Tips for caring for currant bushes
With the arrival of spring, avid gardeners have an irresistible desire to go to the country and put their kingdom in order.
Today, with everyone familiar with this feeling, we want to share the golden rules of spring plant processing.
In particular, the editorial board "Site" will tell you how to care for currantsIn order to harvest a rich harvest over time.
Care for currants
So, with a little effort, you will protect the currant bushes and provide yourself with a good harvest of berries.
In conclusion, we just want to wish warm weather, which would contribute to the rapid growth of currants, and a sunny mood for inspired work.
Today, with everyone familiar with this feeling, we want to share the golden rules of spring plant processing.

In particular, the editorial board "Site" will tell you how to care for currantsIn order to harvest a rich harvest over time.
Care for currants
- The first thing to do with currant bushes with the arrival of spring is to collect and burn last year's mulch. This is necessary in order to destroy pests that could start and multiply in it during the winter.
- The greatest distribution among pests affecting currants has a kidney mite. So that the branches do not stick out in different directions and do not form a thickening that attracts parasites, with the beginning of the spring season, sanitary pruning of the bushes should be immediately carried out. In addition to the old branches, it is also necessary to carefully examine the buds of the plant and remove the most inflated and unnaturally round among them. Experienced gardeners advise to do this when the kidneys just begin to swell, so that pests do not have time to get out and destroy the plant.
- The next thing you need to loosen the trunk circle of currant and mulch the soil with compost or peat.
- Equally important is the feeding of plants. The first feeding procedure should be carried out around the second half of April, and the second in May, when the bushes will bloom. Currant can be fed with diluted mullet (ratio 1 to 4) or standard fertilizer (30 g of ammonium nitrate per plant).
- Before the kidneys bloom, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of bushes from pests with the help of Bordeaux liquid. You can also turn to the old way and just pour currant bushes. This should be done while the bush is still asleep.
The water temperature for treatment should not be below 80 degrees. It is necessary to water the whole plant completely - so you can in one fell swoop and destroy the pathogens of the disease, and disinfect the soil.
So, with a little effort, you will protect the currant bushes and provide yourself with a good harvest of berries.

In conclusion, we just want to wish warm weather, which would contribute to the rapid growth of currants, and a sunny mood for inspired work.