A trip to Finland
Visiting six dozen countries, I somehow lost sight of neighboring Finland. And this despite the fact that a large part of my life connected with St. Petersburg, the Finns did not even once. Do not buy milk, do not open a visa, did not go on a fishing trip. The omission of this I decided to fix it, go to Helsinki by train from Moscow, it's night on the road.
The trip by rail was caused by the fact that "Fink" goes to a whole new train, launched just a month ago. It is called train-hotel.
43 photos via macos.
1 Outside the car looks almost the same as any other car of the modern Russian trains. Only the LED board with the route and give the wagon "tricked". But the main thing - inside.
2 Welcome aboard! Guides have nothing to do with stereotypes train conductor: they are young, friendly people who will pay attention to you throughout the trip.
The train runs every day, sent from Moscow, Leningrad station at 23:00. Many go on it to Peter.
3 I had a ticket in the coupe. I imagined it would be something like "evrokupe", with three shelves one above the other, cramped and uncomfortable barn. No, this four-usual, and, in the eyes, larger than in the Soviet cars. No luggage rack on top and under the seat does not place too many things. This is a minus. In the case of Helsinki, it is unlikely someone will ride with huge trunks, but in other areas you need to think of something. For example, to sacrifice one for the luggage compartment rooms.
4 On the train immediately began to feed! To begin with, on the table was a package with something tasty, a minute after the departure of the waiter came to the dining car and offered a hot sandwich to choose from. From all this it was necessary to give up !!! Because I sat on a diet. In Finland, it was even more difficult to walk past a delicious meal at the supermarket, and even that will be press tours in Germany and Belgium, I can not even imagine. Nothing, I hope, sustain and grow thin!
Oh yeah, you can see the monogram, which zabrendirovan composition? This monogram Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy light, in whose honor and named the train. Contrary to expectations, it was not "retro", but quite the opposite.
5 But when my diet tea can be drunk in unlimited quantities! If coupe riding All four passengers, lower shelf becomes two chairs with podkolotnikami.
6 For each compartment, two sockets. Is not that wonderful? I'm still waiting for the aircraft they will appear in short flights.
7 Three large buttons. Call conductor, radio volume and lighting control. On the radio, do not twist pop music, but "War and Peace" is also not read (thank God!). The train station operates in the audio guide, talking in Russian, English and Finnish about interesting stations, cities and places that currently passes "Leo Tolstoy". Listening with half an ear, I learned about an interesting bike semi-underground street in Helsinki, which is converted from a former railway line. Then about it will still be in the reportage about the city. So - a useful thing!
8 The most useful, of course, is the adjustment of the room temperature. She also individually in each compartment. I remember once someone argued whether such climate system in the compartment carriages or not. Opponents argue that all people are different, and the same can be cold at the same time, the other will languish in the heat. But it's better to be able to control the climate, because the people in the car the more different. A four interconnected somehow agree.
9 Cool lighting mode "night light". In a compartment becomes as a nightclub: I want to drink immediately and look at the veins neighbor.
10 There is no need to lay lingerie! Just omit the chair, and it turns into a bed. Incredibly convenient, but it is this thing and "ate" a place for luggage.
11 As part of the three classes of cars, with only two types of cars. Compartment represent a transformers. If Quadruple coupe not full load, you can pick up one of the shelves, and the class will automatically rise to CB! :) In general, the type can be selected when purchasing the ticket. Decide what coupe to take - two or four seats. The price difference is, of course.
12 Later departure of the train is perfect to sleep. But when you need to work, there is no place to sleep! Here you have more argument in favor of long-distance trains: You can do their work, in my case - write a few stories that have long been waiting for their turn.
13 It is best to work in full swing when no internet here ... this things are good. The Internet is, with all along the way, even abroad. And I oh how difficult was constantly distracted by the comments and facebook!
14 In the car, at first glance, everything is the same as 50 years ago. But that could change here? Doors, windows, corridor? Nothing new for long-distance trains have not yet invented. And you look so really for the hotel is somewhat similar.
15 Each passenger is a magnetic card.
16 Toilette topic for passenger trains, is perhaps more relevant than the softness of his shelves. Each car two toilets are located together on any sanitary parking close. Interestingly, all these trains were, where at each stop coming conductor and locks the toilet?
17 To wash your hands, do not hold the button with one hand: a certain amount of water is poured. The temperature is controlled. There are soap, disposable towels and even compact dryers for hands.
18 WC biology, such as in airplanes. The only difference is that if you throw toilet paper here, nothing will happen. I do not know how they did it, the plane immediately clogged! I got somehow once.
19 is very important for men and women thing skid circles! I'm really bad attitude to public toilets, when you want "by and large". Often forcing himself to endure. Toilet of the train is almost perfect, only heated seats not enough.
20 In one of the bathrooms showed up shower! Immediately and did not notice he hid in a corner of the curtain. The principle is the same as that of the washstand: press the button, the water pours. Each "start" is about a minute. Before arriving in Helsinki, in the morning, I even rinsed! Cool feeling when you come out of the train fresh.
21 Conductor our car, Maria S. Ivanov. Why do they collect the passport after sending? No way, fill the data on passengers to "rabbits" did not go?
22 In the service compartment for conductors have complete faucet and sink, you can buy juices, water, beer. But the main thing now is, microwave and cooler! No you more "Titans" -kipyatilnikov. Well, finally!
23 There is also "hidden" Wi-fi router. ICOMERA - cool equipment, they specialize in equipment internet fixed points: trains, planes, ferries. In my opinion, there is even an opportunity to give the Internet via satellite is available.
24 All plates must duplicated in three languages. Russian, German and French for some reason. Where English?
25 Garland! Beautifully.
26 The car looks cool and modern. What do you think, where did it?
27 Passenger cars to trains, hotels have become the third fruit of cooperation of the German Siemens and Russian Railways, after the Peregrine Falcon and Swallows. In fact, these are the cars I would like to see in all directions of the country, but I understand not all at once. The fact that the Germans were even proposals of this type - surprisingly, in Germany a long time ago no night trains. Maybe we have developed specifically for?
28 The transitions between the cars are safe: remember as a child was afraid to go into another car. By the way, this is the only "weak" place where careless fellow citizens can still smoke: in the lobbies do not work, there are smoke detectors. For anyone caught smoking was not, but the whiff.
29 Walking on a train in the direction of the dining car, the cars came across a completely different class. It is the most-presamy suite.
30 But the car turned out to be the previous generation, albeit soft, warm and cozy. In exactly the same coupe I went to Paris last fall. It is said that these cars are obsolete and are replaced by new, too, will come from Siemens. What will be renovated suite - remains anyone's guess.
31 The head of the train, Alexander Leonidovich. Great guy! I actually liked the railway workers in this Pozdov: that "my" guides that all the others. Should have such employees Railways. Always and at any level. Any service begins with friendliness. This will assess each.
32 border passes in Vyborg, in the morning. About half of the eighth train stops coming customs. Here the composition is about one hour. Before departure, it has come guards and go to the next station Buslova. There also has been held for the "real" border.
33 Here and Finland, a new country for me. Finally! When visiting a quarter of the planet (by states) is to get a new more complicated.
34 In the morning, went back to the dining car, already shoot. I have and can not, it's sad, very much appetite run wild.
35 On the walls of the old photos of Leo Tolstoy.
36 Menu - not such a thin book pages on thirty, not every restaurant found. Among the usual choice of dishes to us, something special. The dishes are prepared in the estate thick. Especially beautiful pulyarda in mushroom sauce. By the way, a long-standing history of food, and once ate a whole pulyardu Russian aristocracy. This is a chicken, but the chicken special kind neutered! It is more fatty and meaty, was especially popular in Europe and Russia in the 19th century.
37 Pulyardu decided not to take, but ordered a potato salad with tomatoes. This dish is also from cookbook Sophia Tolstoy. Most impossible, but for all you readers :)
38 But the "normal" food restaurant car. Fish medallion, eggplant and peppers. Almost dietary food!
39 Those who do not reach to the restaurant, bring sets in the compartment. What was in the evening bag, I did not recognize, and in the morning collect a small basket.
40 That's what it.
41 Meanwhile, the train arrived at the main train station in Helsinki, where I started acquainted with the Finnish capital.
The trip by rail was caused by the fact that "Fink" goes to a whole new train, launched just a month ago. It is called train-hotel.
43 photos via macos.

1 Outside the car looks almost the same as any other car of the modern Russian trains. Only the LED board with the route and give the wagon "tricked". But the main thing - inside.

2 Welcome aboard! Guides have nothing to do with stereotypes train conductor: they are young, friendly people who will pay attention to you throughout the trip.
The train runs every day, sent from Moscow, Leningrad station at 23:00. Many go on it to Peter.

3 I had a ticket in the coupe. I imagined it would be something like "evrokupe", with three shelves one above the other, cramped and uncomfortable barn. No, this four-usual, and, in the eyes, larger than in the Soviet cars. No luggage rack on top and under the seat does not place too many things. This is a minus. In the case of Helsinki, it is unlikely someone will ride with huge trunks, but in other areas you need to think of something. For example, to sacrifice one for the luggage compartment rooms.

4 On the train immediately began to feed! To begin with, on the table was a package with something tasty, a minute after the departure of the waiter came to the dining car and offered a hot sandwich to choose from. From all this it was necessary to give up !!! Because I sat on a diet. In Finland, it was even more difficult to walk past a delicious meal at the supermarket, and even that will be press tours in Germany and Belgium, I can not even imagine. Nothing, I hope, sustain and grow thin!
Oh yeah, you can see the monogram, which zabrendirovan composition? This monogram Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy light, in whose honor and named the train. Contrary to expectations, it was not "retro", but quite the opposite.

5 But when my diet tea can be drunk in unlimited quantities! If coupe riding All four passengers, lower shelf becomes two chairs with podkolotnikami.

6 For each compartment, two sockets. Is not that wonderful? I'm still waiting for the aircraft they will appear in short flights.

7 Three large buttons. Call conductor, radio volume and lighting control. On the radio, do not twist pop music, but "War and Peace" is also not read (thank God!). The train station operates in the audio guide, talking in Russian, English and Finnish about interesting stations, cities and places that currently passes "Leo Tolstoy". Listening with half an ear, I learned about an interesting bike semi-underground street in Helsinki, which is converted from a former railway line. Then about it will still be in the reportage about the city. So - a useful thing!

8 The most useful, of course, is the adjustment of the room temperature. She also individually in each compartment. I remember once someone argued whether such climate system in the compartment carriages or not. Opponents argue that all people are different, and the same can be cold at the same time, the other will languish in the heat. But it's better to be able to control the climate, because the people in the car the more different. A four interconnected somehow agree.

9 Cool lighting mode "night light". In a compartment becomes as a nightclub: I want to drink immediately and look at the veins neighbor.

10 There is no need to lay lingerie! Just omit the chair, and it turns into a bed. Incredibly convenient, but it is this thing and "ate" a place for luggage.

11 As part of the three classes of cars, with only two types of cars. Compartment represent a transformers. If Quadruple coupe not full load, you can pick up one of the shelves, and the class will automatically rise to CB! :) In general, the type can be selected when purchasing the ticket. Decide what coupe to take - two or four seats. The price difference is, of course.

12 Later departure of the train is perfect to sleep. But when you need to work, there is no place to sleep! Here you have more argument in favor of long-distance trains: You can do their work, in my case - write a few stories that have long been waiting for their turn.

13 It is best to work in full swing when no internet here ... this things are good. The Internet is, with all along the way, even abroad. And I oh how difficult was constantly distracted by the comments and facebook!

14 In the car, at first glance, everything is the same as 50 years ago. But that could change here? Doors, windows, corridor? Nothing new for long-distance trains have not yet invented. And you look so really for the hotel is somewhat similar.

15 Each passenger is a magnetic card.

16 Toilette topic for passenger trains, is perhaps more relevant than the softness of his shelves. Each car two toilets are located together on any sanitary parking close. Interestingly, all these trains were, where at each stop coming conductor and locks the toilet?

17 To wash your hands, do not hold the button with one hand: a certain amount of water is poured. The temperature is controlled. There are soap, disposable towels and even compact dryers for hands.

18 WC biology, such as in airplanes. The only difference is that if you throw toilet paper here, nothing will happen. I do not know how they did it, the plane immediately clogged! I got somehow once.

19 is very important for men and women thing skid circles! I'm really bad attitude to public toilets, when you want "by and large". Often forcing himself to endure. Toilet of the train is almost perfect, only heated seats not enough.

20 In one of the bathrooms showed up shower! Immediately and did not notice he hid in a corner of the curtain. The principle is the same as that of the washstand: press the button, the water pours. Each "start" is about a minute. Before arriving in Helsinki, in the morning, I even rinsed! Cool feeling when you come out of the train fresh.

21 Conductor our car, Maria S. Ivanov. Why do they collect the passport after sending? No way, fill the data on passengers to "rabbits" did not go?

22 In the service compartment for conductors have complete faucet and sink, you can buy juices, water, beer. But the main thing now is, microwave and cooler! No you more "Titans" -kipyatilnikov. Well, finally!

23 There is also "hidden" Wi-fi router. ICOMERA - cool equipment, they specialize in equipment internet fixed points: trains, planes, ferries. In my opinion, there is even an opportunity to give the Internet via satellite is available.

24 All plates must duplicated in three languages. Russian, German and French for some reason. Where English?

25 Garland! Beautifully.

26 The car looks cool and modern. What do you think, where did it?

27 Passenger cars to trains, hotels have become the third fruit of cooperation of the German Siemens and Russian Railways, after the Peregrine Falcon and Swallows. In fact, these are the cars I would like to see in all directions of the country, but I understand not all at once. The fact that the Germans were even proposals of this type - surprisingly, in Germany a long time ago no night trains. Maybe we have developed specifically for?

28 The transitions between the cars are safe: remember as a child was afraid to go into another car. By the way, this is the only "weak" place where careless fellow citizens can still smoke: in the lobbies do not work, there are smoke detectors. For anyone caught smoking was not, but the whiff.

29 Walking on a train in the direction of the dining car, the cars came across a completely different class. It is the most-presamy suite.

30 But the car turned out to be the previous generation, albeit soft, warm and cozy. In exactly the same coupe I went to Paris last fall. It is said that these cars are obsolete and are replaced by new, too, will come from Siemens. What will be renovated suite - remains anyone's guess.

31 The head of the train, Alexander Leonidovich. Great guy! I actually liked the railway workers in this Pozdov: that "my" guides that all the others. Should have such employees Railways. Always and at any level. Any service begins with friendliness. This will assess each.

32 border passes in Vyborg, in the morning. About half of the eighth train stops coming customs. Here the composition is about one hour. Before departure, it has come guards and go to the next station Buslova. There also has been held for the "real" border.

33 Here and Finland, a new country for me. Finally! When visiting a quarter of the planet (by states) is to get a new more complicated.

34 In the morning, went back to the dining car, already shoot. I have and can not, it's sad, very much appetite run wild.

35 On the walls of the old photos of Leo Tolstoy.

36 Menu - not such a thin book pages on thirty, not every restaurant found. Among the usual choice of dishes to us, something special. The dishes are prepared in the estate thick. Especially beautiful pulyarda in mushroom sauce. By the way, a long-standing history of food, and once ate a whole pulyardu Russian aristocracy. This is a chicken, but the chicken special kind neutered! It is more fatty and meaty, was especially popular in Europe and Russia in the 19th century.

37 Pulyardu decided not to take, but ordered a potato salad with tomatoes. This dish is also from cookbook Sophia Tolstoy. Most impossible, but for all you readers :)

38 But the "normal" food restaurant car. Fish medallion, eggplant and peppers. Almost dietary food!

39 Those who do not reach to the restaurant, bring sets in the compartment. What was in the evening bag, I did not recognize, and in the morning collect a small basket.

40 That's what it.

41 Meanwhile, the train arrived at the main train station in Helsinki, where I started acquainted with the Finnish capital.