All summer we drink tea with currant leaves, in winter sushi is not the first year.
The leaves and kidneys of black currant are a real concentrate of vitamins. In terms of vitamin C, they are second only to rosehip and actinidia, several times superior to strawberries and citrus fruits.
Benefits of Black Currant Leaves due to the content of flavonoids (quercetin, isoquercetin, campferol, rutin, phytosterol), organic acids, mineral salts, tannins, cyanogenic compounds, catechin, phytoncides, essential oils.
The name "currant" is purely Russian. It comes from the ancient Russian word "to look" (to emit a strong smell) and is given to the plant for the pleasant smell that the resinous glands on the leaves of the plant emit.
Many housewives use currants leaves in the preparation of home preservation and marinades, add them as a spice when pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms and cabbage. Due to the content of phytoncides, the leaves protect vegetables from spoilage and preserve their vitamin value.
The currant leaves themselves are also preserved. To do this, they are thoroughly washed, put in a jar and poured with brine. After that, cover the jar with linen cloth and store in the refrigerator.
Canned in this way, blackcurrant leaves are then added to salads, meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Some people also like to add fresh leaves to their dishes. For example, they prepare dietary sugar-lowering salads, in addition, currants leaves are put in home kvass.
For the purpose of long-term storage with subsequent culinary use, currants are collected after harvesting the fruits, dried in a well-ventilated room or in the shade in the air, and then brewed from them tea or flavored sauces. For medicinal purposes, the leaves are harvested earlier - in May-June.
These leaves along with berries have a lot of useful properties, so they are successfully used not only in canning, but also in cosmetology, as well as in folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases.
Useful properties of currant leaves
Infusions and decoctions of black currant leaves are not recommended for hepatitis, pregnancy, hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenum.
Not so long ago we wrote about another healing leaves that are well-deservedly popular in folk medicine. Walnut is considered an invaluable gift of nature, and this article is devoted to the unique properties of its leaves.
Editorial "Site" will tell you how to prepare tea from black currant, pleasing not only with a fragrant aroma, but also with a rich taste.

Benefits of Black Currant Leaves due to the content of flavonoids (quercetin, isoquercetin, campferol, rutin, phytosterol), organic acids, mineral salts, tannins, cyanogenic compounds, catechin, phytoncides, essential oils.
The name "currant" is purely Russian. It comes from the ancient Russian word "to look" (to emit a strong smell) and is given to the plant for the pleasant smell that the resinous glands on the leaves of the plant emit.

Many housewives use currants leaves in the preparation of home preservation and marinades, add them as a spice when pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms and cabbage. Due to the content of phytoncides, the leaves protect vegetables from spoilage and preserve their vitamin value.

The currant leaves themselves are also preserved. To do this, they are thoroughly washed, put in a jar and poured with brine. After that, cover the jar with linen cloth and store in the refrigerator.

Canned in this way, blackcurrant leaves are then added to salads, meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Some people also like to add fresh leaves to their dishes. For example, they prepare dietary sugar-lowering salads, in addition, currants leaves are put in home kvass.

For the purpose of long-term storage with subsequent culinary use, currants are collected after harvesting the fruits, dried in a well-ventilated room or in the shade in the air, and then brewed from them tea or flavored sauces. For medicinal purposes, the leaves are harvested earlier - in May-June.

These leaves along with berries have a lot of useful properties, so they are successfully used not only in canning, but also in cosmetology, as well as in folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases.
Useful properties of currant leaves
- The high content of biologically active substances makes currant leaves useful for spring and autumn colds. They help to restore strength after protracted diseases, tone the body, give vitality.
- A decoction of currant leaves has an anti-inflammatory effect, the effectiveness of which can be compared with the action of medications. Currant leaves perfectly disinfect, which is useful for skin diseases.
DepositPhotos - Black currant leaves contain more vitamin C than berries, so they are used as a tonic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, diuretic and cleanser. Different parts of the shrub contain different amounts of vitamin C: leaves - up to 460 mg, kidneys - up to 175 mg, buds up to 450 mg, flowers - up to 270 mg.
- Phytoncides, which are rich in the leaves of the plant, will help to recover faster after colds. Decoctions improve the patient's condition with bronchitis, angina, reduce the temperature, relieve hoarseness. With angina, a sore throat can be rinsed with a warm decoction.
- Infusion of blackcurrant leaves removes excess purine and uric acid from the body. It is used as a mild laxative, diuretic and sweatshop, with impaired metabolism and bleeding.
- Elderly people, this drink will help preserve vision, normalize the cardiovascular system, support brain activity. Currant leaf tincture cleanses blood vessels, which is very important for the elderly, it also reduces blood pressure. The decoction gently expands the vessels, which improves the condition in certain diseases.
- Scientists say that the substances contained in currant leaves kill the dysentery bacillus, and also increase the effectiveness of antibiotics. Tibetan sages advise to brew tea for acute respiratory diseases, genitourinary diseases. The drink from the leaves is recommended to use during influenza epidemics, since it has an antiviral effect. The leaves contain substances that help the lungs and treat pneumonia.
- The medicinal properties of a drink made from currant leaves have long been of interest to scientists. They studied the leaves of this plant and came to the conclusion that currant is effective in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer. Tea is also effective in diabetes. The leaves of the plant can be brewed as an independent drink or used as an additive to green tea.
DepositPhotos - A decoction of currant leaves is effective in renal diseases due to sweatshop effects. Also, tea from the leaves helps to remove uric acid, which is important for gout and rheumatism.
- In cosmetology, currants extracts are added to natural cosmetics. Apply currant leaves for the treatment and maintenance of the skin condition can be at home.
To do this, prepare such a mask: 10-15 leaves pour 100 g of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes and strain. Put the gauze in several layers and moisten in the infusion. Put this mask on your face, take it off in 20 minutes and rinse your face with water.
After the mask, the skin of the face will become like silk. If earlier pigment spots and freckles were noticeable, then they will become barely visible. The procedure should be carried out twice a week for 1 month.
Currant leaves can be used to bathe young children instead of a series. A decoction of currant helps to forget about the puff, soothes the skin with rashes and diathesis. The broth can be added directly to the bath in order to get rid of skin diseases.
Infusions and decoctions of black currant leaves are not recommended for hepatitis, pregnancy, hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenum.
Not so long ago we wrote about another healing leaves that are well-deservedly popular in folk medicine. Walnut is considered an invaluable gift of nature, and this article is devoted to the unique properties of its leaves.
Editorial "Site" will tell you how to prepare tea from black currant, pleasing not only with a fragrant aroma, but also with a rich taste.
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