How to change life on the autumn equinox on September 22, 2021

Autumn Equinox Day in 2021 will come on September 22. At this time, the Sun will cross the celestial equator and begin astronomical autumn. On the whole Earth, except the poles, the day will be equal to the night. The Autumn Equinox Day is surrounded by mysteries, it marks the final wires of summer and preparation for winter.

Mabon Autumn Equinox Day is a Western tradition of liberation from all unnecessary and a day of remembrance of deceased family members. It has been celebrated in Japan since 1948 to this day. The Japanese thank the gods for the harvest and visit the family graves. Some peoples in ancient times it was customary to climb to the top to warm up with the rays of the sun and finally enjoy the last warm days of the year. It was important to spend the day of the autumn equinox in unity with nature: go to the forest, collect mushrooms, berries and leaves to recharge with the energy of nature.

The Autumn Equinox is considered the second half of Indian summer. This day was previously celebrated as the day of Peter and Paul. They baked cakes and arranged folk festivals. According to the harvest of ariabins, they judged what the winter will be: the more berries on clusters, the more bitter the frosts will be. Rowberry was placed in front of window frames, ancestors believed that the ash would protect the house from evil.

How to celebrate the autumn equinox 22 September 2021 at 22:20 The autumn equinox will take place - this date, consisting of seven doubles, carries a special significance. In numerology, the number 2 is a symbol of equilibrium. Before the onset of astronomical autumn, it is necessary to complete all the work started, otherwise they will drag on indefinitely.

Try to get rid of all unnecessary things in the house. Distribute unnecessary things, clean the wardrobe, do general cleaning in the house. This applies to negative thoughts, bad habits and unfulfilled promises. On the day of the autumn equinox, it is good to start planning for the future, to set a number of tasks for the near future. However, starting new projects is not worth it. In order not to scare away luck, you should avoid conflicts on this day.

Since this year the autumn equinox is late in the evening, it should be remembered that the next day is very important for everyone. So, washing dew before dawn will prolong youth. September 23 for many will be a day of change, there will be a number of difficult situations, disputes and worries. The universe will provide answers to all questions, will be inspired to turn bold ideas into reality.

Put your thoughts and affairs in order, spend the autumn equinox day with family and friends. Watch the weather this day. Our ancestors believed that the weather on the equinox day determines the weather of all autumn. Do you celebrate the autumn equinox?


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