Summer Equinox Day June 21, 2021 and what to do to start the white stripe in life
Summer Solstice Day in 2021 The year falls on June 21. In fact, this happens in all years, except leap years (because then this event occurs on the 20th). This day is considered the longest of the year. In 2021, the longest day of the year will be 17 hours and 33 minutes.
Today's edition. "Site" He proposes to talk about this astronomical event, when the main celestial body at noon is at the highest altitude above the horizon. After all, humanity has known about this date for a long time. And so even in culture, the solstice also found its reflection.
The summer solstice in 2021, where did the word “solstice” come from? The fact is that the height of the Sun above the horizon at this time almost does not change. Because of this, it visually seems that the sun is standing all day, that it is frozen at maximum altitude and does not move.
Interestingly, people knew about the summer solstice thousands of years ago. He was very revered and reflected in the culture. Once the Slavs celebrated the main holiday of summer (Ivan Kupala) just on the day of the summer solstice. However, due to the change in the calendar, the dates no longer coincide.
Our ancestors believed that this day has a special energy. It is not surprising that there are many signs associated with the summer solstice. For example, the gloomy weather on this date foreshadowed a poor harvest and cold summer, the abundance of dew instilled faith in the coming wealth, and the starry sky promised a large number of mushrooms in the autumn months.
Due to the special attitude to the summer solstice, beliefs about what can be done on this day and what can not be done have appeared and strengthened. Let’s find out what to do on June 21.
It is believed that this day at dawn the strongest energy. And if you want to make a secret wish, it is better to make it at this moment. In addition, you need to wake up at dawn to wash yourself with dew. Our ancestors believed that dew would help a person stay young and beautiful.
In order to receive the favor of the sun, you should dress in the right colors (orange, gold or yellow) on this day. It is also assumed that on June 21, luck will accompany the fire signs of the zodiac (Lions, Sagittarius, Aries).
It is recommended on the day of the summer solstice to collect a bouquet of medicinal herbs, then hang it in the house in a prominent place. From ancient times it was believed that in this way you can protect your home from diseases. Also, people put nettles at the threshold so that troubles bypassed the house.
On the day of the summer solstice, you can not find out relationships and arrange scandals. Do not give in to bad emotions on June 21, because it will have bad consequences in the future. No need to cry, be discouraged or show aggression. Also on this day you should not play with fire and violate safety rules.
In addition, our ancestors believed that on this day you should not wear dark clothes. They believed that it was impossible to point a finger towards the sun, so as not to anger the deity, and even tried not to turn their backs to the sun. It was recommended to eat only plant foods on this day, refusing fish and meat.
Modern experts advise to spend this day as actively as possible. Wake up in the early morning, do exercises, wash with dew, and then start everyday activities.
Wonderful if you can get out in nature with close people and relax. Interestingly, even in ancient times, girls on this day bathed in ponds to attract love and successfully get married. Who knows, maybe these methods still work. What do you think?
Today's edition. "Site" He proposes to talk about this astronomical event, when the main celestial body at noon is at the highest altitude above the horizon. After all, humanity has known about this date for a long time. And so even in culture, the solstice also found its reflection.

The summer solstice in 2021, where did the word “solstice” come from? The fact is that the height of the Sun above the horizon at this time almost does not change. Because of this, it visually seems that the sun is standing all day, that it is frozen at maximum altitude and does not move.

Interestingly, people knew about the summer solstice thousands of years ago. He was very revered and reflected in the culture. Once the Slavs celebrated the main holiday of summer (Ivan Kupala) just on the day of the summer solstice. However, due to the change in the calendar, the dates no longer coincide.
Our ancestors believed that this day has a special energy. It is not surprising that there are many signs associated with the summer solstice. For example, the gloomy weather on this date foreshadowed a poor harvest and cold summer, the abundance of dew instilled faith in the coming wealth, and the starry sky promised a large number of mushrooms in the autumn months.
Due to the special attitude to the summer solstice, beliefs about what can be done on this day and what can not be done have appeared and strengthened. Let’s find out what to do on June 21.

It is believed that this day at dawn the strongest energy. And if you want to make a secret wish, it is better to make it at this moment. In addition, you need to wake up at dawn to wash yourself with dew. Our ancestors believed that dew would help a person stay young and beautiful.

In order to receive the favor of the sun, you should dress in the right colors (orange, gold or yellow) on this day. It is also assumed that on June 21, luck will accompany the fire signs of the zodiac (Lions, Sagittarius, Aries).
It is recommended on the day of the summer solstice to collect a bouquet of medicinal herbs, then hang it in the house in a prominent place. From ancient times it was believed that in this way you can protect your home from diseases. Also, people put nettles at the threshold so that troubles bypassed the house.

On the day of the summer solstice, you can not find out relationships and arrange scandals. Do not give in to bad emotions on June 21, because it will have bad consequences in the future. No need to cry, be discouraged or show aggression. Also on this day you should not play with fire and violate safety rules.
In addition, our ancestors believed that on this day you should not wear dark clothes. They believed that it was impossible to point a finger towards the sun, so as not to anger the deity, and even tried not to turn their backs to the sun. It was recommended to eat only plant foods on this day, refusing fish and meat.

Modern experts advise to spend this day as actively as possible. Wake up in the early morning, do exercises, wash with dew, and then start everyday activities.
Wonderful if you can get out in nature with close people and relax. Interestingly, even in ancient times, girls on this day bathed in ponds to attract love and successfully get married. Who knows, maybe these methods still work. What do you think?
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