Fotoinstruktsiya: How to catch alligators
Miami is one of the best zoos in the US. He is huge and move on it is most convenient to e or velomobile. Despite the rain and the lack of telephoto, I could not pass up the opportunity to go there (and traveler writes blogger Sergey Dolya)
In addition to the zoo in the same day I rode on a huge punt with a propeller like Carlson in the swamps Everglades, alligators swarming. Looked show how these alligators can be caught with bare hands and learned how to safely tuck his hand to him into the mouth ...
Before the trip through the swamps we were given raincoats and asked not to give up in the water:
Deep into the marshes, we moved slowly along the narrow duct:
Freshwater alligators gradually drifted past us:
Some rake up to our boat and floated us like dogs, utykayas nose in iron plating:
When we came out into the open, our captain's asked us to insert the foam plugs in their ears, and has cut the propeller to the fullest. We flew through the swamp, periodically dropping into the thick reeds. The rate is not affected:
The boat was very bad exchange rate stability, and we often unfolded sideways at it, we continue to carry the previous course:
The trip lasted about 15 minutes, and then we again began to slowly return to the base. On the way saw a small alligator:
It's funny floated on the surface pressing legs to the torso and twisting like a snake:
The truth is hard and got a break on a sheet of water lilies:
As soon as we stopped next to the baby, he came out of the nearby bushes mother and began to follow closely the fact that we did not touch her child. Our guide said that alligators can jump out of the water on a 2/3 length of the body, so once again asked us to be careful and move away a little deeper into the boat:
The program of the visit was to show the marshes, where fearless black walking around an adult alligator. By the way, the largest gator was measured in Louisiana. Its length was 6 meters!
Alligators can only see the side and did not see what they have in front of his nose:
If thrust his hand into the mouth of an alligator and not to touch the tongue or palate, he will not even guess her presence:
Catch Alligator best crept up behind him and jumping on him the whole body:
After that it can be clamped to fall though the chin. Open it, he will not be able:
If you close the alligator's eyes, he "falls asleep" and become completely limp. If the lift his paw and let go, it falls to the ground, like a bud he was dead:
After the show, everyone could take pictures with the little alligator for $ 3:
In addition to the zoo in the same day I rode on a huge punt with a propeller like Carlson in the swamps Everglades, alligators swarming. Looked show how these alligators can be caught with bare hands and learned how to safely tuck his hand to him into the mouth ...
Before the trip through the swamps we were given raincoats and asked not to give up in the water:

Deep into the marshes, we moved slowly along the narrow duct:

Freshwater alligators gradually drifted past us:


Some rake up to our boat and floated us like dogs, utykayas nose in iron plating:

When we came out into the open, our captain's asked us to insert the foam plugs in their ears, and has cut the propeller to the fullest. We flew through the swamp, periodically dropping into the thick reeds. The rate is not affected:

The boat was very bad exchange rate stability, and we often unfolded sideways at it, we continue to carry the previous course:


The trip lasted about 15 minutes, and then we again began to slowly return to the base. On the way saw a small alligator:

It's funny floated on the surface pressing legs to the torso and twisting like a snake:

The truth is hard and got a break on a sheet of water lilies:

As soon as we stopped next to the baby, he came out of the nearby bushes mother and began to follow closely the fact that we did not touch her child. Our guide said that alligators can jump out of the water on a 2/3 length of the body, so once again asked us to be careful and move away a little deeper into the boat:

The program of the visit was to show the marshes, where fearless black walking around an adult alligator. By the way, the largest gator was measured in Louisiana. Its length was 6 meters!


Alligators can only see the side and did not see what they have in front of his nose:

If thrust his hand into the mouth of an alligator and not to touch the tongue or palate, he will not even guess her presence:

Catch Alligator best crept up behind him and jumping on him the whole body:

After that it can be clamped to fall though the chin. Open it, he will not be able:

If you close the alligator's eyes, he "falls asleep" and become completely limp. If the lift his paw and let go, it falls to the ground, like a bud he was dead:

After the show, everyone could take pictures with the little alligator for $ 3:
