The summer solstice in 2022 is so special

Summer Solstice in 2022 June 21st. This is one of the 4 energy strengths of the year. Since ancient times, it was believed that this day is filled with special energy and has a strong impact on people and all living things. All desires made on this day tend to be fulfilled, and not only.

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you how best to do it. summer-solstice 2022 and what to do to start a white streak in life. Solar energy permeates and fills all space!

The 2022 summer solstice on June 21 will be the longest day of 2022 and the shortest night. The sun on this day very slowly passes the day path from horizon to horizon, as if hovering in the sky. After this day, the daylight will decrease, which means that the day will be shorter and the night longer.

Also note that in 2022 the most long-day The year will last 17 hours 39 minutes, but by June 30 it will be shorter by 5 minutes.

In ancient times, the cult of the Sun and its cycles was widespread. On this day they burned fires, honored ancestors and the whole family as a whole, engaged in charity. The ancient Slavs believed that on this day water has healing properties, so the girls tried to wash the first morning dew.

This is a good day to start a project and start important processes. It is beneficial to get up at dawn, greet the Sun, tune in to the vibration of joy and share this attitude with others. Meditation and other practices will have special power. This day is like a launch pad for a spacecraft. Everything is ready – the start time has begun!

Many people will feel a strong energy on June 19-23. Try to channel this energy into creation, into creativity, or into your plans and desires. Otherwise, this energy will be destructive to both you and those around you.

What should not be done on the summer solstice on the day of the summer solstice succumbTo fight and swear. All the bad should be driven away from yourself and try to experience only pleasant emotions. If you are in nature, clean up after you, do not leave garbage.

Do not start (only plan) new projects, do not buy anything big. It is also not worth making fateful decisions.

It is not worth spending this day alone. It is also necessary to exclude the use of strong drinks and observe the fast.

Good things to do on this day: open windows in the house and let inBurn candles and bonfires, meditate, pray, thank.

You can and should make wishes, write big goals and dreams to lay the foundation and plan the next six months. It is better to write as if they have already been fulfilled. It is worth spending more time in nature, you can collect herbs, for example, for tea.

It is good to do charity work on this day. To give and treat – all the good things done on this day, multiply and sprout good.

It is also worth paying attention to cleaning and cleaning the house. Well, take water treatments should be consciously (cleaning and filling). Let go of the old with ease. You can write bad things on paper and burn them. Farewell to all your abusers, mentally thank them for the lessons they taught you.

The summer solstice is good. creativelyExpress yourself as you like, sing and dance from the heart.

When leaving the house, wear something orange or yellow – these are the colors of the sun, they will bring good luck. It is better to choose gold (even better to buy gold). Well, in the morning, at dawn, you can put tea or water on the windowsill, charge with sunlight and drink.

I also want to know how to spend the night of Ivan Kupala. This holiday is covered with many stories, legends, myths and even horror stories!


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