Where nest "Alligators"
Photo report about the domestic real sector companies: a virtual tour of the aviation plant "Progress", which produced the famous "Alligators»
14 photos via slon
The Ka-52 "Alligator" is a further development of the model, the Ka-50 "Black Shark". The first test flight took place June 27, 2008, production began after 4 months. As part of the defense procurement Russian army until 2012 is to get 30 of these helicopters. Month of the manufacturer - JSC "Arsenyev Aviation Company" Progress ". Sazykina "the Holding" Helicopters of Russia "- released two" Alligator. "
We begin with the mechanical workshop production, which looks surprisingly modern in. As part of its modernization equipment is installed DMG, Mazak, Valter with CNC. In total, "Russian Helicopters" invested in various forms (cash contributions to the share capital, government guarantees on loans, subsidies for the payment of interest rates) of about 8 billion rubles in technical re-equipment.
8 billion rubles - serious money, more than the revenue of the plant in 2010. What are the "Russian Helicopters", they invest? Sam holding part of the corporation "Oboronprom", which, in turn, belongs to the "Russian Technologies". This is the only developer and manufacturer of helicopters in Russia, which includes a 5 helicopter plants and two manufacturers of components and two design bureaus. And they demanded money for modernization. It was carried out, as a result, mainly in debt (in the photo: a mechanical workshop production).
As a result, the end of 2010 net debt "Helicopters of Russia" accounted for 28, 4 billion rubles. At the same time in 2011 it was planned capital expenditures at the level of 16, 5 billion rubles., For 2012 - another 12, 8 billion rubles. Money for development decided to draw on the London Stock Exchange: in early April, holding all of a sudden announced plans to hold an IPO in May. The company, surprising very high EBITDA margin relative to other helicopter manufacturers, commended itself in the range of $ 1, 8-2, 3 billion (in the photo: the equipment of the company Walter).
Meanwhile, we turn to the laser processing of parts. Using cutting complex Tru Laser 3530 in the machining of parts achieves unique precision of their execution. The machine operates in automatic mode for a given program. He is able to conduct cutting of sheet metal, replacing almost the whole shop vykolotchikov-closers. Laser cut metal up to 5 mm.
Modern equipment allows software control to create parts of the helicopter to meet exact parameters. After input the intelligent Machining Complex creates parts with minimal human intervention.
A little watch the work of craftsmen and, at the same time, back to the IPO. "Helicopters of Russia" held a prominent advertising campaign. The highlight was the placement of congratulations with the wedding Prince William in the newspaper The Times. The advertisement took a whole page on which was depicted hanging over Buckingham Palace Mi-26 helicopter with a big gift parcel. And the slogan: "One well-known pilot from a reputable manufacturer of helicopters." Easy puzzle: Prince William familiar with helicopters. So, in 2008, he even landed a helicopter in the courtyard of the Royal Air Force's future wife Kate Middleton. However, "Russian Helicopters" greeting prince did not help. IPO is not held
Next shop - casting. On the "Progress" was created for the unique Russian foundry based on advanced Italian production lines, including molding machine at low pressure and a line of cold-hardening mixtures
New casting complex Italian company IMF, which will significantly improve the quality of castings, was commissioned in 2010. "Progress" received orders to perform foundry work and other enterprises "Helicopters of Russia" by developing interplant cooperation holding
The process of building a helicopter from the manufacturing of the first parts before the start of the flight test takes about 9 months. In the workshop the final assembly of a plurality of parts, components and assemblies, including the latest VK-2500 engines, which develop in the emergency mode power up to 2400 hp, gyro-stabilized optronic station GOES-452 radar complex "Crossbow-52" navigation system, a complex of radio communication equipment, a complex of self-defense, emergency escape complex machines and many other important systems and created the Ka-52.
Why IPO attempt ended in failure? Blame not only unfavorable situation. Eventually, in July held on the LSE placement holding "Fosagro" sverhuspeshnyh investors turned IPO «Yandex" on the Nasdaq. Perhaps, the reasons lie in the structure of the transaction. "Helicopters of Russia" were planning to place shares worth more than $ 500 million. But only $ 250 million - in the additional issue. The remaining funds were intended OPK "Oboronprom", which did not disclose what they will (in the photo: the final assembly shop).
But because "Alligator" in a protective color green.
The next step after the assembly of the helicopter - the test. The factory is checked all systems of each new helicopter and its flight performance, handling qualities. Test pilots of "progress" is usually carried out several missions, each of which operate on a specific program aimed at measuring and evaluating the performance of a system. After factory testing bearer helicopter undergoes tests in which the customer has to make sure the quality of the machine. And then comes the stage of acceptance tests, which have military pilots themselves evaluate the car in the air before it is supplied to the troops.
Ka-52 firings. "Alligator" can attack air and ground targets. Range depends on the type of weapon. Automatic gun with high accuracy would get the enemy at a distance of 4 km. Anti-tank missiles "Whirlwind" is able to destroy a target at a distance of 8 km and an anti-aircraft missile "Needle" overtake aerial target at a distance of 4 km.
The first batch of serial Ka-52 "Alligator" was given the Ministry of Defence in May 2011. These helicopter gunships transferred to combat units of army aviation in the territory of the Eastern Military District.
And in the coming years will be maritime version of the Ka-52K, which will be based on the Navy ships, including amphibious assault ships of the "Mistral", which Russia plans to produce jointly with France. Especially "omoryachennogo" helicopter will be folding rotor blades, inflatable ballonets emergency landing on water and navigation system.
14 photos via slon
The Ka-52 "Alligator" is a further development of the model, the Ka-50 "Black Shark". The first test flight took place June 27, 2008, production began after 4 months. As part of the defense procurement Russian army until 2012 is to get 30 of these helicopters. Month of the manufacturer - JSC "Arsenyev Aviation Company" Progress ". Sazykina "the Holding" Helicopters of Russia "- released two" Alligator. "
We begin with the mechanical workshop production, which looks surprisingly modern in. As part of its modernization equipment is installed DMG, Mazak, Valter with CNC. In total, "Russian Helicopters" invested in various forms (cash contributions to the share capital, government guarantees on loans, subsidies for the payment of interest rates) of about 8 billion rubles in technical re-equipment.

8 billion rubles - serious money, more than the revenue of the plant in 2010. What are the "Russian Helicopters", they invest? Sam holding part of the corporation "Oboronprom", which, in turn, belongs to the "Russian Technologies". This is the only developer and manufacturer of helicopters in Russia, which includes a 5 helicopter plants and two manufacturers of components and two design bureaus. And they demanded money for modernization. It was carried out, as a result, mainly in debt (in the photo: a mechanical workshop production).

As a result, the end of 2010 net debt "Helicopters of Russia" accounted for 28, 4 billion rubles. At the same time in 2011 it was planned capital expenditures at the level of 16, 5 billion rubles., For 2012 - another 12, 8 billion rubles. Money for development decided to draw on the London Stock Exchange: in early April, holding all of a sudden announced plans to hold an IPO in May. The company, surprising very high EBITDA margin relative to other helicopter manufacturers, commended itself in the range of $ 1, 8-2, 3 billion (in the photo: the equipment of the company Walter).

Meanwhile, we turn to the laser processing of parts. Using cutting complex Tru Laser 3530 in the machining of parts achieves unique precision of their execution. The machine operates in automatic mode for a given program. He is able to conduct cutting of sheet metal, replacing almost the whole shop vykolotchikov-closers. Laser cut metal up to 5 mm.

Modern equipment allows software control to create parts of the helicopter to meet exact parameters. After input the intelligent Machining Complex creates parts with minimal human intervention.

A little watch the work of craftsmen and, at the same time, back to the IPO. "Helicopters of Russia" held a prominent advertising campaign. The highlight was the placement of congratulations with the wedding Prince William in the newspaper The Times. The advertisement took a whole page on which was depicted hanging over Buckingham Palace Mi-26 helicopter with a big gift parcel. And the slogan: "One well-known pilot from a reputable manufacturer of helicopters." Easy puzzle: Prince William familiar with helicopters. So, in 2008, he even landed a helicopter in the courtyard of the Royal Air Force's future wife Kate Middleton. However, "Russian Helicopters" greeting prince did not help. IPO is not held

Next shop - casting. On the "Progress" was created for the unique Russian foundry based on advanced Italian production lines, including molding machine at low pressure and a line of cold-hardening mixtures

New casting complex Italian company IMF, which will significantly improve the quality of castings, was commissioned in 2010. "Progress" received orders to perform foundry work and other enterprises "Helicopters of Russia" by developing interplant cooperation holding

The process of building a helicopter from the manufacturing of the first parts before the start of the flight test takes about 9 months. In the workshop the final assembly of a plurality of parts, components and assemblies, including the latest VK-2500 engines, which develop in the emergency mode power up to 2400 hp, gyro-stabilized optronic station GOES-452 radar complex "Crossbow-52" navigation system, a complex of radio communication equipment, a complex of self-defense, emergency escape complex machines and many other important systems and created the Ka-52.

Why IPO attempt ended in failure? Blame not only unfavorable situation. Eventually, in July held on the LSE placement holding "Fosagro" sverhuspeshnyh investors turned IPO «Yandex" on the Nasdaq. Perhaps, the reasons lie in the structure of the transaction. "Helicopters of Russia" were planning to place shares worth more than $ 500 million. But only $ 250 million - in the additional issue. The remaining funds were intended OPK "Oboronprom", which did not disclose what they will (in the photo: the final assembly shop).

But because "Alligator" in a protective color green.

The next step after the assembly of the helicopter - the test. The factory is checked all systems of each new helicopter and its flight performance, handling qualities. Test pilots of "progress" is usually carried out several missions, each of which operate on a specific program aimed at measuring and evaluating the performance of a system. After factory testing bearer helicopter undergoes tests in which the customer has to make sure the quality of the machine. And then comes the stage of acceptance tests, which have military pilots themselves evaluate the car in the air before it is supplied to the troops.

Ka-52 firings. "Alligator" can attack air and ground targets. Range depends on the type of weapon. Automatic gun with high accuracy would get the enemy at a distance of 4 km. Anti-tank missiles "Whirlwind" is able to destroy a target at a distance of 8 km and an anti-aircraft missile "Needle" overtake aerial target at a distance of 4 km.

The first batch of serial Ka-52 "Alligator" was given the Ministry of Defence in May 2011. These helicopter gunships transferred to combat units of army aviation in the territory of the Eastern Military District.
And in the coming years will be maritime version of the Ka-52K, which will be based on the Navy ships, including amphibious assault ships of the "Mistral", which Russia plans to produce jointly with France. Especially "omoryachennogo" helicopter will be folding rotor blades, inflatable ballonets emergency landing on water and navigation system.
