Competent pruning of an old currant bush to rejuvenate it

It is known that the peak fruiting black currant reaches at the age of 4 to 6 years. At that time, the plant begins to slowly age, and therefore needs more careful care. One of the necessary conditions for such care is rejuvenation. So today's edition. "Site" will tell you how to prune black currants in order to rejuvenate it and how to take care of the plant after this procedure.

How to trim black currants After harvesting, it is necessary to well thin the shrubs. Moreover, you will have to remove not only old shoots, but also several young ones affected by pests or disease. But do not regret the loss of fresh sprouts, because, in the end, this will contribute to an increase in the yield.

It should be understood that clearing the space for healthy young shoots, we reduce the load on the tired root system of the bush. In addition, rejuvenation pruning gives the plant good access to air and light, which are so necessary for its rapid growth and development.

Opinions about when it is best to carry out the procedure of pruning currants, very different. Some believe that the most suitable time for this business is the end of November, others prefer to cut the shoots only once a year (spring).

But experienced agronomists say that there is no better time to put currants in order than the summer season. Moreover, they are sure that this is the main thing to do in the garden for August. And it is worth noting that their arguments sound quite convincing.

First, in the summer, the difference between old (dark) and young (light) shoots is more clearly visible. So making a mistake and accidentally removing promising healthy sprouts is almost impossible. And secondly, immediately after fruiting, the plant becomes very weak, and therefore vulnerable to various external stimuli. It is during this period that he needs help in the form of preventive procedures.

As for the pruning process itself, it should begin with an assessment of the appearance of the bush. First of all, in addition to old sprouts with black bark, it is worth getting rid of branches with mechanical damage, as well as those affected by diseases or pests. And after them should be removed also strongly curved shoots and too close to the ground.

Next, it is necessary to trim unproductive branches that did not bring berries this year, as well as those that grow inside the bush. The fact that next year the situation will improve and they will bring a lot of berries, there is no hope.

By the way, the same applies to poorly developed (thin) shoots without kidneys.

It is worth noting that the height of the hemps left after pruning the extra branches should not exceed 2 centimeters.

At the very end, adult branches should be shortened to well-ripened wood. This will be a good incentive for the magnificent branching of the plant.

As a result, we should have about 5 young shoots and 3 adult twigs.

The procedure of rejuvenation of the shrub can be carried out every 2 years, when he has already reached the age of three. Previously, such prevention of black currants is not required.

And from the age of 6, the bush must be rejuvenated regularly.

After rejuvenation, the shrub still needs support. In order for the currants to overwinter without problems, you should slightly loosen the trunk circle of the plant along the diameter of the crown. In addition, it is necessary to get rid of all weeds. This can be done immediately after pruning or in late autumn.

And the next stage of caring for currants can be moved in the spring. The fact is that after severe pruning, the shrub usually lets in too many new shoots. And young shoots, which appeared only in the spring, do not bring harvest. So almost all of them will have to get rid of.

In total, by the beginning of flowering, the shrub should consist of 7 healthy shoots.

Watering currant is necessary rarely, but abundantly. And in order for the soil to remain moist, it must be mulched according to the diameter of the crown.

Among other things, in the spring rejuvenated currants require additional nitrogen feeding.

At the end, I would like to add a few tips regarding pruning currants. The procedure should be carried out only in warm dry weather. And the tools used for this business must first be disinfected and undermined. All this is done in order not to harm the plant.

We wish you good seasonal work and good harvest. If you need some advice, come back, we will be happy to help. See you again!


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