Neighboring grandfather for the fifth year so fed currants, berries like large grapes
The neighbor's grandfather, even from the old bushes harvest. Teach me everything. “Federating blackcurrant is perhaps one of the most important things to do when caring for this supervitamin berry!” he says. For the fifth year, Vitaly Veniaminovich has been using this life hack and everything is going well.
Today's edition. "Site" tell you what currantsTo please the size. A proven scheme over the years!
If the berries are small and sour, there are only two reasons for this: a bad variety or old bushes. And if the first reason is no longer corrected, then the second comes to mind only changing the bush to a new one. Stop, stop, don't do that!
While the young bush will start and start to give a good harvest, time will take. There's a simpler and better option!
"I only use one feeding - starch-based, and it's flawless!" says a neighbor. First, the starch itself is very useful for this plant, as it contains many useful elements and potassium in large quantities. So this feeding will effectively saturate the soil with useful microelements and currants will grow faster. In addition, from such feeding The berries grow twice as much!
Secondly, it is very budgetary. feederAfter all, starch is much cheaper than purchased store funds.
I'm not gonna bother you for too long, sharing the recipe. Buy a pack of starch about 200 grams and pour into a large pan. Dilute the starch in three liters of running water. Put the mixture on the fire and bring it to a boil with constant stirring.
Let the fertilizer brew slightly, and then dilute it in 10 liters of water. After that, safely water your currant bushes.
You can use it. potato-cleaningThey also have starch. This option is even more budgetary! During the winter, collect and sushi potato peels. You can dry by decomposing in one layer on a flat dry surface. So by spring, a sufficient amount of material will be collected and it will be possible to prepare fertilizing.
What you need: fill 4 press cleanings in a bucket, pour hot water and insist for about 5 days. Please note that the feeding should be mixed at least 3 times during the entire period. When the foam appears on the surface, the feeding is ready!
If it so happens that there is no time to dry potato peels, you can use raw ones. Around the bush dig holes about 10 centimeters deep. Pour in the infusion with potato peels and bury them.
Such dressing for currants should be done in spring and autumn. In the summer, you can simply bury potato peels under the bush.
I also suggest to learn how to cut black currants in order to rejuvenate it, and how to take care of the plant after this procedure. By clearing the space for healthy young shoots, we reduce the load on the tired root system of the bush, and not only!
Pruning and feeding blackcurrant After harvesting that year, they helped me get a huge harvest this year. So timely processing, pruning and feeding is the key to an excellent harvest. Of course, I did not discover America, but I saw it personally from my own experience.
The currant I had already grown before, but the harvest was 3-4 times less than now. Have a great harvest!
How do you feed black currants?
Today's edition. "Site" tell you what currantsTo please the size. A proven scheme over the years!

If the berries are small and sour, there are only two reasons for this: a bad variety or old bushes. And if the first reason is no longer corrected, then the second comes to mind only changing the bush to a new one. Stop, stop, don't do that!
While the young bush will start and start to give a good harvest, time will take. There's a simpler and better option!

"I only use one feeding - starch-based, and it's flawless!" says a neighbor. First, the starch itself is very useful for this plant, as it contains many useful elements and potassium in large quantities. So this feeding will effectively saturate the soil with useful microelements and currants will grow faster. In addition, from such feeding The berries grow twice as much!
Secondly, it is very budgetary. feederAfter all, starch is much cheaper than purchased store funds.

I'm not gonna bother you for too long, sharing the recipe. Buy a pack of starch about 200 grams and pour into a large pan. Dilute the starch in three liters of running water. Put the mixture on the fire and bring it to a boil with constant stirring.
Let the fertilizer brew slightly, and then dilute it in 10 liters of water. After that, safely water your currant bushes.

You can use it. potato-cleaningThey also have starch. This option is even more budgetary! During the winter, collect and sushi potato peels. You can dry by decomposing in one layer on a flat dry surface. So by spring, a sufficient amount of material will be collected and it will be possible to prepare fertilizing.
What you need: fill 4 press cleanings in a bucket, pour hot water and insist for about 5 days. Please note that the feeding should be mixed at least 3 times during the entire period. When the foam appears on the surface, the feeding is ready!

If it so happens that there is no time to dry potato peels, you can use raw ones. Around the bush dig holes about 10 centimeters deep. Pour in the infusion with potato peels and bury them.
Such dressing for currants should be done in spring and autumn. In the summer, you can simply bury potato peels under the bush.

I also suggest to learn how to cut black currants in order to rejuvenate it, and how to take care of the plant after this procedure. By clearing the space for healthy young shoots, we reduce the load on the tired root system of the bush, and not only!

Pruning and feeding blackcurrant After harvesting that year, they helped me get a huge harvest this year. So timely processing, pruning and feeding is the key to an excellent harvest. Of course, I did not discover America, but I saw it personally from my own experience.
The currant I had already grown before, but the harvest was 3-4 times less than now. Have a great harvest!
How do you feed black currants?
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