Lazy agricultural technician told how to grow black currant the size of a grape
Sweet and large black currants are the dream of many gardeners. Today we will remember simple country tricks that will increase the harvest of useful berries, affect its size and taste.
By the way, the real concentrate of vitamins are not only berries, but also the leaves of the plant.
In terms of vitamin C, they are second only to rose hips, surpassing strawberries and citrus fruits.
Large black currant Polutnaya Smorodina does not like direct and intense sunlight, lack of moisture and dry soil. The ideal conditions for its bushes will be the openwork shadow of garden trees.
But in the garden currant should have the "right" neighbors.
Next to which plants it should not be planted to get a generous harvest, you will learn from our article.
To avoid dry soil and overheating of the root system currant will help straw mulch.
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Mulch her root zone. The soil around the bushes will remain soft for a long time and you will need to water less often.
To prevent fungal and other diseases, the black currant bush must be treated with Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfur.
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This fungicide should not be used simultaneously with organic feeding, since all beneficial bacteria will die.
For the season currants need 3 feeding. After the kidneys dissolve, prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons of ammonium nitrate and 10 liters of water. This amount should be poured under each bush.
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In mid-June, feed currant bushes with an infusion of mullet (1 liter per bucket of water). And at the end of September, a scatter around plants for half a glass of superphosphate and the same amount of potassium sulfate (per bush). After that, pour plenty of water.
All these measures and pruning the bushes (without it anywhere) will help to get a generous harvest of black currant and stock up on vitamin berries for the whole winter.

By the way, the real concentrate of vitamins are not only berries, but also the leaves of the plant.

In terms of vitamin C, they are second only to rose hips, surpassing strawberries and citrus fruits.
Large black currant Polutnaya Smorodina does not like direct and intense sunlight, lack of moisture and dry soil. The ideal conditions for its bushes will be the openwork shadow of garden trees.

But in the garden currant should have the "right" neighbors.

Next to which plants it should not be planted to get a generous harvest, you will learn from our article.
To avoid dry soil and overheating of the root system currant will help straw mulch.
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A post shared by Garden, cottage, garden (@ogorod_rus)
Mulch her root zone. The soil around the bushes will remain soft for a long time and you will need to water less often.
To prevent fungal and other diseases, the black currant bush must be treated with Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfur.
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A post shared by Residential Notes (@zapiski_dachnika_)
This fungicide should not be used simultaneously with organic feeding, since all beneficial bacteria will die.
For the season currants need 3 feeding. After the kidneys dissolve, prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons of ammonium nitrate and 10 liters of water. This amount should be poured under each bush.
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A post shared by Women's Club (@irina.nalivnaia)
In mid-June, feed currant bushes with an infusion of mullet (1 liter per bucket of water). And at the end of September, a scatter around plants for half a glass of superphosphate and the same amount of potassium sulfate (per bush). After that, pour plenty of water.
All these measures and pruning the bushes (without it anywhere) will help to get a generous harvest of black currant and stock up on vitamin berries for the whole winter.
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