Age indicators that catch the eye much more wrinkles

Thanks to mass media for many, the main sign of aging for some reason are wrinkles. But at the same time, there is little talk about other indicators, in the presence of which good-looking women one way or another open the veil of their age.

There are several manifestations on the skin that should be prevented even in youth, as over time these manifestations worsen. In fact, they may even add age.

As a rule, dilated pores appear in adolescents of puberty and in people of mature age. This can occur due to a decrease in collagen production in the body, slowing down metabolic processes.

How it happens. When the work of the sebaceous glands is disturbed, the remains of sebum remain in the pores, thereby expanding them. The situation can be aggravated by city dust and dirt, which also clog the pores and (with insufficient facial cleaning) stretch them. As a rule, the areas of the forehead, nose and chin are most affected.

How to fight. The easiest and safest way to prevent and combat the expansion of pores is to sufficiently hydrate and cleanse the skin of the face. And if there are already obvious problems, you can contact a cosmetologist.

Traditionally, the term ptosis (from the other Greek. "fall") means the omission of the upper eyelid. But it is also used in a general sense, meaning the soft tissues of the whole face.

The very first cause of facial ptosis, oddly enough, is gravity. Then there is the retention of fluid, which aggravates the skin in violation of water balance. And also an important role is played by reducing the production of collagen and elastin in the body.

How it happens. Under the influence of various factors, the skin in various areas sags, which causes the contours of the face to begin to deform.

How to fight. Although gravity is not canceled, you can adhere to some rules that will significantly positively affect not only the state of the face, but also the body as a whole.

Namely: proper balanced nutrition, maintenance of water balance, healthy sleep, rejection of bad habits (if any) and calm. Massage of the face will also positively affect the general condition. In addition, you can use the services of a cosmetologist who will tell you how to properly maintain the level of collagen and elastin.

We all know the images of tanned girls on the beach. Their bodies are toned, their skin is smooth, their lips are smiling. And it seems that it should be in the middle of summer. But, unfortunately, in real life tan is not so safe and not so “beautiful”.

How it happens. Under the action of direct ultraviolet rays, spots of various sizes and shapes appear on the skin. In addition to pigmentation, the sun’s rays can trigger the photoaging process. People with white skin are most susceptible to this, and you will have to “protect” in the simplest ways.

How to fight. First of all, the skin should be smeared with sun cream, direct sunlight should be avoided as much as possible, and “tan” exclusively under the shade of the beach umbrella.

Redness of the skin can be a manifestation of both imbalance in the body and simply an individual feature. But, unfortunately, it also does not help preserve the young species.

How to fight. Care, moisturizing and cleansing the skin is what helps maintain a natural complexion. It is also very important not to expose the skin to stresses such as tanning, cold, spicy food and other factors.

Unlike wrinkles, advertising does not try to draw our attention to these aesthetic problems, although they also do not play into the hands of the image created.

But at the same time, it is worth emphasizing that good-looking women are often not only those who are very careful of themselves, but those who radiate love for themselves and the world around them. Age does not matter if the soul is young and the woman accepts herself as she is.


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