Places on Earth where blood chills
Fans of thrills will be provided with a good charge of adrenaline - that is why these terrible attractions continue to gain popularity. You are waiting for nightmarish, post-apocalyptic landscapes, ghostly stories, mad scientists, serial killers, dark magic, gates to otherworldly worlds, secrets and legends. Are you intrigued? Then move on, and goosebumps will be provided. Many consider this place the most terrible in Italy. Povelia is a small island near Venice. The island was once a plague pit called lazaretto, a mass quarantine of victims of the bubonic plague during the Black Death epidemic in Europe. Here the infected lived out their last days until they were finally buried in huge pits. Thousands of graves were discovered in 2007, but the hundreds of thousands of restless souls buried in them are not the only mystery of the site. In 1922, a psychiatric hospital was built on the island of Povelia. According to legend, the chief doctor performed all kinds of experiments on his patients, torturing and torturing them. He eventually went mad and committed suicide by jumping off the bell tower. Some say he survived the fall but disappeared without a trace. In 1968, the hospital closed its doors and the entire island was abandoned.
One of the most unusual temples in the world, the chapel in Kutna Hora in the Czech Republic is decorated with the skeletons of more than 70,000 people. This is more than just a crypt. The bones were carefully arranged like a work of art, with chandeliers of bones and garlands of skulls hanging from the ceilings. It looks like this place is made entirely of bones. When it was rumored that a piece of the Holy Land was located in the small town of Kutna Hora in the Czech Republic, many people from all over the world chose Sedlec as their burial place. Hundreds of years later, there is no room for burial. And the blind monk began to lay them in the chapel - as a result, one of the most unusual sights in the world was born, which was called the Kostnitsa.
Once upon a time... there lived a little girl and she had a doll. This is how the story of this place can begin. An extensive system of canals and man-made islands, called chinampas, lies in the Jochimilco area of Mexico, and is home to one of the scariest places on Earth. The islands were inhabited by a single person, Julian Santana Barrera. One day, he found a drowned little girl in one of the canals, and then her doll nailed to the shore of one of the islands. In memory of the girl, he hung a doll on a tree. So he honored her spirit, then began collecting dolls and hanging them on trees. This place soon became known as Isla de las Munecas, or Doll Island. Now this is the place where the ghosts of puppets live.
On the shores of Lake Pontchartren in New Orleans is the most terrible haunted swamp in the world. According to legend and local folklore, in the Manchak Swamp live not only huge alligators, but also terrible monsters. The place is said to be the home of Rugaru, a species of werewolf. But that’s not all the horrors – the swamp is also haunted by the ghost of Julia White, a priestess of witchcraft who predicted that she would one day die and take the inhabitants of the entire swamp with her. She was right. When the priestess died in 1915, a hurricane struck the area and destroyed three neighboring villages. New Orleans is the American capital of witchcraft, it was in nearby swamps that the infamous Delphine Lalori tortured and killed her slaves along with her husband, Dr. Leonard Lalori. Also known as the Ghost Swamp, Manchak is a sinister place where visitors often encounter the bodies of Lalori's victims.
Also known as the Bermuda Triangle of Romania, Hoya Bachi in the heart of Transylvania is one of the most feared forests in the world. Stories of missing people, UFO sightings, strange shadows, radioactive areas, enraged compasses and electronic devices keep people at bay and puzzle scientists. Locals refuse to go to Hoya Bachi, fearing nausea, dizziness, cold, even unexplained scratches and burns on their skin. The forest is said to be the gateway to another world. Sometimes strange footprints appear in the snow and mud right in front of visitors, as if some invisible creature was walking around. Photos sometimes capture shadows, strange silhouettes and lights that the naked eye cannot see. Strange cases have been recorded and studied here since 1936. Even to this day, researchers have not found a clear explanation for these processes. The site became known in 1968 when military technician Emil Barnea ignored all warnings and decided to spend the weekend in the woods. In daylight, he and his friends saw something similar to a UFO, taking several pictures of a flying object. Years later, international experts classified the photos as the clearest UFO images ever taken.
On April 26, 1986, at 1:23 AM, the fourth nuclear reactor of the Chernobyl power plant exploded. All residents in neighboring areas were evacuated due to extremely high levels of radiation. Abandoned cities often appear in movies and books, but we rarely get to see one in real life. Pripyat is such a city, part of the Chernobyl Forbidden Zone, just 15 kilometers from the nuclear installation. The settlement was founded in 1970 specifically for workers and their families. After a nuclear disaster in 1986, Pripyat was abandoned. The residents left in such a hurry that they left everything - things and property. The most sinister place is the amusement park, now absorbed by vegetation. Although Pripyat is generally considered an abandoned city, there are some people still living here. Inhabited buildings are no different than abandoned buildings, except for a sign on the front door that says, “The owner of this house lives here.”
In the foothills of Mount Fuji in Japan, is the Aokigahara Forest, which in Japanese mythology has always been considered a demonic place. It is the second most popular place for suicide on the planet, after the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. In 2002 alone, 78 bodies were found in the forest. In 2010, 50 people committed suicide in these forests. Since the 1950s, more than 500 people have died in the Aokigahara Forest, mostly men in their 30s. No one can explain what attracts people who want to end their lives. The ghosts of these suicides are said to still roam the woods, scaring tourists and photographers, and luring others with them. Another ominous feature is the unusual silence of the forest. Scientists explained that this is due to the high density of trees blocking the wind. However, it is very scary and creepy, like calm before a storm.
The extensive network of labyrinth-shaped catacombs spans more than 180 miles of the dungeon of the capital of France and is one of the main and most bizarre sights of Paris. Visited by more than a million tourists each year, only a few branches of the catacombs are open to curious visitors, the rest are considered dangerous and it is illegal to enter. During the 17th and 18th centuries, Paris became too crowded and needed more land to expand its territory. Authorities have come up with a "practical" solution to the problem - dug up the dead and buried their remains in the catacombs under the city. The bones were placed on shelves one above the other, legs to legs, hands to hands and skulls to skulls. The L’Ossuaire Municipal is an eerie crypt containing the earthly remains of more than 6 million souls. The monumental silence isn't the only chilling thing visitors will encounter here. The dark strong smell of decay and half-darkness will accompany the brave men who decided to go to the catacombs of Paris all the way.
The most terrifying concentration camp in the world is 38 miles west of Krakow. The Auschwitz concentration camp was created by the Nazis mainly to exterminate Jews. Prisoners were tortured, starved, burned in huge ovens. Auschwitz saw 2.5 million prisoners executed under the Nazi regime, including Jews, Roma, Poles and Soviet soldiers. One of the scariest places in the world, with its gas chambers and cages, is now open to visitors. However, many guests leave the tour halfway, unable to withstand the tension and horror. A person here may just burst into tears, feeling as if some invisible hands were touching him, or hearing a quiet otherworldly whisper. The atmosphere in Auschwitz-Birkenau is really oppressive. The interior walls of the gas chambers even preserved nail scratch marks left by people going to their deaths.
The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, codenamed Security Prison 21, is a former high school where thousands of people were tortured and killed between 1975 and 1979, under Khmer Rouge rule in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Approximately 17,000 inmates were tortured inside the walls. Only seven are known to have survived. Most were forced to confess to crimes they did not commit. Their ghosts are said to continue to roam the halls and cages of Tuol Sleng. The Khmer Rouge recorded all the interrogations, keeping them in their personal archives. Nearly 6,000 of those records have been recovered and are now hanging on prison walls. Each tells a different story - the confessions of innocent people who were thrown into these rooms, men, mothers with babies in their arms. Images alone are enough to haunt you for the rest of your life, so it is better not to go here impressionable. Security Prison 21 was recently turned into the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and is open to all visitors. Continue the selection of creepy places look in a separate article.
Source: lifeglobe.net/
One of the most unusual temples in the world, the chapel in Kutna Hora in the Czech Republic is decorated with the skeletons of more than 70,000 people. This is more than just a crypt. The bones were carefully arranged like a work of art, with chandeliers of bones and garlands of skulls hanging from the ceilings. It looks like this place is made entirely of bones. When it was rumored that a piece of the Holy Land was located in the small town of Kutna Hora in the Czech Republic, many people from all over the world chose Sedlec as their burial place. Hundreds of years later, there is no room for burial. And the blind monk began to lay them in the chapel - as a result, one of the most unusual sights in the world was born, which was called the Kostnitsa.
Once upon a time... there lived a little girl and she had a doll. This is how the story of this place can begin. An extensive system of canals and man-made islands, called chinampas, lies in the Jochimilco area of Mexico, and is home to one of the scariest places on Earth. The islands were inhabited by a single person, Julian Santana Barrera. One day, he found a drowned little girl in one of the canals, and then her doll nailed to the shore of one of the islands. In memory of the girl, he hung a doll on a tree. So he honored her spirit, then began collecting dolls and hanging them on trees. This place soon became known as Isla de las Munecas, or Doll Island. Now this is the place where the ghosts of puppets live.
On the shores of Lake Pontchartren in New Orleans is the most terrible haunted swamp in the world. According to legend and local folklore, in the Manchak Swamp live not only huge alligators, but also terrible monsters. The place is said to be the home of Rugaru, a species of werewolf. But that’s not all the horrors – the swamp is also haunted by the ghost of Julia White, a priestess of witchcraft who predicted that she would one day die and take the inhabitants of the entire swamp with her. She was right. When the priestess died in 1915, a hurricane struck the area and destroyed three neighboring villages. New Orleans is the American capital of witchcraft, it was in nearby swamps that the infamous Delphine Lalori tortured and killed her slaves along with her husband, Dr. Leonard Lalori. Also known as the Ghost Swamp, Manchak is a sinister place where visitors often encounter the bodies of Lalori's victims.
Also known as the Bermuda Triangle of Romania, Hoya Bachi in the heart of Transylvania is one of the most feared forests in the world. Stories of missing people, UFO sightings, strange shadows, radioactive areas, enraged compasses and electronic devices keep people at bay and puzzle scientists. Locals refuse to go to Hoya Bachi, fearing nausea, dizziness, cold, even unexplained scratches and burns on their skin. The forest is said to be the gateway to another world. Sometimes strange footprints appear in the snow and mud right in front of visitors, as if some invisible creature was walking around. Photos sometimes capture shadows, strange silhouettes and lights that the naked eye cannot see. Strange cases have been recorded and studied here since 1936. Even to this day, researchers have not found a clear explanation for these processes. The site became known in 1968 when military technician Emil Barnea ignored all warnings and decided to spend the weekend in the woods. In daylight, he and his friends saw something similar to a UFO, taking several pictures of a flying object. Years later, international experts classified the photos as the clearest UFO images ever taken.
On April 26, 1986, at 1:23 AM, the fourth nuclear reactor of the Chernobyl power plant exploded. All residents in neighboring areas were evacuated due to extremely high levels of radiation. Abandoned cities often appear in movies and books, but we rarely get to see one in real life. Pripyat is such a city, part of the Chernobyl Forbidden Zone, just 15 kilometers from the nuclear installation. The settlement was founded in 1970 specifically for workers and their families. After a nuclear disaster in 1986, Pripyat was abandoned. The residents left in such a hurry that they left everything - things and property. The most sinister place is the amusement park, now absorbed by vegetation. Although Pripyat is generally considered an abandoned city, there are some people still living here. Inhabited buildings are no different than abandoned buildings, except for a sign on the front door that says, “The owner of this house lives here.”
In the foothills of Mount Fuji in Japan, is the Aokigahara Forest, which in Japanese mythology has always been considered a demonic place. It is the second most popular place for suicide on the planet, after the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. In 2002 alone, 78 bodies were found in the forest. In 2010, 50 people committed suicide in these forests. Since the 1950s, more than 500 people have died in the Aokigahara Forest, mostly men in their 30s. No one can explain what attracts people who want to end their lives. The ghosts of these suicides are said to still roam the woods, scaring tourists and photographers, and luring others with them. Another ominous feature is the unusual silence of the forest. Scientists explained that this is due to the high density of trees blocking the wind. However, it is very scary and creepy, like calm before a storm.
The extensive network of labyrinth-shaped catacombs spans more than 180 miles of the dungeon of the capital of France and is one of the main and most bizarre sights of Paris. Visited by more than a million tourists each year, only a few branches of the catacombs are open to curious visitors, the rest are considered dangerous and it is illegal to enter. During the 17th and 18th centuries, Paris became too crowded and needed more land to expand its territory. Authorities have come up with a "practical" solution to the problem - dug up the dead and buried their remains in the catacombs under the city. The bones were placed on shelves one above the other, legs to legs, hands to hands and skulls to skulls. The L’Ossuaire Municipal is an eerie crypt containing the earthly remains of more than 6 million souls. The monumental silence isn't the only chilling thing visitors will encounter here. The dark strong smell of decay and half-darkness will accompany the brave men who decided to go to the catacombs of Paris all the way.
The most terrifying concentration camp in the world is 38 miles west of Krakow. The Auschwitz concentration camp was created by the Nazis mainly to exterminate Jews. Prisoners were tortured, starved, burned in huge ovens. Auschwitz saw 2.5 million prisoners executed under the Nazi regime, including Jews, Roma, Poles and Soviet soldiers. One of the scariest places in the world, with its gas chambers and cages, is now open to visitors. However, many guests leave the tour halfway, unable to withstand the tension and horror. A person here may just burst into tears, feeling as if some invisible hands were touching him, or hearing a quiet otherworldly whisper. The atmosphere in Auschwitz-Birkenau is really oppressive. The interior walls of the gas chambers even preserved nail scratch marks left by people going to their deaths.
The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, codenamed Security Prison 21, is a former high school where thousands of people were tortured and killed between 1975 and 1979, under Khmer Rouge rule in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Approximately 17,000 inmates were tortured inside the walls. Only seven are known to have survived. Most were forced to confess to crimes they did not commit. Their ghosts are said to continue to roam the halls and cages of Tuol Sleng. The Khmer Rouge recorded all the interrogations, keeping them in their personal archives. Nearly 6,000 of those records have been recovered and are now hanging on prison walls. Each tells a different story - the confessions of innocent people who were thrown into these rooms, men, mothers with babies in their arms. Images alone are enough to haunt you for the rest of your life, so it is better not to go here impressionable. Security Prison 21 was recently turned into the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and is open to all visitors. Continue the selection of creepy places look in a separate article.
Source: lifeglobe.net/