A gross mistake of gardeners with currants, in autumn, in no case can you do this with bushes
Numerous tips for caring for currant bushes walk around the Internet with promises of a bountiful harvest next year. But there are such recommendations that can leave summer residents completely without berries. Well, today we're going to see if we need to. pruning fall.
If you properly care for currants, with one bush you can get up to five kilograms of berries. But there is. two-way They are very popular, which can lead to a decrease in yield or even destroy shrubs.
From some summer residents you can hear advice of the following nature: prune. It would seem that everything is logical, because the bushes have already finished fruiting. It means that it is time to remove sick and unnecessary branches, so that all the forces of the plant are directed to the formation of new kidneys and increase the yield.
In fact, the currant “thinks” a little differently. First of all.If pruning is carried out in autumn, then the bush can begin re-growth, therefore, it will winter weakened. Second,Instead of flower buds, growth buds will be laid.
Thirdly.may die off part of the root system, because if the currant does not grow, it clearly tracks root-wood ratio. And only in the spring during the growth period, the loss of several branches will push the replacement shoots out of the spare kidneys. And in the autumn, the bushes do not need extra roots. It is not known how the winter will go. Healthy twigs can be damaged, and if you cut out diseased twigs in the fall (as we think), we will lose our kidney supply for the next year.
The second harmful advice Another harmful recommendation - feeding nitrogenous, combined with watering. The fact is that such feeding will cause the bush to grow again. And currants can grow even at low temperatures, and it turns out that the bush will go green for wintering. He won't have time to lay his kidneys. The bush will begin to grow new branches that will not have time to wood. The shoots will go into winter in a grassy phase.
Anyway, better. do not feed nitrogen to trees and bushes. Nitrogen causes repeated growth. In autumn, plants should prepare for winter, not grow new branches. Experienced gardeners know that nitrogen is a fertilizer that reduces winter resistance. And it does not matter whether it is pure nitrogen or in the composition of the mixture, it will provoke an increase in green mass.
By the way, we recommend to read our article about which plants should not be planted currants. It turns out that the neighborhood of other shrubs and trees greatly affects the yield!
We also advise you to dry currant leaves for the winter to brew aromatic and healthy tea saturated with vitamins.
Which one? Harmful Plant Care Tips Did you ever run into him? Tell me in the comments!

If you properly care for currants, with one bush you can get up to five kilograms of berries. But there is. two-way They are very popular, which can lead to a decrease in yield or even destroy shrubs.
From some summer residents you can hear advice of the following nature: prune. It would seem that everything is logical, because the bushes have already finished fruiting. It means that it is time to remove sick and unnecessary branches, so that all the forces of the plant are directed to the formation of new kidneys and increase the yield.

In fact, the currant “thinks” a little differently. First of all.If pruning is carried out in autumn, then the bush can begin re-growth, therefore, it will winter weakened. Second,Instead of flower buds, growth buds will be laid.

Thirdly.may die off part of the root system, because if the currant does not grow, it clearly tracks root-wood ratio. And only in the spring during the growth period, the loss of several branches will push the replacement shoots out of the spare kidneys. And in the autumn, the bushes do not need extra roots. It is not known how the winter will go. Healthy twigs can be damaged, and if you cut out diseased twigs in the fall (as we think), we will lose our kidney supply for the next year.

The second harmful advice Another harmful recommendation - feeding nitrogenous, combined with watering. The fact is that such feeding will cause the bush to grow again. And currants can grow even at low temperatures, and it turns out that the bush will go green for wintering. He won't have time to lay his kidneys. The bush will begin to grow new branches that will not have time to wood. The shoots will go into winter in a grassy phase.

Anyway, better. do not feed nitrogen to trees and bushes. Nitrogen causes repeated growth. In autumn, plants should prepare for winter, not grow new branches. Experienced gardeners know that nitrogen is a fertilizer that reduces winter resistance. And it does not matter whether it is pure nitrogen or in the composition of the mixture, it will provoke an increase in green mass.

By the way, we recommend to read our article about which plants should not be planted currants. It turns out that the neighborhood of other shrubs and trees greatly affects the yield!
We also advise you to dry currant leaves for the winter to brew aromatic and healthy tea saturated with vitamins.
Which one? Harmful Plant Care Tips Did you ever run into him? Tell me in the comments!
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