You probably can not even imagine how delicious the hunter. His sacrifice will not envy ...
Osprey - a large bird of prey, common on all continents except Antarctica. From there, it is hard to miss, because the body ospreys reaches 55-58 cm. The bird is considered to be quite rare and is listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Red Book of Belarus and Finland in a penalty for the murder of one individual - 1692 euros.
The diet of the birds on 99% consists of fish, it is not surprising that the osprey - great fishermen. The process of hunting charms: a bird soars to a height of 10-40m, and finding a suitable prey falls into the water and deftly grabs his catch. In the air, the fish hold one paw in front and one behind, and, oddly enough, does not affect the process of the flight, despite its size.
This video captures the fascinating process of catching fish Alert hunters.
By the way, even ospreys and eat mainly fish, they They can also catch other birds, small field animals, snakes, lizards and even small alligators. So do not underestimate them!
The diet of the birds on 99% consists of fish, it is not surprising that the osprey - great fishermen. The process of hunting charms: a bird soars to a height of 10-40m, and finding a suitable prey falls into the water and deftly grabs his catch. In the air, the fish hold one paw in front and one behind, and, oddly enough, does not affect the process of the flight, despite its size.
This video captures the fascinating process of catching fish Alert hunters.
By the way, even ospreys and eat mainly fish, they They can also catch other birds, small field animals, snakes, lizards and even small alligators. So do not underestimate them!
Unusual bodybuilder came on stage and gave a then all littered with laughter. Bravo!
The most disgusting dishes from around the world. And as soon as people eat is?