In Soviet times, cooks washed all the stains from robes and aprons, learned their secret

My rented apartment has a pretty bad washing machine. It does not cope with all pollution. Therefore, you have to apply a preventive blow to the stains before throwing things into the wash. I'm going to tell you today. How to remove the greasy spot from clothes. I'll also share a couple of other life hacks. Do you know what to do with lipstick?

To effectively remove stains from clothes or shoes, you need to understand where they came from. Traces from fat, lipstick or, for example, saturated in color hot drinks should be displayed in different ways. Next, I will talk about how to deal with each of these pollutants.

The fresher the spot, the easier it is to remove it. Moreover, it is likely that you will be able to do this with ordinary soap, soda or other detergent. Spots have one unpleasant property. They can grow, increasing in size. Therefore, you need to remove them from the edges, smoothly moving to the center.

If you need to remove the stain from bright clothes, be extremely careful. Products based on alcohol and acids can spoil the color. Acetone and acetic acid can not be processed silk things, and chlorine lime - cotton.

A fresh fat spot is best, if possible, to immediately fall asleep with a generous layer of salt. If the contamination has already dried, it can be removed with gasoline or acetone. To do this, the stain must be abundantly moistened with a tool to choose from, covered with a paper napkin on top and walk on it with an iron.

Under the spot you can put a piece of pure white fabric. Next, you need to warm up potato flour (not to be confused with starch) and sprinkle the product with a place of contamination. After half an hour, remove the flour and repeat this procedure until the stain disappears.

You can get rid of the greasy spot on colored shoes by using onion juice. If fat gets on leather shoes, use soda solution. To prepare it, mix 0.5 cups of warm water and 10 grams of soda. To remove the spot, use a regular cotton disk.

How to remove other stains from clothes Spots from lipstick is a common problem for girls and women. You can get rid of them with hydrogen peroxide, if the clothes are white. After processing with this tool, the thing should be rinsed in soapy water, and then simply washed in a washing machine.

Spot on colored clothing can be treated with such a means as turpentine. Also, a napkin is placed under the fabric and on it, talc is poured on top and the place of contamination with an iron is ironed. Silk or wool clothing stained with lipstick, it is enough to wipe with a cotton disk soaked in alcohol.

With bright spots from alcoholic beverages will help to cope with milk. To do this, you need to heat it and dip a dirty thing into it for half an hour. And then wash it with regular soap.

Remove contamination from white clothing helps hydrogen peroxide. Mix 1 teaspoon of the product with 0.5 cups of water. And then just wipe the red spot with this solution and wash it under cold running water. The same life hack works with stains on carpets.

If the spot is fresh, sprinkle it with moist salt. And after half an hour, wash the contamination site with hot soapy water. Done!

Coffee stains can be removed with table vinegar. To do this, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of the remedy in a glass of water, and then pour this solution onto the stain. Next, simply rinse the thing until the pollution completely disappears.

If you encounter a stain from the grass, do not worry. It can be removed with ammonia. Mix 1 teaspoon and a glass of water. Then moisten the contamination with this solution. Next, rub it with ordinary household soap and give 1 hour to rest. After that, it is enough to wash clothes.

How to remove a greasy stain from clothes: editorial advice Very unusual way, which will help to remove a greasy stain from clothes, shared my colleague Victoria Zhmurko. I highly recommend reading this article at the link.

She also talked about other tricks. For example, did you know that old contamination from fruits and berries can be handled with lemon juice? Be sure to read this material to arm yourself with a few more life hacks.

Fat, cosmetics and drinks are typical types of contaminants on clothing. What about rust? It often appears when things have metal fittings. To get rid of such contaminants, it is not enough just to throw clothes into the washing machine. How to deal with such spots, read the link.

I'm sure there are other proven stain control techniques in your hardware arsenal. Boldly shared their tricks in the comments. I'll wait for you downstairs!


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