting thing from this scourge is one universal cure is to remember and listen to themselves eternal. Don't sell your ideals to the green paper, do not ever against your inner voice, even if it seems reasonable. Intelligence is a crucial tool, but a lot can not explain the dry logic. The man is not only intelligence, but also emotions, feelings, intuition. A healthy person should be developed all four aspects. And only your soul is able to combine these contradictory and incompatible parts of your personality. Don't sell it, even under fear of death or poverty, sold his soul to live a very painful and pointless. Because your soul knows your true purpose. Queries can be infinitely different, you can be scientists, artists, musicians, engineers, builders, peasants, soldiers and many others, you can create and destroy, be not afraid. Most importantly, do not turn into geeks, faceless, living dead dochanashvili system, consuming yourself. source:uduba.com
Source: /users/1077
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