Travel by ferry to St. Petersburg-Helsinki-St.Petersburg
This is my first story about something in writing, so do not judge strictly and harshly criticize. So!
We decided once with a friend to take off in the Finn on the ferry. I wanted a visa to "open", and he's, like, in a shopping tour for my gear.
He took with him a friend, and she, in turn, his girlfriend, but it's not about that. We decided to go on Sunday, because it turns out a little cheaper. Class cabin for four then cost 170 euros, but it was still a cabin class E, which cost 120 appears.
We decided that the more useless to a normal kid to swim in the cheapest cabin and took a little more expensive. Especially on Friday the cabin was worth 250 euros, more than 2 times more expensive. Meanwhile, the most "simple" cabin is always the same, whenever you sailed on Friday, Monday, Wednesday, its cost 120 euros. But this seems to be the mentality of Russian works, it is beneath our dignity to swim in the cheapest cabins on the ferry, with the possibility to fork out for a cabin "more abruptly».
Well, in short, the girls booked a cabin on the site, did not go, to be honest, the details of how, just then gave 1700 rubles.
Sunday, 17-30, going to the Naval Station, because it is necessary to register the ferry an hour before departure (just like on a plane).
45 photos
We go inside and get shovels in 100% of the building, and then get up on our first registration ...
It is not necessary to plead Woman give better cabin or some features (like in an airplane aisle seat or a window), all the same cabin in its class, but that's what I'll tell you later. In general, all standing, obtain boarding passes and get up to the second place in the passage of the customs control. Long and dreary, run in small batches and check bags and suitcases ...
Once your bags scanned ...
(By the way, we decided to somehow watch without a scanner and asked to open, it was full of food and water, but did not say anything), you are asked to go ahead and get the third queue at passport control ...
Well, then you've sigh freely and think that everything behind and go to the first Duty Free Shop, which is located around the corner ...
In this store there is none of the passengers, as it is strange, and we quietly bought a bottle of tequila and went to the pier ...
Later we realized why this store is empty, in fact, looking ahead, on board there is one shop Duty Free ... and one more thing ...
To go out, we were met by a cheerful orchestra that brings a smile and a bit of uplifting ...
And, strictly speaking, the ferry, which at this point seems to be a huge and beautiful ... and the end can not believe that it went in swimming ...
hulk ...
Climbing up the stairs, we will have another examination of things, and most interesting is that in this inspection must pass the bottle of tequila, we bought a moment ago in the Duty free, because, see, see, you can not drink the alcohol on board, but you can only those that are sold in the local store ...
On our bottle stuck some kind of tag number and said they would return at the end of a trip ...
Then, once again inspected our clothes by hand and wished good swimming ...
On board we had expected another band that does not cause a smile in connection with lost bottle of tequila. Such as we had a lot of: pay attention to the boxes at the table, they are full of bottles with labels))) Strange policy, they say buy only in our store, it is checked.
Well, in general, useful fact, if someone will go ... or leave them back a bottle of beer, and a descent from the ferry, if the head is sick, and the money does not remain, it will get you a nice bonus)))
Next, get the reception room key instead of a boarding pass, we went to the cabin ...
Remember I said that it is not necessary to plead Woman give you a good cabin? In confirmation of my words following photo corridor on the ferry ... and what's the difference where your cabin is in this anthill ...
Actually, I reminded steam train cars coupe, except that there are no toilets and vestibules ... long corridors and doors in the cabins every two meters.
Opening the door to our cabin, I was a bit shocked ... to go fourth in the cabin and leave the things I could not ... I was standing in the hallway and waited until one thread out, and then still got into the cabin realized that here all the same thing in a train compartment, except that only with a toilet and shower in each room and the lack of a window (the window). Just a small box with a cot and amenities.
I immediately thought, then, for the cabin class E are the cheapest? What do I want a girl who sailed with us told us that a couple of weeks ago, she was in the same cruise in a cabin class E, because the other cabins was not and what was my surprise that the difference in the cabins between classes B and E ... no no !!! They simply are on different decks, in this case, below deck ... and the rest is all the same - train compartment with amenities and no window!
ie roughly following the situation (as of November 17, 2010) - St. Petersburg - Helsinki - St. Petersburg, all cabins for 2-4 people
Cabin Class E - 120 Euro always
Class cabin - 250/200 (according to the day of the week)
Cabin Class A - 340/270 (cabin with oknom- depending on day of week)
I do not see the rest of the cabin DeLuxe increased comfort ...
Well, in fact, the choice is only between 120 and 340 / 270evro ... and this overpayment only window in the cabin and all. The size and furnishings cabins are the same !!!
That kind of information would like to convey to you, not to overpay wasted money, and spent it wisely and not on Duty Free ...
Let us continue our journey ...
Actually cabin! In its pure form I do not have time to take a picture and therefore spread from the site of the company ...
And that's about how it looks like 80% of travelers ...
The photo was taken immediately when you open the door, without going inside to understand the dimensions!
The door to the toilet on the left, the upper bunk removed the right hangers ... table for intake of food and drinks, and a table for other purposes ... in general all!
I believe that is designed to ensure that you were as much time outside the cabin ...
namely ...
... In one of these establishments on the ship:
XXXX bar, cinema, 2-3 restaurant, bar football, sauna, swimming pool, casino, concert hall, shop Duty Free, children's room, a cocktail bar and an open top deck!
Rose immediately to the upper deck on the starboard side, we opened this kind of ...
On the left side view opens to the commercial port ...
During otchalivaniya we stood on the deck of the center, just like in the movie "Titanic» ...
How nice !!! lucky with the weather ...
At first we were put off long enough ago that caused a lot of questions. And then it became clear that we were going to the sea channel. Sea Canal in St. Petersburg - it's quite a narrow channel for passage of ships in the Gulf of Finland between the port and Kanonersky Island, home to a lot of people!
I lay out a couple of photos of the port ...
Metal is a huge number and rust ...
Then something packaged in bags ...
Interesting names of the ships ...
Well, actually, - Kanonersky island ... Gorgeous place to stroll, a great view of the bay, I think that the people in these houses a great view out the window every day Sunset at Sea see ... But the location of this island and its infrastructure - a complete p ... y! Very dirty beach, and almost impossible to live here without a car ... (well, this is purely my opinion)
Well, the famous inscription ...
It is virtually an extreme point of St. Petersburg, and on the high seas!
Generally, this cruise is the elegant place to stay on the ship - an open deck ... If it were not for the weather, it could be an eternity and watch somewhere in the horizon, something to think ...
If finances allow, you need to take the cabin, of course, with windows ... and the white nights ... because of the time Osnonye ferry goes at night, and especially can not see anything. Sunsets and sunrises over the sea - it is certainly impressive, and it's worth it!
Then move on to the ferry and setting it ...
Staircase between decks ... beautiful
but apart from that there are three elevators that basically everything and enjoy ...
So what's the difference what floor you will live for 3, 4 or 5, because the deck is still open 8 ...
Restaurant with panoramanymi windows ... (the night is dark and can not see anything)
Music Hall ... always someone acts
Even some restaurant ... kind of like the most pathetic!
Well, the casino, of course ...
Still, as I said, in addition to all this, a lot of bars, a cinema, sauna, etc. There are things to do for night swimming ... and constantly see where exactly is the ferry.
And I almost forgot to tell you about the most important thing ...
About the famous Duty Free shop on board. Generally, this is a separate story about duty-free shops for the Russians, but stop short ... At the time otchalivaniya vessel from St. Petersburg, about 19 hours, this is the store opens, and here begins just insane. Sorry, did not take the moment the camera with him, but it was very interesting to watch how did the crowd at the entrance to the store (though it does not close until 2 am), and people like crazy, shoveled off the shelves all in times of famine ... and two hours people have calmed down and walked imposingly along the rows with alcohol and a long time is something considered. Strange, in my opinion, the reaction of the Russians for these shops, can we have in the blood is incorporated after the communist past of the deficit or that all will disassemble and someone did not get, but the people came out of the store with a huge package, like the market, and 85% of purchases - is alcohol!
bags ...
At the same time I want to stay in the description of the ferry, and if that I forget, I might add.
Morning woke up somewhere in the 8-9 hours of the cabin are included in the radio, they say all the rise. The rule says that you need to release the cabin either 9, or 10, well, in general, we like the most correct, and fled to the earth, but there it was ... When going ashore, we got up, I forgot already what kind of account turn, and this time was very long and tedious. It was a Finnish passport control. Were 40 minutes, an hour can ...
In general, you should not jump out of bed and free cabin by the rules ... go to sleep for another hour or go for breakfast, and then quietly go to Finland. Another point, the people who were taken from a car almost did not stay at the border. As I stood in line, I saw a bunch of cars moved out of the ferry after a 30-second inspection went to go all over Helsinki.
Stood in line and passing the passport control you get in Helsinki ...
Surprisingly boring country Finland, where all is calm and quiet.
No wonder it is called the European country. Clean, nice, normal. Naturally, the first time I came to the knife, I went wide-eyed and happy that I am abroad, but then my eyes slowly narrowed even slightly narrowed.
Many people perceive Peter Finn, as a transit country. It can be reached in three hours and fly to Europe or anywhere twice cheaper than from Russia.
Either rags tour in days of sales, even though I never went for it.
The symbol of Helsinki.
In general, people with back and walks with a huge package in his hands is not clear what.
Departure from Helsinki at 19 am local time, in the same way as from Peter. Roughly speaking, in the 19th sailed away from St. Petersburg, at 7 am and arrived in Helsinki at 19 o'clock departure back. The whole day in Helsinki, more than enough.
After another passport control and arrive on the ferry, we just started on the deck waiting for the departure.
View from the starboard side.
View from the left side.
View from the stern (rear of the ship).
A little nicer views than we have in the harbor, but I hope that we will soon be no worse)
In 19 hours our ferry hit the road back home, showing us the way some typically Finnish landscape. Red houses (by the way, 95% of the Finnish town houses is the same color) on a small island.
Mad Beauty sunset views of the sea.
Well, because we go home, then there is no such a noisy bustle of the ferry, on the way to Helsinki. Everything is quite calm and measured. People sit quietly in the bar or spend the last euro in duty free.
And we enjoyed the views of the sea.
Arriving in St. Petersburg, our local radio reported that the arrival of our ferry is delayed for an hour because of congestion at the Port of sea channel. After the arrival of a huge crowd of people stood and waited at the gangway opening, but we were moored about 30 minutes, and then another 30 minutes lost in the queue at passport control in Russia, and only then came ashore. Similarly, as in Finland, if you will not take your time, do not rush to come ashore, still will stand in the queue.
Directly at the gangway giving the coupon, we got back to his bottle of tequila, and that's the end of our little trip to Finland. Not to say that it caused me some strong emotions, but it's worth it. If you need to "open" a visa or simply banal to spend the weekend, it is the best option.
My costs amounted to about 1,700 rubles. per cabin (we had four), 500 rubles. for food with the ferry and 50 euros out of pocket expenses in Finke. Total about 100 euros for all.
Oh, I almost forgot, really enjoyed the night stand on the deck and look at the sky ...
Good luck everyone!!!
We decided once with a friend to take off in the Finn on the ferry. I wanted a visa to "open", and he's, like, in a shopping tour for my gear.
He took with him a friend, and she, in turn, his girlfriend, but it's not about that. We decided to go on Sunday, because it turns out a little cheaper. Class cabin for four then cost 170 euros, but it was still a cabin class E, which cost 120 appears.
We decided that the more useless to a normal kid to swim in the cheapest cabin and took a little more expensive. Especially on Friday the cabin was worth 250 euros, more than 2 times more expensive. Meanwhile, the most "simple" cabin is always the same, whenever you sailed on Friday, Monday, Wednesday, its cost 120 euros. But this seems to be the mentality of Russian works, it is beneath our dignity to swim in the cheapest cabins on the ferry, with the possibility to fork out for a cabin "more abruptly».
Well, in short, the girls booked a cabin on the site, did not go, to be honest, the details of how, just then gave 1700 rubles.
Sunday, 17-30, going to the Naval Station, because it is necessary to register the ferry an hour before departure (just like on a plane).
45 photos

We go inside and get shovels in 100% of the building, and then get up on our first registration ...

It is not necessary to plead Woman give better cabin or some features (like in an airplane aisle seat or a window), all the same cabin in its class, but that's what I'll tell you later. In general, all standing, obtain boarding passes and get up to the second place in the passage of the customs control. Long and dreary, run in small batches and check bags and suitcases ...

Once your bags scanned ...

(By the way, we decided to somehow watch without a scanner and asked to open, it was full of food and water, but did not say anything), you are asked to go ahead and get the third queue at passport control ...

Well, then you've sigh freely and think that everything behind and go to the first Duty Free Shop, which is located around the corner ...

In this store there is none of the passengers, as it is strange, and we quietly bought a bottle of tequila and went to the pier ...
Later we realized why this store is empty, in fact, looking ahead, on board there is one shop Duty Free ... and one more thing ...
To go out, we were met by a cheerful orchestra that brings a smile and a bit of uplifting ...

And, strictly speaking, the ferry, which at this point seems to be a huge and beautiful ... and the end can not believe that it went in swimming ...

hulk ...

Climbing up the stairs, we will have another examination of things, and most interesting is that in this inspection must pass the bottle of tequila, we bought a moment ago in the Duty free, because, see, see, you can not drink the alcohol on board, but you can only those that are sold in the local store ...
On our bottle stuck some kind of tag number and said they would return at the end of a trip ...
Then, once again inspected our clothes by hand and wished good swimming ...

On board we had expected another band that does not cause a smile in connection with lost bottle of tequila. Such as we had a lot of: pay attention to the boxes at the table, they are full of bottles with labels))) Strange policy, they say buy only in our store, it is checked.
Well, in general, useful fact, if someone will go ... or leave them back a bottle of beer, and a descent from the ferry, if the head is sick, and the money does not remain, it will get you a nice bonus)))
Next, get the reception room key instead of a boarding pass, we went to the cabin ...
Remember I said that it is not necessary to plead Woman give you a good cabin? In confirmation of my words following photo corridor on the ferry ... and what's the difference where your cabin is in this anthill ...

Actually, I reminded steam train cars coupe, except that there are no toilets and vestibules ... long corridors and doors in the cabins every two meters.
Opening the door to our cabin, I was a bit shocked ... to go fourth in the cabin and leave the things I could not ... I was standing in the hallway and waited until one thread out, and then still got into the cabin realized that here all the same thing in a train compartment, except that only with a toilet and shower in each room and the lack of a window (the window). Just a small box with a cot and amenities.
I immediately thought, then, for the cabin class E are the cheapest? What do I want a girl who sailed with us told us that a couple of weeks ago, she was in the same cruise in a cabin class E, because the other cabins was not and what was my surprise that the difference in the cabins between classes B and E ... no no !!! They simply are on different decks, in this case, below deck ... and the rest is all the same - train compartment with amenities and no window!
ie roughly following the situation (as of November 17, 2010) - St. Petersburg - Helsinki - St. Petersburg, all cabins for 2-4 people
Cabin Class E - 120 Euro always
Class cabin - 250/200 (according to the day of the week)
Cabin Class A - 340/270 (cabin with oknom- depending on day of week)
I do not see the rest of the cabin DeLuxe increased comfort ...
Well, in fact, the choice is only between 120 and 340 / 270evro ... and this overpayment only window in the cabin and all. The size and furnishings cabins are the same !!!
That kind of information would like to convey to you, not to overpay wasted money, and spent it wisely and not on Duty Free ...
Let us continue our journey ...
Actually cabin! In its pure form I do not have time to take a picture and therefore spread from the site of the company ...

And that's about how it looks like 80% of travelers ...
The photo was taken immediately when you open the door, without going inside to understand the dimensions!

The door to the toilet on the left, the upper bunk removed the right hangers ... table for intake of food and drinks, and a table for other purposes ... in general all!
I believe that is designed to ensure that you were as much time outside the cabin ...
namely ...

... In one of these establishments on the ship:
XXXX bar, cinema, 2-3 restaurant, bar football, sauna, swimming pool, casino, concert hall, shop Duty Free, children's room, a cocktail bar and an open top deck!
Rose immediately to the upper deck on the starboard side, we opened this kind of ...

On the left side view opens to the commercial port ...

During otchalivaniya we stood on the deck of the center, just like in the movie "Titanic» ...
How nice !!! lucky with the weather ...

At first we were put off long enough ago that caused a lot of questions. And then it became clear that we were going to the sea channel. Sea Canal in St. Petersburg - it's quite a narrow channel for passage of ships in the Gulf of Finland between the port and Kanonersky Island, home to a lot of people!

I lay out a couple of photos of the port ...

Metal is a huge number and rust ...
Then something packaged in bags ...

Interesting names of the ships ...

Well, actually, - Kanonersky island ... Gorgeous place to stroll, a great view of the bay, I think that the people in these houses a great view out the window every day Sunset at Sea see ... But the location of this island and its infrastructure - a complete p ... y! Very dirty beach, and almost impossible to live here without a car ... (well, this is purely my opinion)

Well, the famous inscription ...

It is virtually an extreme point of St. Petersburg, and on the high seas!

Generally, this cruise is the elegant place to stay on the ship - an open deck ... If it were not for the weather, it could be an eternity and watch somewhere in the horizon, something to think ...
If finances allow, you need to take the cabin, of course, with windows ... and the white nights ... because of the time Osnonye ferry goes at night, and especially can not see anything. Sunsets and sunrises over the sea - it is certainly impressive, and it's worth it!
Then move on to the ferry and setting it ...
Staircase between decks ... beautiful

but apart from that there are three elevators that basically everything and enjoy ...
So what's the difference what floor you will live for 3, 4 or 5, because the deck is still open 8 ...

Restaurant with panoramanymi windows ... (the night is dark and can not see anything)

Music Hall ... always someone acts

Even some restaurant ... kind of like the most pathetic!

Well, the casino, of course ...

Still, as I said, in addition to all this, a lot of bars, a cinema, sauna, etc. There are things to do for night swimming ... and constantly see where exactly is the ferry.

And I almost forgot to tell you about the most important thing ...
About the famous Duty Free shop on board. Generally, this is a separate story about duty-free shops for the Russians, but stop short ... At the time otchalivaniya vessel from St. Petersburg, about 19 hours, this is the store opens, and here begins just insane. Sorry, did not take the moment the camera with him, but it was very interesting to watch how did the crowd at the entrance to the store (though it does not close until 2 am), and people like crazy, shoveled off the shelves all in times of famine ... and two hours people have calmed down and walked imposingly along the rows with alcohol and a long time is something considered. Strange, in my opinion, the reaction of the Russians for these shops, can we have in the blood is incorporated after the communist past of the deficit or that all will disassemble and someone did not get, but the people came out of the store with a huge package, like the market, and 85% of purchases - is alcohol!

bags ...

At the same time I want to stay in the description of the ferry, and if that I forget, I might add.
Morning woke up somewhere in the 8-9 hours of the cabin are included in the radio, they say all the rise. The rule says that you need to release the cabin either 9, or 10, well, in general, we like the most correct, and fled to the earth, but there it was ... When going ashore, we got up, I forgot already what kind of account turn, and this time was very long and tedious. It was a Finnish passport control. Were 40 minutes, an hour can ...

In general, you should not jump out of bed and free cabin by the rules ... go to sleep for another hour or go for breakfast, and then quietly go to Finland. Another point, the people who were taken from a car almost did not stay at the border. As I stood in line, I saw a bunch of cars moved out of the ferry after a 30-second inspection went to go all over Helsinki.
Stood in line and passing the passport control you get in Helsinki ...

Surprisingly boring country Finland, where all is calm and quiet.
No wonder it is called the European country. Clean, nice, normal. Naturally, the first time I came to the knife, I went wide-eyed and happy that I am abroad, but then my eyes slowly narrowed even slightly narrowed.
Many people perceive Peter Finn, as a transit country. It can be reached in three hours and fly to Europe or anywhere twice cheaper than from Russia.

Either rags tour in days of sales, even though I never went for it.

The symbol of Helsinki.

In general, people with back and walks with a huge package in his hands is not clear what.
Departure from Helsinki at 19 am local time, in the same way as from Peter. Roughly speaking, in the 19th sailed away from St. Petersburg, at 7 am and arrived in Helsinki at 19 o'clock departure back. The whole day in Helsinki, more than enough.
After another passport control and arrive on the ferry, we just started on the deck waiting for the departure.
View from the starboard side.

View from the left side.

View from the stern (rear of the ship).

A little nicer views than we have in the harbor, but I hope that we will soon be no worse)
In 19 hours our ferry hit the road back home, showing us the way some typically Finnish landscape. Red houses (by the way, 95% of the Finnish town houses is the same color) on a small island.

Mad Beauty sunset views of the sea.

Well, because we go home, then there is no such a noisy bustle of the ferry, on the way to Helsinki. Everything is quite calm and measured. People sit quietly in the bar or spend the last euro in duty free.
And we enjoyed the views of the sea.

Arriving in St. Petersburg, our local radio reported that the arrival of our ferry is delayed for an hour because of congestion at the Port of sea channel. After the arrival of a huge crowd of people stood and waited at the gangway opening, but we were moored about 30 minutes, and then another 30 minutes lost in the queue at passport control in Russia, and only then came ashore. Similarly, as in Finland, if you will not take your time, do not rush to come ashore, still will stand in the queue.
Directly at the gangway giving the coupon, we got back to his bottle of tequila, and that's the end of our little trip to Finland. Not to say that it caused me some strong emotions, but it's worth it. If you need to "open" a visa or simply banal to spend the weekend, it is the best option.
My costs amounted to about 1,700 rubles. per cabin (we had four), 500 rubles. for food with the ferry and 50 euros out of pocket expenses in Finke. Total about 100 euros for all.
Oh, I almost forgot, really enjoyed the night stand on the deck and look at the sky ...
Good luck everyone!!!

Continued collection of raccoon Misha. Walking with children
Fotoinstruktsiya: How to catch alligators