The seer explained why the nails on the left hand break

Many girls believe that a broken nail is a harbinger of some trouble. The mood is spoiled, and the whole day will surely be wasted. We may be attracting the negative ourselves. However, there are a lot of folk signs associated with broken nails. Today's edition. "Site" will tell Why do nails break? and what that says.

Folk signs that explain why nails break are divided into 2 types. This is due to the classical division of the body parts. In this case, we are talking about the right and left hand. With the right associated with some negative changes. The one on the left is positive. A lot also depends on the finger.

For example, thumbs have a special power. It is believed that they are related to the goals and intentions of a person. So if you have a broken nail on your thumb, chances are your plans may go awry. Again, it all depends on the hand.

Broken nail on the thumb of the right hand? Be careful, your luck may turn away from you. But if the problem occurred on the left hand, everything is not so bad. On the contrary, you will be able to overcome all obstacles on the way to the goal.

The index finger is much more complicated. Since ancient times it was considered a symbol of authority and power. If you break that nail on your right hand, you might lose control. And it can happen suddenly for no apparent reason. For example, your child will go against you. Or there will be problems at work.

A broken nail on the index finger of the left hand says something else. You may soon realize that someone has manipulated you. And things at work can go uphill, one of the subordinates will please you with their successes.

The middle finger is the symbol of the road. If you break that fingernail, you're going somewhere soon. Whether you enjoy the trip depends on your hand. The right, as usual, foreshadows something bad. Perhaps the trip will be forced. And if the nail is broken on the left hand, you will be pleasantly surprised and happy with the upcoming path.

The ring fingers are easy. They symbolize relationships between people, matters of the heart. If you break the nail on your right hand, expect trouble. It can be a quarrel with a loved one, and a misunderstanding in a conversation with parents. This should be taken more seriously. And if the nail on the left hand is broken, then one of your loved ones will please you with good news.

Little fingers aren't that easy. There is no such certainty as with the other fingers. For example, a broken nail on your right hand can mean that you are in financial trouble. If you have a broken nail on your left hand, wait for guests this day.

They believe in everything, and that is completely normal. Moreover, many will say that if a person often breaks his nails, most likely it is a calcium deficiency. Anyway, we advise you to pay more attention to your health. For example, to strengthen the nails, baths with sea salt are ideal.

What do you think about that? Have there ever been any signs in your life? Tell us about your experience in the comments!


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